13 research outputs found

    Rasionalitas Tuntutan Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Untuk Otonomi Khusus

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    The demand for autonomy in East Kalimantan seems premature since it does not have a strong legal basis. The demand for autonomy was raised after the cancelation of Act No.33/2004 on Financial Balance between Central and Local Government. On the one hand, the demand for autonomy seems reasonably well-justified that even though Kalimantan Timur is a natural resource rich province, yet its people are still living under poverty. From environmental viewpoint, the demand also seems reasonable. With the right to manage natural resources independently, Kalimantan Timur will be able to control the extraction of its resources, so as not to cause damage to the environment. On the other hand, the demand contains fundamental weaknesses with regards to capacity for implementing a good governance and the readiness of local human resources. There are still doubts about the relative size of the budget that cannot be absorbed and the lack of transparency in the use of development funds in the province

    The Effectiveness of Zakah, Infaq, Sadaqah (ZIS) Management by BAZDA to Improve the Welfare of Society in Central Java

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    The big potential of Zakah, infaq, and Sadaqah (ZIS) in Central Java is one of the instruments for reducing poverty and improving the welfare of the society. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of management ZIS optimally so as to make a significant contribution to poverty reduction and improved well-being. Regulation No. 23 of 2011 on the management of Zakah has provided the legal basis which is very strong in the management of Zakah, by collecting, distributing, and accountability of it.The unit of analysis in this study is the Bazda in Central Java Province. The sample is four districts/cities, including: the city and regency of Semarang, Jepara and Demak district. In addition, the study respondents aremanagers of Bazda, muzzaki, and mustahik in four districts/cities.The findings show that all Bazda have already had database on muzaki and mustahik, but still incomplete, so it cannot be done for the sake of collecting and mapping the distribution of ZIS effectively and efficiently. Moreover, the condition of the building, infrastructure and operational funds sourced budgets have not been able to support the operations and performance of the collection, distribution and reporting effectively and efficiently. Distribution and utilization of ZIS is dominated for the fulfillment of consumer needs and focused on the areas of health, education and social, while, empowering productive business activities is still slightly low, so that it is necessary to have a paradigm shift in the management of the ZIS to make mustahikbecome more productive. It is required a coordinated and integrated cooperation between Bazda District/City, Baz Districts, the regency/state, enterprises, SOEs and private agencies in order to collect ZIS effectively and efficiently and not only dominated merely by the civil servants. Reporting and accountability system, so far, has been conducted in a transparent and accountable through a written report to the District / City Government and Parliament, but some Bazdado not provide it to mustahikin detail, either in book form or through the WEB. Only the district of Jepara which has a complete reporting system, regular, detailed and printed in book form to be sent to the Government, Parliament, and the muzaki of related parties

    Observation Report of the Endemic Chestnut-bellied Hill-partridge (Arborophila Javanica Lawuana) in Tahura Raden Soerjo, East Java

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    Chestnut-bellied Hill-Partridge (Arborophila javanica) is an endemic species of Java, and also one of four endemic partridge species in the Greater Sunda islands. This species is constituted by three subspecies which differ in the color pattern of their head. The first reported sighting of Chestnut-bellied Hill-Partridge (Arborophila javanica lawuana) in Cangar is by Nijman in 2003, and for these past ten years the observation data has been inadequately obtained by local birdwatchers although its call is remarkable ; the call might be frequently heard by birdwatchers but got missed. Several information about this bird has been collected, including its sound recording that we used during observations. Observations were conducted around Cangar tourism object, particularly along the main road linking Pacet (Mojokerto) and Batu (Malang). The observations resulted in the data on its behavior and the best observation spot, that is in Lemahbang

    New Report on the Distribution of Rare Bird Species in Tahura Raden Soerjo, East Java

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    The latest information about the distribution of a less-recorded Java-dwelling bird species found in Tahura Raden Soerjo (East Java) is noteworthy additional information in the field of ornithology. Observations were conducted in the Cangar tourism site, along the main road linking Pacet and Batu, as well as in the northern area of Tahura Raden Soerjo, which includes the hiking trails of the Welirang-Arjuno mountains. The birds with minimum records are the Hill Myna (Gracula religiosa), Thick-billed Flowerpecker (Dicaeum agile), Yellow-vented Flowerpecker (Dicaeum chryssorheum), Sunda Thrush (Zoothera andromedae), Narcissus Flycatcher (Ficedula narcissina), Brown Wood-owl (Strix leptogrammica), Oriental Bay-owl (Phodilus badius), and Rhinoceros Hornbill (Buceros rhinoceros). Several findings are supported with detailed documentations and direct observation data that can be accounted for. This information denotes that Tahura Raden Soerjo is a potential hotspot to be preserved for the sake of the rare bird species and the other biodiversity

    Wild Animals Inventarisation in Sempu Island Nature Reserve [ Wild Animals Inventarisation in Sempu Island Nature Reserve]

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    Keberadaan satwa liar di cagar alam diharapkan terus lestari dan menjadi simpanan sumberdaya genetik dimasa yang akan data. Beragam aktivitas yang dilakukan di Cagar Alam Pulau Sempu (CAPS) saat ini dirasa sangat perlu dilakukan pengelolaan sesuai dengan status kawasan konservasi yang berupa cagar alam. Aktivitas ekotourism yang berkembang dikawasan sekitar CAPS memicu kekhawatiran akan terganggunya keberadaaan dan keanekaragaman satwa yang menghuni kawasan konservasi di Malang selatan ini. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan survei potensi satwa liar dilakukan di CAPS. Penelitian ini penelitian deskriptif yang menguraikan data-data yang didapatkan dan dijelaskan baik dengan tabel maupun grafik. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan September-Nopember 2015. Metode jelajah digunakan dalam pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian telah menemukan 66 jenis jenis burung. Dari sejumlah burung tersebut memiliki status berbeda-beda yaitu 10 jenis burung endemik Indonesia, 25 jenis burung dilindungi, empat jenis migran, sembilan jenis merupakan Appendix CITES, empat jenis burung bernilai konservasi tinggi (jenis-jenis yang masuk dalam Redlist IUCN) yaitu Pelatuk merah (Chrysophlegma miniaceum) dan Sikatan-rimba dadacoklat (Rhinomyias olivaceus).Sedangkan jenis mamalia ditemukan sembilan species dan reptilia sebanyak tujuh species. Selain jenis burung, mamalia dan reptil, hasil survei ini juga telah menemukan satu species Lepidoptera terdokumentasikan adalah Idea stolli. Kajian tentang kelompok satwa ini perlu mendapatkan perhatian mengingat pentingnya dalam ekologis di CAPS


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    Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) merupakan kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan mahasiswa terhadap masyarakat. Pada kegiatan KKN Alternatif 75. Divisi I.C.3 berlokasi di RW 04 Jtimulyo, Kricak, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan kepala rw, diperoleh masalah, yakni kurang aktifnya kegiatan remaja masjid dikarenakan masih dalam pandemi, belum terbentuknya remaja desa diamana masyarakat disana beragana kristen dan katolik sehingga adanya remaja desa sangat diperlukan, tempat sampah umum sangat jarang ditemukan sehingga perlu dibuat tempat sampat ditempat-tempat umum