15 research outputs found

    Impact du stress de la culture in vitro sur la survie et le transcriptome embryonnaire chez le bovin. « Entre adaptation et viabilité »

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    MalgrĂ© l’amĂ©lioration des techniques de procrĂ©ation mĂ©dicalement assistĂ©e (PMA), les donnĂ©es recensĂ©es depuis 40 ans montrent un faible taux de gestation aprĂšs transfert embryonnaire et une incidence Ă©levĂ©e de certains syndromes pĂ©rinataux. Parmi les causes de l’insuccĂšs de la PMA, les conditions de culture de l’embryon sont sous-optimales pour le dĂ©veloppement normal prĂ©coce, occasionnant diffĂ©rents stress qui affectent la qualitĂ© de l’embryon et sa compĂ©tence Ă  produire une gestation. Afin de mieux comprendre l’impact de la PMA sur la qualitĂ© embryonnaire, des analyses de micro-puce ont montrĂ© des changements dans l’expression de plusieurs centaines de gĂšnes chez les embryons produits par culture in vitro en comparaison Ă  ceux produits in vivo. Cependant, les changements transcriptomiques spĂ©cifiquement associĂ©s Ă  la baisse de qualitĂ© embryonnaire restent encore indĂ©terminĂ©s. En hypothĂšse, nous supposons que l’étude des diffĂ©rences transcriptomiques rĂ©sultant spĂ©cifiquement du stress de la culture permette de dĂ©terminer les profiles d’expression gĂ©nique directement associĂ©s Ă  la mauvaise qualitĂ© des embryons en culture. Dans ce contexte, nos objectifs consistaient Ă  moduler le niveau de stress en culture afin d’affecter la survie embryonnaire, puis de comparer les gĂšnes diffĂ©rentiellement exprimĂ©s entre embryons contrĂŽles et embryons stressĂ©s (analyse par miro-puce et RT-qPCR). Pour ce faire, l’exposition Ă  un stress Ă©nergĂ©tique, oxydatif ou lipidique a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e sĂ©parĂ©ment pour dĂ©partager les diffĂ©rents effets de la culture sur le dĂ©veloppement de l’embryon bovin. Les rĂ©sultats de ce projet ont mis en Ă©vidence l’impact progressif du stress Ă©nergĂ©tique en culture sur le mĂ©tabolisme de l’effet Warburg, un processus dĂ©veloppemental permettant une adaptation pathologique aux dysfonctions mitochondriales. Par la suite, l’impact du stress oxydatif a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© des rĂ©actions inflammatoires et fibrotiques en association Ă  la baisse de qualitĂ© embryonnaire. Enfin, l’impact du sĂ©rum et des lipides s’est traduit par un profil indiquant des perturbations inflammatoires et mĂ©taboliques, complĂ©tant notre Ă©tude des mĂ©canismes impliquĂ©s dans la rĂ©ponse au stress de la culture. En conclusion, ce projet a permis de caractĂ©riser des bio-marqueurs rĂ©currents du stress embryonnaire chez le bovin, ouvrant Ă  des perspectives du diagnostique de la viabilitĂ© embryonnaire et du dĂ©veloppement d’alternatives pour mieux cultiver les embryons prĂ©coces.For 40 years, assisted reproductive technologies have given life to millions of offspring (human and others mammals), however numerous studies have reported lower gestational survival after embryo transfer and higher risk of perinatal syndromes. One reason for ART disappointment is the lower quality of produced embryos as a result of suboptimal condition of in vitro culture (IVC). In vitro environment induces stresses that affect viability and then gestational competence. To better understand the impact of ART on embryo quality in the bovine, transcriptomic analyses have detected differential expression in hundreds of genes in IVC embryos compared to theirs in vivo counterparts. However, how the differentially expressed genes translate into developmentally compromised embryos is unresolved. Here, we hypothesized that analyzing the gene expression specifically associated to increased stress conditions of in vitro culture could identify the transcriptomic signature associated with the compromised quality of ART-derived embryos. Therefore, our strategy used microarray technology to characterize transcriptomic markers expressed by bovine blastocysts cultured in conditions which are known to impair embryo development. Separate exposure to high glucose stress, oxidative stress and high lipid stress conditions were used to exaggerate the IVC impact on embryo viability in the bovine model. Results highlighted the progressive impact of energetic stress on the Warburg metabolism, a developmental process that allows pathological adaptation to mitochondrial dysfunction. In addition, the analysis of embryonic response to oxidative stress showed the implication of inflammatory and fibrosis-like reaction to pro-oxidant exposure, and the association with embryonic quality. Finally, our last study showed the impact of serum and lipids on both metabolic and inflammatory response, complementing the identification of the developmental mechanisms underlying the stress response to sub-optimal IVC conditions. To conclude, we have characterized biomarkers of embryonic stress in the bovine, offering perspectives in the diagnostic of embryonic viability and the development of alternatives to ameliorate the culture conditions for early embryos

    Metformin intervention prevents cardiac dysfunction in a murine model of adult congenital heart disease.

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    OBJECTIVE: Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most frequent birth defect worldwide. The number of adult patients with CHD, now referred to as ACHD, is increasing with improved surgical and treatment interventions. However the mechanisms whereby ACHD predisposes patients to heart dysfunction are still unclear. ACHD is strongly associated with metabolic syndrome, but how ACHD interacts with poor modern lifestyle choices and other comorbidities, such as hypertension, obesity, and diabetes, is mostly unknown. METHODS: We used a newly characterized mouse genetic model of ACHD to investigate the consequences and the mechanisms associated with combined obesity and ACHD predisposition. Metformin intervention was used to further evaluate potential therapeutic amelioration of cardiac dysfunction in this model. RESULTS: ACHD mice placed under metabolic stress (high fat diet) displayed decreased left ventricular ejection fraction. Comprehensive physiological, biochemical, and molecular analysis showed that ACHD hearts exhibited early changes in energy metabolism with increased glucose dependence as main cardiac energy source. These changes preceded cardiac dysfunction mediated by exposure to high fat diet and were associated with increased disease severity. Restoration of metabolic balance by metformin administration prevented the development of heart dysfunction in ACHD predisposed mice. CONCLUSIONS: This study reveals that early metabolic impairment reinforces heart dysfunction in ACHD predisposed individuals and diet or pharmacological interventions can be used to modulate heart function and attenuate heart failure. Our study suggests that interactions between genetic and metabolic disturbances ultimately lead to the clinical presentation of heart failure in patients with ACHD. Early manipulation of energy metabolism may be an important avenue for intervention in ACHD patients to prevent or delay onset of heart failure and secondary comorbidities. These interactions raise the prospect for a translational reassessment of ACHD presentation in the clinic

    Kinins and Their Receptors as Potential Therapeutic Targets in Retinal Pathologies

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    The kallikrein-kinin system (KKS) contributes to retinal inflammation and neovascularization, notably in diabetic retinopathy (DR) and neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Bradykinin type 1 (B1R) and type 2 (B2R) receptors are G-protein-coupled receptors that sense and mediate the effects of kinins. While B2R is constitutively expressed and regulates a plethora of physiological processes, B1R is almost undetectable under physiological conditions and contributes to pathological inflammation. Several KKS components (kininogens, tissue and plasma kallikreins, and kinin receptors) are overexpressed in human and animal models of retinal diseases, and their inhibition, particularly B1R, reduces inflammation and pathological neovascularization. In this review, we provide an overview of the KKS with emphasis on kinin receptors in the healthy retina and their detrimental roles in DR and AMD. We highlight the crosstalk between the KKS and the renin–angiotensin system (RAS), which is known to be detrimental in ocular pathologies. Targeting the KKS, particularly the B1R, is a promising therapy in retinal diseases, and B1R may represent an effector of the detrimental effects of RAS (Ang II-AT1R)

    Deletion of the Complex I Subunit NDUFS4 Adversely Modulates Cellular Differentiation

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    The vast majority of cellular ATP is produced by the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system, which comprises the four complexes of the electron transfer chain plus the ATP synthase. Complex I is the largest of the OXPHOS complexes, and mutation of the genes encoding either the subunits or assembly factors of Complex I can result in Complex I deficiency, which is the most common OXPHOS disorder. Mutations in the Complex I gene NDUFS4 lead to Leigh syndrome, which is the most frequent presentation of Complex I deficiency in children presenting with progressive encephalopathy shortly after birth. Symptoms include motor and intellectual retardation, often accompanied by dystonia, ataxia, and growth retardation, and most patients die by 3 years of age. To understand the origins of this disease, we have generated a series of mouse embryonic stem cell lines from blastocysts that were wild type, heterozygous, and homozygous for the deletion of the Ndufs4 gene. We have demonstrated their pluripotency and potential to differentiate into all cell types of the body. Although the loss of Ndufs4 did not affect the stability of the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes, there were significant differences in patterns of chromosomal gene expression following both spontaneous differentiation and directed neural differentiation into astrocytes. The defect also affected the potential of the cells to generate beating embryoid bodies. These outcomes demonstrate that defects associated with Complex I deficiency affect early gene expression patterns, which escalate during early and later stages of differentiation and are mediated by the defect and not other chromosomal or mitochondrial DNA defects

    ZO-1 interacts with YB-1 in endothelial cells to regulate stress granule formation during angiogenesis

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    Abstract Zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) is involved in the regulation of cell-cell junctions between endothelial cells (ECs). Here we identify the ZO-1 protein interactome and uncover ZO-1 interactions with RNA-binding proteins that are part of stress granules (SGs). Downregulation of ZO-1 increased SG formation in response to stress and protected ECs from cellular insults. The ZO-1 interactome uncovered an association between ZO-1 and Y-box binding protein 1 (YB-1), a constituent of SGs. Arsenite treatment of ECs decreased the interaction between ZO-1 and YB-1, and drove SG assembly. YB-1 expression is essential for SG formation and for the cytoprotective effects induced by ZO-1 downregulation. In the developing retinal vascular plexus of newborn mice, ECs at the front of growing vessels express less ZO-1 but display more YB-1-positive granules than ECs located in the vascular plexus. Endothelial-specific deletion of ZO-1 in mice at post-natal day 7 markedly increased the presence of YB-1-positive granules in ECs of retinal blood vessels, altered tip EC morphology and vascular patterning, resulting in aberrant endothelial proliferation, and arrest in the expansion of the retinal vasculature. Our findings suggest that, through its interaction with YB-1, ZO-1 controls SG formation and the response of ECs to stress during angiogenesis

    Restoration of normal embryogenesis by mitochondrial supplementation in pig oocytes exhibiting mitochondrial DNA deficiency

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    An increasing number of women fail to achieve pregnancy due to either failed fertilization or embryo arrest during preimplantation development. This often results from decreased oocyte quality. Indeed, reduced mitochondrial DNA copy number (mitochondrial DNA deficiency) may disrupt oocyte quality in some women. To overcome mitochondrial DNA deficiency, whilst maintaining genetic identity, we supplemented pig oocytes selected for mitochondrial DNA deficiency, reduced cytoplasmic maturation and lower developmental competence, with autologous populations of mitochondrial isolate at fertilization. Supplementation increased development to blastocyst, the final stage of preimplantation development, and promoted mitochondrial DNA replication prior to embryonic genome activation in mitochondrial DNA deficient oocytes but not in oocytes with normal levels of mitochondrial DNA. Blastocysts exhibited transcriptome profiles more closely resembling those of blastocysts from developmentally competent oocytes. Furthermore, mitochondrial supplementation reduced gene expression patterns associated with metabolic disorders that were identified in blastocysts from mitochondrial DNA deficient oocytes. These results demonstrate the importance of the oocyte’s mitochondrial DNA investment in fertilization outcome and subsequent embryo development to mitochondrial DNA deficient oocytes

    Dyslipidemia in retinal metabolic disorders

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    Abstract The light‐sensitive photoreceptors in the retina are extremely metabolically demanding and have the highest density of mitochondria of any cell in the body. Both physiological and pathological retinal vascular growth and regression are controlled by photoreceptor energy demands. It is critical to understand the energy demands of photoreceptors and fuel sources supplying them to understand neurovascular diseases. Retinas are very rich in lipids, which are continuously recycled as lipid‐rich photoreceptor outer segments are shed and reformed and dietary intake of lipids modulates retinal lipid composition. Lipids (as well as glucose) are fuel substrates for photoreceptor mitochondria. Dyslipidemia contributes to the development and progression of retinal dysfunction in many eye diseases. Here, we review photoreceptor energy demands with a focus on lipid metabolism in retinal neurovascular disorders