340 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of pain neurophysiology education and exercise in the management of chronic low back pain: a single case study

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    Comunicação apresentada no 8th Congress of the European Federation of the International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters (EFIC), Florence, Italy, 201

    Vitamin A Deficiency and Training to Farmers: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Mozambique

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    Vitamin A deficiency is a widespread public health problem in Sub-Saharan Africa. This paper analyzes the impact of a food-based intervention to fight vitamin A deficiency using orange-fleshed sweet potato (OFSP). We conducted a randomized evaluation of OFSP-related training to female farmers in Mozambique, in which the treatment group was taught basic concepts of nutrition, and OFSP-planting and cooking skills. We found encouraging evidence of changes in behavior and attitudes towards OFSP consumption and planting, and considerable increases in nutrition-related knowledge, as well as knowledge on cooking and planting OFSP.Fundação Calouste Gulbenkia

    A fisioterapia na autogestão da dor crónica

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    Comunicação apresentada nas Jornadas da Fisioterapia e Doença Crónica, Beja, 201

    Arts, literature and reflective writing as educational stratagies to facilitate empathy and reflexive skills among physiotherapy students

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    Comunicação apresentada no 3rd European Congress on Physiotherapy Education, Viena, 201

    Enhancing Cultural Communication Competency in the Undergraduate Physiotherapy Course

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    Trabalho apresentado em 5th European Congress of the European Region WCPT on Physiotherapy Education, 2020, onlineN/

    Detection and Quantification of Grass and Olea Airborne Pollen Allergens in Outdoor Air Samples and its Correlation with Pollen Counts

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    Detection and Quantification of Grass and Olea Airborne Pollen Allergens in Outdoor Air Samples and its Correlation with Pollen Counts R Ferro1*, R Ribeiro1*, MR Martins1,2, AT Caldeira1,3, E Caeiro6, CM Antunes1,5 & R Brandão2,4 and the HIALINE working group7 1Dep. of Chemistry, University of Evora, Portugal; 2Mediterranean Inst. Crop and Environment Sciences, Univ.Evora, Portugal; 3Centro Química, University of Évora, Portugal; 4Dep. Biology, University of Evora; 5Center for NeuroSciences and Cell Biology-University of Coimbra, Portugal; 6Soc.Portuguesa Alergol.Imunologia Clínica , Portugal 7 M. Thibaudon, France, M. Smith, United Kingdom, C. Galan, Spain R. Albertini, Italy, L. Grewling, Poland, G. Reese, Germany, A. Rantio-Lehtimäki, Finland, S. Jäger and U. Berger, Austria, M. Sofiev, Finland, I. Sauliene, Lithuania, L. Cecchi, Italy Presenting author: [email protected] tel: +351 266760889 Introduction: Allergic respiratory diseases broken out after an exposure to airborne pollen, as asthma and allergic rhinitis, are deeply increasing and they represent one of the major public health problems nowadays, affecting about 40% of European population. In Portugal, grass and Olea europaea pollen are certainly one of the main sources of athmospheric aeroallergens and as such, one of the main causes of respiratory allergy. For these reasons, it is useful the development of new strategies for prevention and treatment of these pathologies. The execution of aerobiological analysis including pollen calendars and/or immunoassays for the detection and quantification of allergens which could forecast the allergenic potential of the athmosphere are quite relevant since they would contribute to develop prevention measures of allergic respiratory diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the putative correlation between the concentration of some of the major allergens of and with their pollen counts. Methodology: On a meteorological platform at the town center of Evora (south Portugal), ambient air was sampled at 800L/min with a Chemvol high-volume cascade impactor equipped with stages PM>10µm, 10 µm>PM>2.5µm. The polyurethane impacting substrate was extracted with 0.1M NH4HCO3, pH8.1, supplemented with 0.1% BSA. The major pollen allergens from grass Phleum p 5 and olive Ole e 1 were determined with allergen specific ELISA´s. Airborne pollen of and Olea europaea simultaneously monitored with a Burkard Seven Day Recording Volumetric Spore Trap* , between the 30th of April and the 8th of July of 2009. Both samplers were placed side-by-side with air input at the same level. Results: During the pollen season of 2009, high values of grass pollen were recorded between May 2th and June 1 th. It was also observed that the air content of Phl p5 or Ole e1 aeroallergens were directly correlated with airborne pollen counts of Poaceae and Oleaceae, respectively. Conclusions: These results suggest that the directly quantification of aeroallergens may contribute, together with pollen counts of air samples, to define the allergic risk with higher precision. Acknowledgments: This study is integrated in the european project HIALINE (Executive Agency for Health and Consumers under grant agreement No 2008 11 07

    Combining exercise with education based on transformative learning principles in fibromyalgia patients: a case series

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    Proceeding de trabalho apresentado no 7th World, 7 a 10 de maio, Congress of the World Institute of Pain, Maastricht, Holand

    Orthogeriatric management: Improvements in outcomes during hospital admission due to hip fracture

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    Hip fractures are an important socio-economic problem in western countries. Over the past 60 years orthogeriatric care has improved the management of older patients admitted to hospital after suffering hip fractures. Quality of care in orthogeriatric co-management units has increased, reducing adverse events during acute admission, length of stay, both in-hospital and mid-term mortality, as well as healthcare and social costs. Nevertheless, a large number of areas of controversy regarding the clinical management of older adults admitted due to hip fracture remain to be clarified. This narrative review, centered in the last 5 years, combined the search terms “hip fracture”, “geriatric assessment”, “second hip fracture”, “surgery”, “perioperative management” and “orthogeriatric care”, in order to summarise the state of the art of some questions such as the optimum analgesic protocol, the best approach for treating anemia, the surgical options recommendable for each type of fracture and the efficiency of orthogeriatric co-management and functional recovery

    Comportamiento del polietileno en un simulador de cadera

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    Se presentan los resultados del comportamiento friccional de cinco diferentes combinaciones de cabezas protésicas femorales y polietileno acetabular, investigadas en un simulador de cadera. Las cabezas femorales de aleaciones de Cr-Co-Mo, Cr-Co-Mo con implantación iónica y de cerámica de zirconia, se articularon con cotilos de polietileno de ultra-alto-peso molecular y se sometieron a tres millones de ciclos de marcha cada uno, utilizando un simulador de cadera de cinco estaciones. El desgaste de los cotilos protésicos, evaluado por mediciones gravimétricas demostró que cuando el espesor de polietileno era de 10,9 mm el desgaste producido por cabezas de Cr-Co-Mo de 28 mm era de 0,14 mm/año y de 0,09 mm/año si la cabeza utilizada era de 28 mm de aleación de Cr-Co- Mo con implantación iónica. Cuando el espesor del acetábulo era de 7 mm el desgaste ocasionado por cabezas de cerámica de zirconia de 28 mm fue de 0,04 mm/año; sin embargo si tenía espesor 10,9 mm y las cabezas de cerámica de zirconia eran de 28 y 32 mm, no aparecía desgaste alguno. Estos resultados indican que el diámetro de la cabeza de cerámica de 28 y 32 mm, parece no tener importancia alguna, pero sí la tiene el que el espesor del acetábulo protésico sea menor de 10 mm.Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) metal backed acetabular cups were articulated against Cr-Co-Mo alloy, ion implanted Cr-Co-Mo and zirconia ceramic femoral heads in a five station hip joint simulator, running three tests of three millions walking cycles with each one of the five different head-cup combinations. The wear rate of the acetabular cups was measured gravimetrically. When the thickness of the cup was 10.9 mm, the mean wear rate against 28 mm diameter Cr-Co-Mo femoral heads was 0.14 mm/year, and 0.09 mm/year 'when the cup was articulated against 28 mm ion implanted Cr-Co-Mo femoral heads. When the thickness of the cup was 7 mm the mean wear rate was 0.04 mm/year against 28 mm zirconia heads. The results indicate that significant reduction in the wear of the UHMWPE cup can be achieved when zirconia femoral head is used and that the diameter of the zirconia femoral head, 28 vs 32 mm, seems unimportant as wear factor. A cup thickness below 10 mm may result disadvantageous

    Estallido de la cabeza de cerámica en 1 prótesis total de cadera cementada

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    Se describen las características clínicas y quirúrgicas de 1 caso de estallido de la cabeza de cerámica en 1 artroplastia total de cadera cementada tipo Weller. A los 6 años y 2 meses de su implante requirió nueva intervención quirúrgica para sustituir el componente dañado. Describimos las posibles causas de esta complicación en base a la literatura revisada. El interés del caso estriba en la rareza de su presentación y en la conservación de la prótesis sustituyendo solamente el núcleo cefálico dañado.The clinical and surgical characteristics of one case of breakage of the ceramic head in a Weller cemented hip arthroplasty is described. The patient needed revision surgery six years and two months after the primary arthroplasty in order to replace the demaged component of the implant. The possible reasons of this complication, according to a literature review, are discussed. The interest of this clinical case is the rare of its presentation, its cause and the surgical solution that allow preservation of the prosthesis, doing exclusively the replacement of the damaged part of the implant