174 research outputs found

    Calculation of the interfacial free energy of a binary hard-sphere fluid at a planar hard wall

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/140/2/10.1063/1.4858433Using molecular-dynamics simulation and Gibbs-Cahn Integration, we calculate the interfacial free energy γ of a binary hard-sphere fluid mixture at a structureless, planar hard wall. The calculation is performed as a function of packing fraction (density) for several values of the diameter ratio α = σ2/σ1, where σ1 and σ2 are the diameters of the two particle types in the mixture. Our results are compared to those obtained from the bulk version of the White Bear Mark II (WBII) classical density-functional theory, which is a modification of the Fundamental-Measure Theory of Rosenfeld. The WBII bulk theory is shown to be in very good agreement with the simulation results, with significant deviation only at the very highest packing fractions

    Detection of Bacterial Antigens and Alzheimer\u27s Disease-like Pathology in the Central Nervous System of BALB/c Mice Following Intranasal Infection with a Laboratory Isolate of Chlamydia pneumoniae

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    Pathology consistent with that observed in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has previously been documented following intranasal infection of normal wild-type mice with Chlamydia pneumoniae (Cpn) isolated from an AD brain (96-41). In the current study, BALB/c mice were intranasally infected with a laboratory strain of Cpn, AR-39, and brain and olfactory bulbs were obtained at 1-4 months post-infection (pi). Immunohistochemistry for amyloid beta or Cpn antigens was performed on sections from brains of infected or mock-infected mice. Chlamydia-specific immunolabeling was identified in olfactory bulb tissues and in cerebrum of AR-39 infected mice. The Cpn specific labeling was most prominent at 1 month pi and the greatest burden of amyloid deposition was noted at 2 months pi, whereas both decreased at 3 and 4 months. Viable Cpn was recovered from olfactory bulbs of 3 of 3 experimentally infected mice at 1 and 3 months pi, and in 2 of 3 mice at 4 months pi. In contrast, in cortical tissues of infected mice at 1 and 4 months pi no viable organism was obtained. At 3 months pi, only 1 of 3 mice had a measurable burden of viable Cpn from the cortical tissues. Mock-infected mice (0 of 3) had no detectable Cpn in either olfactory bulbs or cortical tissues. These data indicate that the AR-39 isolate of Cpn establishes a limited infection predominantly in the olfactory bulbs of BALB/c mice. Although infection with the laboratory strain of Cpn promotes deposition of amyloid beta, this appears to resolve following reduction of the Cpn antigen burden over time. Our data suggest that infection with the AR-39 laboratory isolate of Cpn results in a different course of amyloid beta deposition and ultimate resolution than that observed following infection with the human AD-brain Cpn isolate, 96-41. These data further support that there may be differences, possibly in virulence factors, between Cpn isolates in the generation of sustainable AD pathology

    Protocol of a scoping review of outcome domains in dermatology

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    Introduction: Core outcome sets (COSs) are agreed outcomes (domains (subdomains) and instruments) that should be measured as a minimum in clinical trials or practice in certain diseases or clinical fields. Worldwide, the number of COSs is increasing and there might be conceptual overlaps of domains (subdomains) and instruments within disciplines. The aim of this scoping review is to map and to classify all outcomes identified with COS projects relating to skin diseases.Methods and analysis: We will conduct a scoping review of outcomes of skin disease-related COS initiatives to identify all concepts and their definitions. We will search PubMed, Embase and Cochrane library. The search dates will be 1 January 2010 (the point at which Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials (COMET) was established) to 1 January 2024. We will also review the COMET database and C3 website to identify parts of COSs (domains and/or instruments) that are being developed and published. This review will be supplemented by querying relevant stakeholders from COS organisations, dermatology organisations and patient organisations for additional COSs that were developed. The resulting long lists of outcomes will then be mapped into conceptually similar concepts

    Nevirapine and efavirenz elicit different changes in lipid profiles in antiretroviral-therapy-naive patients infected with HIV-1

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    Patients infected with HIV-1 initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) containing a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) show presumably fewer atherogenic lipid changes than those initiating most ARTs containing a protease inhibitor. We analyzed whether lipid changes differed between the two most commonly used NNRTIs, nevirapine (NVP) and efavirenz (EFV)

    HLA-Identical Sibling Allogeneic Transplants versus Chemotherapy in Acute Myelogenous Leukemia with t(8;21) in First Complete Remission: Collaborative Study between the German AML Intergroup and CIBMTR

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    AbstractWe studied the role of HLA-matched sibling hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) in treating t(8;21) acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) in first remission. Outcomes of 118 patients receiving HCT and reported to the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research were compared with 132 similar patients receiving chemotherapy selected from 8 German AML Intergroup multicenter trials. Characteristics of the cohorts were similar except that chemotherapy recipients were significantly older. To adjust for time to treatment bias, outcomes were compared using left-truncated Cox regression models. Transplants were associated with higher treatment-related mortality (TRM; relative risk [RR] 6.76, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.95-15.45, P < .001), lower relapse (RR 0.47, 95% CI 0.25-0.85, P = .01), and similar relapse-free survival (P = .2). Loss of sex chromosomes (LOS) in addition to t(8;21) had a negative impact on overall survival (OS) in patients receiving chemotherapy. Patients without LOS experienced shorter survival after HCT comparing to chemotherapy (RR 3.05, P = .02), whereas patients with LOS had similar survival regardless of postremission therapy. In both cohorts, white blood cell count (WBC) at diagnosis >25 × 109/L was associated with a higher relapse risk (RR = 2.09, P = .03), lower relapse-free (RR = 1.9, P = .008), and OS (RR = 1.91, P = .01). In this cohort of patients with t(8;21) AML, HCT did not improve OS, because reduction of relapse was offset by high TRM. In the group without LOS, survival after chemotherapy was far superior to HCT. These results suggest that patients with t(8;21) AML without poor prognostic factors have higher rates of survival after chemotherapy as a post remission therapy compared to HCT

    s-Process Abundances in Planetary Nebulae

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    The s-process should occur in all but the lower mass progenitor stars of planetary nebulae, and this should be reflected in the chemical composition of the gas which is expelled to create the current planetary nebula shell. Weak forbidden emission lines are expected from several s-process elements in these shells, and have been searched for and in some cases detected in previous investigations. Here we extend these studies by combining very high signal-to-noise echelle spectra of a sample of PNe with a critical analysis of the identification of the emission lines of Z>30 ions. Emission lines of Br, Kr, Xe, Rb, Ba, and Pb are detected with a reasonable degree of certainty in at least some of the objects studied here, and we also tentatively identify lines from Te and I, each in one object. The strengths of these lines indicate enhancement of s-process elements in the central star progenitors, and we determine the abundances of Br, Kr, and Xe, elements for which atomic data relevant for abundance determination have recently become available. As representative elements of the ``light'' and ``heavy'' s-process peaks Kr and Xe exhibit similar enhancements over solar values, suggesting that PNe progenitors experience substantial neutron exposure.Comment: 56 Pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ This version corrects missing captions in Figure 1-3 and minor typo

    Protocol of a scoping review of outcome domains in dermatology

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    Introduction: Core outcome sets (COSs) are agreed outcomes (domains (subdomains) and instruments) that should be measured as a minimum in clinical trials or practice in certain diseases or clinical fields. Worldwide, the number of COSs is increasing and there might be conceptual overlaps of domains (subdomains) and instruments within disciplines. The aim of this scoping review is to map and to classify all outcomes identified with COS projects relating to skin diseases. Methods and analysis: We will conduct a scoping review of outcomes of skin disease-related COS initiatives to identify all concepts and their definitions. We will search PubMed, Embase and Cochrane library. The search dates will be 1 January 2010 (the point at which Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials (COMET) was established) to 1 January 2024. We will also review the COMET database and C3 website to identify parts of COSs (domains and/or instruments) that are being developed and published. This review will be supplemented by querying relevant stakeholders from COS organisations, dermatology organisations and patient organisations for additional COSs that were developed. The resulting long lists of outcomes will then be mapped into conceptually similar concepts. Ethics and dissemination: This study was supported by departmental research funds from the Department of Dermatology at Northwestern University. An ethics committee review was waived since this protocol was done by staff researchers with no involvement of patient care. Conflicts of interests, if any, will be addressed by replacing participants with relevant conflicts or reassigning them. The results will be disseminated through publication in peer-reviewed journals, social media posts and promotion by COS organisations

    Independent Emission and Absorption Abundances for Planetary Nebulae

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    Emission-line abundances have been uncertain for more than a decade due to unexplained discrepancies in the relative intensities of the forbidden lines and weak permitted recombination lines in planetary nebulae (PNe) and H II regions. The observed intensities of forbidden and recombination lines originating from the same parent ion differ from their theoretical values by factors of more than an order of magnitude in some of these nebulae. In this study we observe UV resonance line absorption in the central stars of PNe produced by the nebular gas, and from the same ions that emit optical forbidden lines. We then compare the derived absorption column densities with the emission measures determined from ground-based observations of the nebular forbidden lines. We find for our sample of PNe that the collisionally excited forbidden lines yield column densities that are in basic agreement with the column densities derived for the same ions from the UV absorption lines. A similar comparison involving recombination line column densities produces poorer agreement, although near the limits of the formal uncertainties of the analyses. An additional sample of objects with larger abundance discrepancy factors will need to be studied before a stronger statement can be made that recombination line abundances are not correct.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, accepted by ApJ. Preprint utilizes emulateapj.cls v. 12/01/06 (included

    Nevirapine and Efavirenz Elicit Different Changes in Lipid Profiles in Antiretroviral- Therapy-Naive Patients Infected with HIV-1

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    BACKGROUND: Patients infected with HIV-1 initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) containing a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) show presumably fewer atherogenic lipid changes than those initiating most ARTs containing a protease inhibitor. We analysed whether lipid changes differed between the two most commonly used NNRTIs, nevirapine (NVP) and efavirenz (EFV). METHODS AND FINDINGS: Prospective analysis of lipids and lipoproteins was performed in patients enrolled in the NVP and EFV treatment groups of the 2NN study who remained on allocated treatment during 48 wk of follow-up. Patients were allocated to NVP (n = 417), or EFV (n = 289) in combination with stavudine and lamivudine. The primary endpoint was percentage change over 48 wk in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c), total cholesterol (TC), TC:HDL-c ratio, non-HDL-c, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides. The increase of HDL-c was significantly larger for patients receiving NVP (42.5%) than for patients receiving EFV (33.7%; p = 0.036), while the increase in TC was lower (26.9% and 31.1%, respectively; p = 0.073), resulting in a decrease of the TC:HDL-c ratio for patients receiving NVP (−4.1%) and an increase for patients receiving EFV (+5.9%; p < 0.001). The increase of non-HDL-c was smaller for patients receiving NVP (24.7%) than for patients receiving EFV (33.6%; p = 0.007), as were the increases of triglycerides (20.1% and 49.0%, respectively; p < 0.001) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (35.0% and 40.0%, respectively; p = 0.378). These differences remained, or even increased, after adjusting for changes in HIV-1 RNA and CD4+ cell levels, indicating an effect of the drugs on lipids over and above that which may be explained by suppression of HIV-1 infection. The increases in HDL-c were of the same order of magnitude as those seen with the use of the investigational HDL-c-increasing drugs. CONCLUSION: NVP-containing ART shows larger increases in HDL-c and decreases in TC:HDL-c ratio than an EFV-containing regimen. Based on these findings, protease-inhibitor-sparing regimens based on non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, particularly those containing NVP, may be expected to result in a reduced risk of coronary heart disease