13 research outputs found

    Kajian Persepsi dan Potensi Pengembangan Kawasan Pariwisata Pulau Kecil Studi Kasus: Kawasan Pantai Padang Melang Kecamatan Jemaja Kabupaten Natuna

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    Small Islands are potential area to be developed becoming tourism area. Jemaja Island as one of the small islands have potency to be able to be developed, which recognized with Padang Melang area. This research is aimed to know perception of society regarding to development of the area and compile tourism potencies that can be developed. Method the used is descriptive method with SWOT analysis. Result of this research indicates that society very support development of tourism (with good perception). Tourism potency is able to be developed including coastal tourism, maritime tourism, natural tourism and history tourism. Development strategy that recommended involve settlement and development of package of tourism, development of tourism facility, adding local transportation facility, opening flight and applying of base on community development in development of tourism

    Kajian Dampak Pemekaran Wilayah terhadap Kesenjangan Ekonomi Antar Daerah Pesisir di Provinsi Bengkulu

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    This research were conducted to analyze the impact of regional division to the economic disparity among the coastal regions in Bengkulu Province. The data used in this research were time series data of GRDP and population for the period of 1993 to 2000 (before division) and 2004 to 2011 (after divison) obtained from Statistic Office. The result of this research showed that the value of Index Williamson(IW) before regional division was 0,22 lower than the IW value after the regional division (0,43). That was meaned that after the regional division, economic disparity of the coastal region in Bengkulu Province higher than before the regional division

    Analisis USAha Budidaya Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus Ostreatus) Di Kecamatan Curup Tengah Kabupaten Rejang Lebong

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    The selection of oyster mushrooms as a commodity for business development in Bengkulu wooden mushroom cultivation because the cultivation of oyster mushrooms is relatively easier and faster than with other types of wood mushrooms. Rejang Lebong district is one of the areas in Bengkulu province of the white oyster mushroom cultivation. Business actors in the region of white oyster mushrooms contained in Rejang Lebong Curup Central District. Besides supported by the availability of raw materials in producing white oyster mushrooms such as sawdust, rice bran, lime, and the other as an additional element of media-making baglog, also supported by the availability of the white oyster mushroom market is big enough. The purpose of this study were: 1) Analyzing of income that be obtained from white oyster mushroom bussines of Curup Tengahsub discrict, rejang lebong discrict. 2)Analyzing of level profer or not profer white oyster mushroom bussines in midlle of curup sub discrict, rejang lebong discrict. 3)Analyzing the value- added that be obtained from the white oyster mushroom processing in curup sub discrict, rejang lebong discrict.The results showed that the income earned in Curup Tengah subdistrict white oyster mushroom cultivation in the amount of Rp. 3.901.470, -/Bulan. The magnitude of the efficiency of 1.88. Break even point dalah prices and production is Rp 13.703, - and 10,8 Kg. The amount of the added value obtained from the processing of white oyster mushrooms and a crispy nugget is equal to 33.49% or RP 19.959,02 and 53,77% or Rp 48.226,02 53

    Kajian Dampak Pemekaran Wilayah terhadap Kinerja Ekonomi Daerah Pesisir di Provinsi Bengkulu

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    The aims of this research were to analyze the impact of ECGI, WELFI, POVEI are used to regional divisions on coastal regions in Bengkulu Province to 1) economic performances before and after the divisions, and 2) economic performances of Core Region, New Autonomus Region, and both after the divisions. The results of this research : 1) the differential t test analyses of economic performance indicators in coastal region of Bengkulu Province showed that the economic growth before and after the divisions were not different, the GDP per capita after the divisions was higher than before, and the poverty indexes were same between before and after the divisions, and 2) the economic performance after the divisions of coastal region in Bengkulu Province could be explained that the economic growth of the Core Region was the highest and stable whereas the economic growth of the New Autonomous Region was the lowest and tend to unstable, the highest GDP per capita was occured on the Core Region and the lowest one was on the New Autonomous Region, while the lowest poverty index was on the Core Region and the highest one was on the New Autonomous Region

    Analisis Perkembangan Kinerja Keuangan pada PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya (Persero) Pemasaran Pusri Daerah (Ppd) Bengkulu

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    PT. Pupuk Sriwijya Pemasaran Pusri Daerah (PPD) Bengkulu is one suboffice of PT. Pusri Palembang. It has contribution to local government of Bengkulu in the term of channeling and distribution fertilizer to farmer and plantation companies. As the biggest fertilizer marketing company PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya PPD Bengkulu uses operating funding. Each company has objective to maximize profit and minimize cost. The financial ratio minimize cost depicts the financial performace in exploiting its assets, in other words, shows the financial of company. Main aspect in the assessment of financial performance is represented by good balance attainment between debt and assets. The results show that the financial performace of PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya PPD Bengkulu for 10 year (1997-2006) period in term of liquidity ratio is likuid, , in term of solvability ratio, the ratio above standard or it is solvable, looking at activity ratio, the company experience to continunes improvement every year, Then rentability ratio show the trend improvement every year and it has the high mean improvement. Base on these findings financial performace of PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya PPD Bengkulu shows a healthiness

    Status Wanita Dan Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Nelayan Dan Petani Padi Di Kabupaten Muko-Muko Provinsi Bengkulu

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    EnglishThis paper uses a gender conceptual framework of the determinants of food security. Using three indicators, the paper tries to demonstrate the considerable influence of the status of women relative to men to households' food security in two different economic base groups of households. This research was conducted in the District of Mukomuko in Bengkulu Province. As many as 219 respondents were divided into two groups of households, namely 110 fishery and 109 paddy farmers, and were selected using a simple random sampling. A multiple regression model was used to determine significant factors of household food security. Among the two different household groups and using a diet diversity as the household food security indicator, the fishery households group exposed relatively better food security status than that of paddy farmer households. The econometric analysis also showed that status of women relative to men was not significant to food security. Meanwhile, households' income and household economic base are important factors in determining households' food security. IndonesianKajian ini menggunakan kerangka konseptual gender dalam menentukan ketahanan pangan. Dengan menggunakan tiga indikator, artikel ini mencoba menunjukkan pengaruh dari status wanita relatif terhadap pria dalam rumah tangga pada ketahanan pangan pada dua rumah tangga yang berbeda basis ekonominya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Muko-muko Provinsi Bengkulu. Dua ratus sembilan belas responden yang terdiri dari 110 rumah tangga nelayan dan 109 rumah tangga petani padi dipilih dengan menggunakan sampling acak sederhana. Model regresi berganda akan digunakan untuk menentukan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap ketahanan pangan rumah tangga. Diantara dua kelompok rumah tangga dan dengan menggunakan ragam pangan sebagai indikator ketahanan pangan rumah tangga, rumah tangga nelayan menunjukkan derajat ketahanan pangan relatif lebih baik dibandingkan rumah tangga petani padi. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa status wanita tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap ketahanan pangan rumah tangga meskipun semua memiliki tanda yang sesuai. Sementara itu, pendapatan rumah tangga dan basis ekonomi rumah tangga mempunyai pengaruh yang nyata terhadap ketahanan pangan rumah tangga

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Tingkat Partisipasi Anggota Upkd Pasca Proyek Brdp (Studi Kasus Upkd Sidodadi di Desa Sidodadi Kec. Pondok Kelapa Kab. Bengkulu Utara)

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    This research aimed to knowthe class of participated member sidodadi UPKD pasca BRDP and to know the factors related to participated from the customers of Sidodadi UPKD pasca BRDP in North Bengkulu, by using primary and secondary data. Data was taken from 71 samples of costumers by using Simple Random Sampling. The analysis data which been used in this research was Spearman Rank by using two tail of t-test by confidence level of 95 % (a=0,025). The research result shows that variable of education, the long time as member and household income show significanly with class partitipation, while the other of variabels are family members and perception were not significantly to class participatio

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Tingkat Adopsi Petani pada Teknologi Budidaya Padi Sawah Sistem Legowo di Kelurahan Dusun Besar Kecamatan Gading Cempaka Kota Bengkulu

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    The study aimed at identification the factors that connected with the level of farmer's adoption toward the rice field's technology in legowo system in Dusun Besar, Gading Cempaka subdistrict Bengkulu town were level education, age, the wider of farm, experience, motivation, activity of the farmer in counseling, farmer's conception about legowo system and farmer's cosmopolittness. The study was conducted in Dusun Besar, Gading Cempaka subdistrict Bengkulu town. Total samples were 40 farmers and data collection was observation method, documentation method and method of questionaire. Data were analyzed using Statistic non parametric that is correlation test of rank spearman. The result of this research showed that the level of farmer's adoption toward technology in legowo system in Kelurahan Dusun Besar, Gading Cempaka subdistrict, Bengkulu Town were high. And also there were correlation between the factor of the level education, motivation, activity of the farmer in counseling, farmer's conception about legowo system with the level of farmer adoption toward rice field's technology in legowo system. In otherwise, there was no correlation between age, the wider of farm, experience, and farmer's cosmopolittness with the level farmer adaption toward the rice field's technology in legowo system

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Produktivitas dan Kontribusi Penghasilan Tenaga Kerja Wanita Pemetik Teh di Ptp. Nusantara VI Kayu Aro Kabupaten Kerinci Propinsi Jambi

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    The research was conducted in PTP Nusantara VI Kayu Aro, Regency of Kerinci, Jambi Province on July to August 2006. The respondents were daily fix employees (DFE) of female tea picker, research location was chosen purposively. Aims of the research are: to estimate the productivity level, income level and contribution level to the family income of tea picker female worker in PTP Nusantara VI Kayu Aro Regenci of Kerinci, Jambi Province. Sampling conducted by Simple Random Sampling, total samples are 102 respondents of 1,011 people population. Statistic analysis used in the research is Rank Spearman (rs) correlation test by reliability level 95% (a/2 = 0.025) and to examine the significance level used two tailed t-test. In order to describe the characteristic and income level were used central measurement or score average of whole respondents as categorizing used value rank (interval). Based on result and discussion of the research, average of work productivity of tea picker in PTP Nusantara VI Kayu Aro is 5.55 kg/h and average income of tea picker female worker that gained by picking tea is Rp. 727,637.27/months by contribution of 58.31%. Statistic analysis result by Rank Spearman correlation test has known that factors of responsibility family member, motivation, and perception to income has significant correlation to the productivity level of tea picker female worker in PTP Nusantara VI Kayu Aro. Factors of age, formal education, work experience and perception to company facilities have not a significant correlation to the productivity level

    Studi Evaluasi Pelaksanaan dan Kelembagaan Pelaksana Program Bengkulu Regional Development Project (BRDP)

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    This research aims to explores level of success, constraints and benefits of BRDP on rural poor community. Qualitative methods which were based on prepare data or information as parts of flexible methods was used. The results showed that BRDPs implemetation has runned well. These was indicated by indicated the readiness and completed, range from province to village levels as well in infrastructure and institutional and beneficiaries. The success of implemented on village level instutitonal was supported by UPKD as leader on productive economic activities .These have UPKDs completed administration equipments, and the service product had competitive advantages comparing to others service product. The continuity of the activities post project could be well quarantee since these problems both normative and outcome real aspects were minimized. This induces improving on net working systems among UPKD, completing the financial-budget systems based on norms, and optimalities of Financial Assistant roles in village