8 research outputs found

    The Influence of Paddy Fields toward The Seasonal Herbaceous Wetland Ecosystem in Rawa Pening Lake

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    Most of the tidal land in the lakeside of Rawa Pening is currently used for rice farming activities. This activity is thought to have negative impacts on seasonal herbaceous wetland ecosystem in this region. The study aimed to analyze the influence paddy fields toward the seasonal herbaceous wetland ecosystems in Rawa Pening Lake through an vegetation composition and structure approach. This study is a quantitative descriptive research with field observation method. Data of vegetation was collected using line intercept transect technique in the area widely of 625 m2 for each affected and unaffected ecosystem sample. Data analysis was performed by calculating the Sorensen Similarity Index (IS), the Margalef Diversity Index (R), the Shanon-Wiener Diversity Index (H'), the Dominance Index (C), and the Evenness Index (E). The results showed that there were differences in the composition and structure of vegetation on the two ecosystem samples, seen from the value of similarity index (IS) between both of them that included in the low criteria (39.85%). The results also showed that the Shanon-Wiener Diversity Index (H') and the Margalef Diversity Index (R) on the affected ecosystem sampleà (H' = 1,9834; R = 1,825) are lower when compared to the unaffected ecosystem sample (H'= 2,1297; R = 2,112). So it can be concluded that the existence of paddy fields has changed the composition and structure of vegetation and reduced the diversity of vegetation in the affected ecosystem. Based on these conclusions, it is recommended to construct a sustainable management system of paddy fields on Rawa Pening Lake's tidal land as the effort for natural ecosystems maintenance in this region, especially in the biodiversity and ecological services preservation

    Inventarisasi Keanekaragaman Vegetasi Pohon yang Dapat Mengkonservasi Air di Kawasan Sumber Mata Air Senjoyo

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    Air yang menenuhi kriteria kualitas air yang bersih menjadi salah satu standar kualitas hidup masyarakat banyak. Akan tetapi seiring dengan berkembangnya zaman, ketersediaan air yang memenuhi kualitas sangat sulit ditemukan. Masyarakat Kecamatan Sukun yang mengakses air yang sudah terjamin bersih masih sangat minim. Penyakit diare menjadi penyakit berbasis lingkungan yang disebabkan oleh konsumsi air yang yang paling banyak terjadi di Kecamatan Sukun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keterkaitan antara kualitas air tanah dangkal dengan tingkat risiko terkena penyakit pada masyarakat di Kecamatan Sukun Kota Malang. Kualitas air tanah dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode Water Quality Index. Tingkat risiko terkena penyakit dianalisis dengan metode Quantitative Microbiological Risk Assessment. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui keterkaitannya menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson Product Moment. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan parameter E. coli tergolong cukup tinggi, sedangkan untuk parameter pH, TDS dan suhu tergolong dalam kategori aman. Nilai indeks kualitas air berada pada kategori cukup, baik, dan sangat baik. Tingkat risiko terkena penyakit diare pada masyarakat tergolong tinggi. Keterkaitan antara kualitas air tanah dengan tingkat risiko terkena penyakit di lokasi penelitian tergolong dalam hubungan kuat negatif. Tingkat risiko terkena penyakit diare pada masyarakat tergolong tinggi, akan tetapi fakta di lapangan menujukkan bahwa masyarakat rata-rata tidak mengalami gangguan kesehatan khususnya diare. Hal ini disebabkan karena masyarakat menerapkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat dengan baik

    The Effect of Wall Type and Environmental Conditions toward Blood Type Identification Success Rate in Identifying Criminal Evident

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    Findings of blood at the crime scene (TKP) can provide important information in criminal cases such as homicide. Blood findings at crime scenes are usually blood spots or traces of blood that can be found on various substrates. This study aims to determine the type of wall substrate and environmental conditions that have the ability to preserve blood better, prove by success rate in identifying blood type in ABO system until 336 hour of exposure. In this study, blood samples were exposed to three variations of wall substrates, namely plastered walls, plastered and painted walls, plastered and oil-painted walls; and in two different environmental conditions (indoor and outdoor). The method used to identify blood type in this study was absorption elution. First, blood samples from substrate was transferred to a gauze by NaCl 0,98%. Then a confirmation test was carried out to ensure that the gauze sample contains a blood sample. Positive results of the confirmation test were indicated by a change in the color of the sample to bluish green when it is dripped with H2O2 and Leuco Malachite Green (LMG). The positive sample was then dripped with antiserum to determine the blood type. The success of identification of blood groups was indicated by the agglutination in the samples that were dripped with antisera A, because the blood samples used in this study are group A. The results showed that the success rate of blood group identification on the three types of substrates in the indoor environment for 336 hours was 100%. Meanwhile, in the outdoor environment, only blood samples exposed to plastered wall substrate and wall paint for 264 hours could be identified for their blood type. It can be concluded that the three types of wall substrates have the same ability to preserve blood samples for up to 336 hours of exposure, but the environmental conditions that give the best percentage of successful blood group identification were in indoor conditions. For further research is recommended to focus on external environmental factors that have the most influence on the success of blood group identification in dried blood samples


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    Reduksi Cr(VI) pada Tanah Menggunakan Microbacterium sp. Strain SpR3 dengan Bahan Pembawa Vermikompos Kromium hexavalen [Cr(VI)] adalah polutan yang berasal dari kegiatan industri. Microbacterium sp. strain SpR3 dapat digunakan sebagai agen bioremediasi Cr(VI). Kemampuan agen biologi untuk mereduksi Cr(VI) umumnya meningkat bila diinokulasi dalam media pembawa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kemampuan Microbacterium sp. strain SpR3 dalam mengurangi Cr(VI) serta membandingkannya dengan kondisi ketika diinokulasi dalam media pembawa vermikompos. Pengamatan dilakukan selama tujuh hari pada tiga perlakuan yang berbeda, yakni Microbacterium sp. strain SpR3 dengan dan tanpa media pembawa vermikompos yang diinokulasi pada tanah steril yang mengandung 50 ppm Cr(VI), dan tanah steril tanpa inokulasi bakteri yang mengandung 50 ppm Cr(VI). Variabel yang diamati adalah jumlah bakteri, konsentrasi, dan kecepatan reduksi Cr(VI) oleh bakteri tersebut di dalam tanah pada T0 (hari ke-0) dan T7 (hari ke-7). Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa vermikompos bisa digunakan sebagai media pembawa Microbacterium sp. strain SpR3 karena dapat meningkatkan jumlah bakteri sampai 2 × 1010 CFU g-1 di dalam tanah dan dapat mengurangi Cr(VI) dengan kecepatan 0,095 mg L-1 jam-1. Hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] is a pollutant originated from industrial activities. Microbacterium sp. strain SpR3 can be used as Cr(VI) bioremediation agent. The ability of bioagent to reduce Cr(VI) usually improves when inoculated in a carrier. This research aimed to assess the ability of Microbacterium sp. strain SpR3 to reduce Cr(VI) in soil and compare its ability when inoculated in vermicompost carrier. Observations were carried out for seven days on three different treatments, namely Microbacterium sp. strain SpR3 with and without vermicompost inoculated in sterile soils containing 50 ppm Cr(VI), and sterile soils containing 50 ppm Cr(VI) without bacterial inoculation. The observed variables were the number of bacteria, the concentration of Cr(VI) and the rate of Cr(VI) reduction by these bacteria in the soil at T0 (day 0) and T7 (day 7). It was concluded that vermicompost could be used as a carrier of Microbacterium sp. strain SpR3 as it could increase the number of the bacteria to 2 × 1010 CFU g-1 in soil and could reduce Cr(VI) at the rate of 0.095 mg L-1 h-1

    Effect of Addition of Fermented Liquid on Silage Quality of Turi Leaves (Sesbania grandiflora) and Cassava Tubers (Manihot esculenta) as Fish Feed Ingredients

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    Utilization of Turi leaves (Sesbania grandiflora) and cassava tubers (Manihot esculenta) as a protein source to replace some fish meal can be done by silage of the two ingredients. This silage fermentation process requires adding inoculum from the fermented liquid to obtain good quality silage. This study aims to determine the effect of fermented liquid on the quality of silage made from Turi leaves and cassava tubers for fish feed ingredients through parameters of Titration End Point and pH levels. The research treatment was the addition of fermented liquid for four days with a sugar content of 1% (CT4-1%) in the treatment silage (S_CT4-1%), compared to the initial silage (SA) and the negative control silage (SKN). The results showed a significant (P<0.05) addition of CT4-1% fermented liquid, namely Titration End Point S_CT4-1% a significant increase of 281.9% from 18.33 mL in SA to 70.00 mL in treatment. The pH condition significantly decreased from 5.35 in SA to 4.17 in the treatment. Titration End Point on SKN only increased by 90.9% from 18.33 mL to 35.00 mL, with pH only dropping from 5.35 to 4.31. Study concuded that CT4-1% produced excellent quality silage of Turi leaves and cassava tubers based on TAT and pH levels. This quality can increase the chance of silage of Turi leaves and cassava tubers treated with CT4-1% as a partial substitute for fish meal in fish feed manufacture

    Pelatihan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) Untuk Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru MGMP Biologi SMA Kabupaten Semarang

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    Interview results showed that teachers still experience difficulties in carrying out educational action research, especially in developing instruments for collecting data and analize the results. Community Service in collaboration with 35 teachers who are members of the Biology Teacher Association (MGMP) of Semarang District as partners was carried out as an effort to resolve these problems. Community Service was carried out through three stages, namely preparation, training, and evaluation. The main stage of this program was carried out in the form of training using the lecture and discussion methods which are presented in three parts. The results of the questionnaire analysis at the end of the program showed that on average the majority of answers were agreed (as much as 60.7%) to various statements indicating an increase in partners' understanding and skills regarding educational action research. Therefore, it was concluded that the PkM program implemented succeeded in increasing partners' knowledge of the basic concepts of educational action research  preparation. The training provided has also improved the skills of teachers in carrying out and writing scientific papers resulting from educational action research.Hasil wawancara menunjukkan bahwa guru masih mengalami kesulitan dalam melakukan PTK, khususnya dalam mengembangkan instrumen dalam pengambilan data serta analisis data yang diperoleh. Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) yang berkolaborasi dengan 35 guru anggota Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) Biologi Kabupaten Semarang sebagai mitra dilaksanakan sebagai upaya penyelesaian terhadap permasalahan tersebut. PkM dilakukan melalui tiga tahapan, yaitu persiapan, pelatihan, dan evaluasi. Tahap utama dalam program  ini dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pelatihan dengan metode ceramah dan diskusi yang disajikan dalam tiga termin. Hasil analisis kuesioner pada akhir program menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata jawaban terbanyak adalah pada pilihan setuju (sebanyak 60,7%) terhadap berbagai pernyataan yang menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pemahaman serta keterampilan mitra mengenai PTK. Oleh karena itu, disimpulkan bahwa program PkM yang dilaksanakan telah berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan mitra mengenai konsep dasar penyusunan PTK. Pelatihan yang diberikan juga telah meningkatkan keterampilan guru-guru dalam melaksanaan PTK serta menulis karya ilmiah hasil PTK.&nbsp

    Deteksi Dini Kesehatan Warga RT 02 RW 08 Dusun Rogomulyo Kabupaten Semarang Sebagai Upaya Antisipasi Fatalitas Covid-19

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    COVID-19 has a low fatality rate but has developed into a pandemic due to its highly infectious nature. Nonetheless, COVID-19 fatality is increasing in patients with a history of comorbidities. Based on survey, it was concluded that the understanding of the residents of RT 02 RW 08 Dusun Rogomulyo, Semarang Regency regarding the comorbid COVID-19 was still lacking. In addition, there was the limited funds as problem among residents to carry out medical check-up regularly. Therefore, it was necessary to increase the understanding and detection of the comorbid COVID-19 presence in these community groups. This Community Service consists of four stages of activities, including survey, health education, free medical check -up, and data analysis. The free medical   check-up produced the existing comorbid COVID-19 information in this community group as its activity output, namely cardiovascular disease, especially hypertension (51.1%) and cholesterol (20%). This information supports socialization activities and was able to foster understanding and awareness of citizens to better maintain their health conditions, especially related to the comorbidity of COVID-19.Penyakit COVID-19 memiliki tingkat fatalitas rendah namun berkembang menjadi pandemi akibat sifatnya yang sangat infeksius. Meskipun demikian, fatalitas COVID-19 meningkat pada pasien dengan riwayat komorbid. Berdasarkan hasil survei, disimpulkan bahwa pemahaman warga RT 02 RW 08 Dusun Rogomulyo Kabupaten Semarang mengenai komorbid COVID-19 dirasa masih kurang. Selain itu, terdapat permasalahan keterbatasan dana untuk melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan di kalangan warga. Oleh karena itu, peningkatan pemahaman serta deteksi keberadaan komorbid COVID-19 dalam kelompok masyarakat tersebut perlu diupayakan. Pelaksanaan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini terdiri dari empat tahapan kegiatan mulai dari survei, penyuluhan kesehatan, pemeriksaan kesehatarn gratis, hingga analisis data. Kegiatan pemeriksaan kesehatan menghasilkan luaran berupa informasi mengenai komorbid COVID-19 yang ada pada kelompok masyarakat tersebut, yaitu penyakit kardiovaskuler terutama hipertensi (51,1%) dan kolesterol (20%). Informasi tersebut mendukung kegiatan penyuluhan yang dilakukan serta dinilai mampu menumbuhkan pemahaman dan kesadaran warga untuk lebih menjaga kondisi kesehatannya, terutama terkait  komorbid COVID-19

    Identifikasi Isolat Bakteri Pereduksi Cr(VI) (Identification of Cr(VI)-Reducing Bacteria)

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    Previous studies had successfully obtained nine isolates of Cr(VI) tolerant bacteria from the rhizosphere of Acalypha indicacultivated in a soil medium contaning a mixture of textile waste water and tannery waste water (Meitiniarti et al.2012) and two isolates from a tannery waste water treatment plants (Natasia 2012). All of the eleven isolates were also recognized as Cr(VI)-reducing bacteria, yet these isolates have not yet been identified. Furthermore, one isolate encoded as SpR3 showed a high Cr(VI) reduction ability and is therefore potential for further bioremediation of Cr-contaminated environments. This study aims to identify these Cr(VI)-reducing isolates using morphological and physiological approaches. As one isolates could hardly be grown in Luria Agar medium, there were only ten isolates proceeded in the series of identification study. There was only one gram-positive bacteria that was identified as Streptococcus sp. The remaining nine isolates were all gram negative bacteria, where six isolates belong to the genus Moraxella, and three isolates belong to the genus Acinetobacter. Isolate SpR3 which showed high ability of Cr(VI) reduction in LB medium contaning 100 ug ml-1Cr(VI) belong to the genusAcinetobacterand were further identified up to species level on the basis of colony growth at high temperature, nitrate reduction, gelatine hydrolysis, acid formation from D-glucose, utilization of organic acids (citrate, malonate, lactic acids) and etanol, and utilization of selected amino acids. The colony growth at high temperature as well as physiological properties that are regarded as specific to differentiate the eight known species within the genus Acinetobacter (Henayl 2000) showed that isolate SpR3 was very close identical to Acinetobacter lwoffii