723 research outputs found

    Knowledge, attitudes, and behavior concerning dental trauma among parents of children attending primary school

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    BACKGROUND: Traumatic dental injuries occur frequently in children and adolescents. The purpose of the present study is to examine the levels of knowledge and behaviors regarding dental trauma among parents of children attending primary schools in the Apulia region of Italy. METHODS: The study was carried out using an anonymous questionnaire with closed answers distributed to 2,775 parents who were enrolled based on the entire regional school population. Analyses were conducted using the PROC CORRESP (procedure to perform multiple correspondence analysis) and PROC FASTCLUS (procedure to perform cluster analysis). Statistical significance was set at p-value <0.05. RESULTS: A total 15.5% of the sample reported that their children had experienced dental trauma. Overall, 53.8% of respondents stated that they knew what to do in cases of dental injury. Regarding the time limit within which it is possible to usefully intervene for dental trauma, 56.8% of respondents indicated "within 30 minutes". Of the total sample, 56.5% knew how to preserve a displaced tooth. A total 62.9% of parents felt it was appropriate for their children to use dental guards during sports activities. The multivariate analysis showed that wrong knowledge are distributed among all kinds of subject. Parents with previous experience of dental trauma referred right behaviours, instead weak knowledge and wrong behaviours are associated with parents that easily worried for dental events. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that most parents reported no experience of dental trauma in their children, and half of them did not know what to do in case of traumatic dental injury and they would intervene within 30 minutes, suggesting that dental trauma may trigger panic. However, they did not have the information needed to best assist the affected child. Motivating parents to assume a preventive approach towards dental trauma may produce positive changes that would result an increase of long-term health benefits among both parents and children

    Whole Genome Sequencing Provides Information on the Genomic Architecture and Diversity of Cultivated Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata) Broodstock Nuclei

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    The gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) is a species of relevance for the Mediterranean aquaculture industry. Despite the advancement of genetic tools for the species, breeding programs still do not often include genomics. In this study, we designed a genomic strategy to identify signatures of selection and genomic regions of high differentiation among populations of farmed fish stocks. A comparative DNA pooling sequencing approach was applied to identify signatures of selection in gilthead seabream from the same hatchery and from different nuclei that had not been subjected to genetic selection. Identified genomic regions were further investigated to detect SNPs with predicted high impact. The analyses underlined major genomic differences in the proportion of fixed alleles among the investigated nuclei. Some of these differences highlighted genomic regions, including genes involved in general metabolism and development already detected in QTL for growth, size, skeletal deformity, and adaptation to variation of oxygen levels in other teleosts. The obtained results pointed out the need to control the genetic effect of breeding programs in this species to avoid the reduction of genetic variability within populations and the increase in inbreeding level that, in turn, might lead to an increased frequency of alleles with deleterious effects

    Transplantation and young surgeons in italy

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    The relation between young surgeons and transplantation has always been a "love and hate" one. Until a few years ago this branch of surgery was seen as pioneering, with extreme and and extensive training, and was reserved to few elected members. Nowadays things are different. In this article we try to understand the true reasons that young Italian surgeons avoid transplantation surgery

    Potential Use of Bio-Oleogel as Phase Change Material

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    Two bio-oleogels were investigated. These materials were produced with a combination of canola and soybean oil with 4, 6, 8, and 10% of beeswax (by weight). Sensible heat storage capacity, melting parameters, and enthalpies were investigated by the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) test. An ordinary DSC dynamic test was performed. Cycles of heating and cooling were performed, as well as tests with different heating rates. According to the results, the materials present a melting temperature between −16 to −12 °C and a total latent heat between 22.9 and 367.6 J/g. BC10 (canola oil with 10% beeswax) was the sample with the best performance, with a latent heat of 367.6 J/g and a melting temperature of −13.6 °C, demonstrating its possible use as a phase change material for cold storage

    Suppressed-scattering spectral windows for radiative cooling applications

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    The scattering of light by resonant nanoparticles is a key process for enhancing the solar reflectance in daylight radiative cooling. Here, we investigate the impact of material dispersion on the scattering performance of popular nanoparticles for radiative cooling applications. We show that, due to material dispersion, nanoparticles with a qualitatively similar response at visible frequencies exhibit fundamentally different scattering properties at infrared frequencies. It is found that dispersive nanoparticles exhibit suppressed-scattering windows, allowing for selective thermal emission within a highly reflective sample. The existence of suppressed-scattering windows solely depends on material dispersion, and they appear pinned to the same wavelength even in random composite materials and periodic metasurfaces. Finally, we investigate calcium-silicate-hydrate (CSH), the main phase of concrete, as an example of a dispersive host, illustrating that the co-design of nanoparticles and host allows for tuning of the suppressed-scattering windows. Our results indicate that controlled nanoporosities would enable concrete with daylight passive radiative cooling capabilities

    Neutron time-of-flight measurements of charged-particle energy loss in inertial confinement fusion plasmas

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    Neutron spectra from secondary ^{3}H(d,n)α reactions produced by an implosion of a deuterium-gas capsule at the National Ignition Facility have been measured with order-of-magnitude improvements in statistics and resolution over past experiments. These new data and their sensitivity to the energy loss of fast tritons emitted from thermal ^{2}H(d,p)^{3}H reactions enable the first statistically significant investigation of charged-particle stopping via the emitted neutron spectrum. Radiation-hydrodynamic simulations, constrained to match a number of observables from the implosion, were used to predict the neutron spectra while employing two different energy loss models. This analysis represents the first test of stopping models under inertial confinement fusion conditions, covering plasma temperatures of k_{B}T≈1-4  keV and particle densities of n≈(12-2)×10^{24}  cm^{-3}. Under these conditions, we find significant deviations of our data from a theory employing classical collisions whereas the theory including quantum diffraction agrees with our data

    Assesment of the 3H(n,2n) Reaction for NIF-relevant Simulations

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    Analysis of Secreted Proteins from Prepubertal Ovarian Tissues Exposed In Vitro to Cisplatin and LH

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    It is well known that secreted and exosomal proteins are associated with a broad range of physiological processes involving tissue homeostasis and differentiation. In the present paper, our purpose was to characterize the proteome of the culture medium in which the oocytes within the primordial/primary follicles underwent apoptosis induced by cisplatin (CIS) or were, for the most part, protected by LH against the drug. To this aim, prepubertal ovarian tissues were cultured under control and in the presence of CIS, LH, and CIS + LH. The culture media were harvested after 2, 12, and 24 h from chemotherapeutic drug treatment and analyzed by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS). We found that apoptotic conditions generated by CIS in the cultured ovarian tissues and/or oocytes are reflected in distinct changes in the extracellular microenvironment in which they were cultured. These changes became evident mainly from 12 h onwards and were characterized by the inhibition or decreased release of a variety of compounds, such as the proteases Htra1 and Prss23, the antioxidants Prdx2 and Hbat1, the metabolic regulators Ldha and Pkm, and regulators of apoptotic pathways such as Tmsb4x. Altogether, these results confirm the biological relevance of the LH action on prepuberal ovaries and provide novel information about the proteins released by the ovarian tissues exposed to CIS and LH in the surrounding microenvironment. These data might represent a valuable resource for future studies aimed to clarify the effects and identify biomarkers of these compounds’ action on the developing ovary

    Le immunoglobuline per via endovenosa nel trattamento delle neuropatie infantili

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    Agli inizi degli anni ’80, l’avvento dei preparati di immunoglobuline per via endovenosa (IVIG) nella la terapia sostitutiva delle ipo-agammaglobulinemie, ha radicalmente cambiato la prognosi dei pazienti con immunodeficienze umorali 1. Fino ad allora infatti erano utilizzabili solo preparati per via intramuscolare, con importanti limitazioni legate ai volumi di liquido iniettabili per questa via e la sostituzione degli anticorpi carenti era perciò poco soddisfacente. La disponibilità delle IVIG (quindi la possibilità di somministrare grandi volumi = quantità di IgG) non solo ha consentito la completa sostituzione dei difetti anticorpali, ma ha anche aperto la strada ad altri impieghi sfruttandone le attività immunomodulanti e antinfiammatorie prima sconosciute e rivelatesi in modo del tutto occasionale. Fu Imbach che casualmente osservò in un paziente con difetto anticorpale e piastrinopenia non solo la normalizzazione delle IgG, ma anche del numero di piastrine, in corso di terapia con IVIG e intraprese il primo studio con IVIG in pazienti con porpora trombocitopenia idiopatica, dimostrandone una eccellente efficacia 2. Da allora i campi applicativi si sono estesi a tutte quelle malattie autoimmuni e infiammatorie per le quali i risultati della terapia classica erano insoddisfacenti e si è focalizzata l’attenzione sui meccanismi attraverso cui le IVIG esercitano la loro azione antinfiammatoria e immunomodulante. Si può dire che ad oggi pressoché tutte le malattie autoimmuni – e le malattie neuromuscolari in particolare per le loro caratteristiche invalidanti ed evolutive – sono state oggetto di tentativi terapeutici con IVIG. I risultati non sono stati sempre incoraggianti e, in considerazione dell’alto costo dei preparati, si è sentita e si sente l’esigenza di porre ordine e di rivedere criticamente tutta la letteratura sull’argomento per dare indicazioni più precise, in accordo ai criteri EBM, sull’impiego di tali preparati. Ormai sono numerose le indicazioni e le consensus redatte sia da Neurologi che da Immunologi; a queste si aggiungono le direttive ufficiali, emanate dagli organi di controllo statali (FDA, WHO, AIFA) che ne approvano le indicazioni per alcune malattie e ne coprono il costo a carico dei sistemi sanitari nazionali. Tuttavia la approvazione riguarda un numero estremamente esiguo di patologie e tuttora le IVIG vengono spesso utilizzate off label
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