12 research outputs found

    Analisis Risiko Operasional Jalan Tol Jagorawi PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk

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    As one of the busiest toll roads in Indonesia, Jagorawi is exposed to various operational risks. The purposes of this research are to analyze operational risks of Jagorawi toll road and to determine the effectiverisk reduction strategies. Cause and effect diagrams are employed to identify and classify these risks. Then risk priorities are quantified by applying Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA). Finally, in order to determine prioritized strategies, Analytical Hierarchy Process is applied. The results indicate that the main risk is the traffic risk. The most prioritized risk reduction strategies are educating both the toll road users and surrounding inhabitants. This is then needs to be followed by developing the instrastructure, investing human resource quality, automating gate, and improving the service and safety

    Kesiapan Industri Rumah Tangga Mebel terhadap Penerapan Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu di YOGYAKARTA

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    Illegal logging and illegal timber trade have been ones of major causes of deforestation in many countries, including Indonesia. Indonesian Timber Legality Assurance System (Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu/SVLK) is an instrument to improve governance of timber sector. The system ensures the legality of timber harvested, transported, processed, and marketed by Indonesian forestry enterprises. SVLK is developed through engagement of multi-stakeholder (scholars, business association, relevant ministries, and NGOs). Implementation of SVLK is mandatory. Since implemented, SVLK has increased export of forest products. However, the export is dominated by large scale enterprises. On other hand, many of small and medium scale industries are yet registered. Micro and small scale industries have basic difficulties to meet the applicable standards of SVLK. According to background and issues, the study aims to analyze distribution network, small business profit, cost of SVLK implementation, and the application of svlk feasibility financial simulation on small scale industries furniture. Primary data collection was carried out with purposive sampling method through deep interview and questionnaires. The result showed there were 3 alternative distribution channels of community wood marketing in Yogyakarta. Each distribution channel has different characteristics. Cost percentage of SVLK implementation is 4.00%. The actual challenge is in the equally distributed information and incompatibility between the requirements of SVLK and the life of small scale industries. SVLK requires Rp 7.787.500,- in early periode and Rp 6.230.000,- to be paid every 2 years. The total cost is Rp 32.707.500,- for 10 years. There are only 7% of small scale industries knowing about SVLK. Small scale industries which don't know clearly is 50 %, while other small scale industries claim to be uninformed. Based on the study, NPV Rp 10.011.212,-, BCR 1,13 dan investment return rate 18%. Feasibility financial simulation showed SVLK implementation is possible, although has little positive sales development. Small scale furniture industries with 144 m3 raw material per year USAge have to target 12% sales development in first year. In second year of implementation, small scale furniture industries cashflow has negative point. It caused by surveillance cost. Small scale furniture industries interest to SVLK implementation was in minimum point. Small scale furniture industries interest to SVLK implementation can be increased by certification financing programs and the export market assurance

    The Implementation of Learning Organization in Order to Increase Supply Chain Performance in SPR Maju Bersama Bojonegoro

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    Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) Maju Bersama was formed 3 years ago. SPR Maju Bersama still has some weaknesses in terms of human resource and supply chain performance. Learning organizations are needed for organizations to form an organization that can continuously run independent learning process, so that it has a fast thinking and acting to respond any changes. Therefore, SPR has to implement the learning organization. This paper aims to identify the effect of learning organization on supply chain performance in SPR Maju Bersama. A Model was developed and tested with quantitative and qualitative analysis. A total of 99 members of Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat Maju Bersama were used as data in this study. Quantitative data were analyzed using Structural Equation Mode- Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The results showed that learning organization had a positive impact on supply chain performance but not significant. Supply chain driver had a positive and significant impact on supply chain performance. Supply chain driver was significantly impacted by learning organization. Leadership style had a positive and significant impact on learning organization. SPR Maju Bersama needs to optimize its facility and information utility as a strategy to improve its supply chain performance

    Evaluasi Kinerja Dan Seleksi Peternak Mitra Pada CV Anugerah Sentosa Abadi (ARSA)

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    The research has aims (1) to analyze selection assessment and performace evaluation of broiler chicken farmers in supply chain partnership collaboration and (2) to analyze the best partners and the most influential criteria in partner selection. The study held at CV. Anugerah Sentosa Abadi (ARSA), Bogor. We applied Analytical Hierarchi Process to develop model of partner selection and performance evaluation. The results showed that farmer personality is the highest priority criteria for partner recruitment selection with the importance weight 0.698 while Feed Convertion Ratio (FCR) is the highest priority for performance evaluation weighted 0.413. The personality criteria is mainly determined by honesty and integrity with weighted 0.433. We found that The best farmers are ranked as follows Suherman (0.454), Supendi (0.310), Makmur Bersama (0.166) dan Ebet (0.070). The results can be used by CV ARSA to review selection policy of new partner farmers and reward-punishment policy of existing partner farmers

    Biaya Transaksi dan Nilai Tambah pada Rantai Pasok Daging Sapi di Kota Bogor

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memetakan jaringan distribusi rantai pasok daging sapi di Kota Bogor dan menganalisis biaya transaksi, nilai tambah dan tingkat efisiensi pemasaran dari saluran pemasaran daging sapi di Kota Bogor. Value stream mapping (VSM) digunakan untuk memetakan jaringan distribusi daging sapi dan metode hayami digunakan untuk menganalisis biaya transaksi, nilai tambah dan efisiensi pemasaran. Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan jaringan distribusi rantai pasok daging sapi dengan menggunakan VSM terdapat sembilan alternatif saluran distribusi pemasaran daging sapi di Kota Bogor. Nilai tambah terbesar diperoleh dari hasil pemotongan sapi hidup menjadi karkas yang didapatkan oleh PBDS I (22,24%). Biaya transaksi dalam proses pasokan jaringan distribusi hanya berkisar 3–5% dari total biaya yang dikeluarkan. Biaya yang mendominasi adalah biaya dalam membeli pasokan daging sapi yang mencapai 60%. Saluran pemasaran daging sapi yang paling efisien dan menguntungkan adalah saluran 7 (Feedloter – PBDS I – Konsumen) dengan skor efisiensi pemasaran sebesar 0,80%. Oleh karena itu, pedagang daging sapi Kota Bogor disarankan untuk memilih saluran 7 untuk mendapatkan keuntungan yang paling tinggi dan paling efisien

    Asessing Biosecurity Management Practice Along Layer Chicken Chain in Bogor and Sukabumi

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    Biosecurity is one of the government's recommended risk management to limit the exposure of disease agents, but the implementation of biosecurity in supply chain is reportedly still not optimal. This study aims to identify supply chain of layers especially live chicken chain in Bogor and Sukabumi and to analyze the level of application of biosecurity in the chicken chain. Survey method with checklist questionnaire was used to obtain the required data. The results show that the chicken chain of layer involves the farmers and selllers of layers including collectors, poultry market sellers, and butchers, and end consumers. Culled layers are distributed in the form of live birds that can increase the risk of disease due to the accommodation time and market system which are mostly not first in first out (FIFO). The application of layer farmer biosecurity is at a moderate level (score 33.4 in Bogor and 40 in Sukabumi from a maximum score of 60). In the sellers of layers, the application of biosecurity is at a low level (score 21.9 in Bogor and 25 in Sukabumi from a maximum score of 69). Differences in biosecurity practices of farmers in Bogor and Sukabumi areas lie in the protection of wild birds. The differences in the biosecurity practices of layer bird sellers in the areas of Bogor and Sukabumi lie in the action against new poultry and action on transportation equipment. Biosecurity scores that have not been optimal indicate that the implementation of biosecurity still needs to be improved at each point of the chicken chain. Increasing biosecurity in each chicken chain point will help reduce the risk of exposure to AI viruses in layer birds through the chicken chain so that losses can be minimized