12 research outputs found

    On Nonperturbative Exactness of Konishi Anomaly and the Dijkgraaf-Vafa Conjecture

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    In this paper we study the nonperturbative corrections to the generalized Konishi anomaly that come from the strong coupling dynamics of the gauge theory. We consider U(N) gauge theory with adjoint and Sp(N) or SO(N) gauge theory with symmetric or antisymmetric tensor. We study the algebra of chiral rotations of the matter field and show that it does not receive nonperturbative corrections. The algebra implies Wess-Zumino consistency conditions for the generalized Konishi anomaly which are used to show that the anomaly does not receive nonperturbative corrections for superpotentials of degree less than 2l+1 where 2l=3c(Adj)-c(R) is the one-loop beta function coefficient. The superpotentials of higher degree can be nonperturbatively renormalized because of the ambiguities in the UV completion of the gauge theory. We discuss the implications for the Dijkgraaf-Vafa conjecture.Comment: 23 page

    Low Energy Effective Action in N=2 Yang-Mills as an Integrated Anomaly

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    Based on chiral ring relations and anomalies, as described by Cachazo, Douglas, Seiberg and Witten, we argue that the holomorphic effective action in N=2 Yang-Mills theory can be understood as an integrated U(1) anomaly from a purely field theory point of view. In particular, we show that the periods of the Riemann surface arising from the generalized Konishi anomaly can be given a physical interpretation without referring to special geometry. We also discuss consequences for the multi-instanton calculus in N=2 Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures ; v2: reference adde

    Generalized Konishi anomaly, Seiberg duality and singular effective superpotentials

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    Using the generalized Konishi anomaly (GKA) equations, we derive the effective superpotential of four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric SU(n) gauge theory with n+2 fundamental flavors. We find, however, that the GKA equations are only integrable in the Seiberg dual description of the theory, but not in the direct description of the theory. The failure of integrability in the direct, strongly coupled, description suggests the existence of non-perturbative corrections to the GKA equations.Comment: 20 pages; v3: corrected the comparison to the SU(2) cas

    Sp(N) higher-derivative F-terms via singular superpotentials

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    We generalize the higher-derivative F-terms introduced by Beasley and Witten (hep-th/0409149) for SU(2) superQCD to Sp(N) gauge theories with fundamental matter. We generate these terms by integrating out massive modes at tree level from an effective superpotential on the chiral ring of the microscopic theory. Though this superpotential is singular, its singularities are mild enough to permit the unambiguous identification of its minima, and gives sensible answers upon integrating out massive modes near any given minimum.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    On singular effective superpotentials in supersymmetric gauge theories

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    We study N=1 supersymmetric SU(2) gauge theory in four dimensions with a large number of massless quarks. We argue that effective superpotentials as a function of local gauge-invariant chiral fields should exist for these theories. We show that although the superpotentials are singular, they nevertheless correctly describe the moduli space of vacua, are consistent under RG flow to fewer flavors upon turning on masses, and also reproduce by a tree-level calculation the higher-derivative F-terms calculated by Beasely and Witten (hep-th/0409149) using instanton methods. We note that this phenomenon can also occur in supersymmetric gauge theories in various dimensions.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures; minor errors correcte

    Effective action for Einstein-Maxwell theory at order RF**4

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    We use a recently derived integral representation of the one-loop effective action in Einstein-Maxwell theory for an explicit calculation of the part of the effective action containing the information on the low energy limit of the five-point amplitudes involving one graviton, four photons and either a scalar or spinor loop. All available identities are used to get the result into a relatively compact form.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    Effective superpotential for U(N) with antisymmetric matter

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    We consider an N=1 U(N) gauge theory with matter in the antisymmetric representation and its conjugate, with a tree level superpotential containing at least quartic interactions for these fields. We obtain the effective glueball superpotential in the classically unbroken case, and show that it has a non-trivial N-dependence which does not factorize. We also recover additional contributions starting at order S^N from the dynamics of Sp(0) factors. This can also be understood by a precise map of this theory to an Sp(2N-2) gauge theory with antisymmetric matter.Comment: 22 pages. v2: comment (and a reference) added at the end of section 2 on low rank cases; minor typos corrected. v3: 2 footnotes added with additional clarifications; version to appear in journa

    Glueball operators and the microscopic approach to N=1 gauge theories

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    We explain how to generalize Nekrasov's microscopic approach to N=2 gauge theories to the N=1 case, focusing on the typical example of the U(N) theory with one adjoint chiral multiplet X and an arbitrary polynomial tree-level superpotential Tr W(X). We provide a detailed analysis of the generalized glueball operators and a non-perturbative discussion of the Dijkgraaf-Vafa matrix model and of the generalized Konishi anomaly equations. We compute in particular the non-trivial quantum corrections to the Virasoro operators and algebra that generate these equations. We have performed explicit calculations up to two instantons, that involve the next-to-leading order corrections in Nekrasov's Omega-background.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figure and 1 appendix included; v2: typos and the list of references corrected, version to appear in JHE

    Tree-Level Formalism

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    We review two novel techniques used to calculate tree-level scattering amplitudes efficiently: MHV diagrams, and on-shell recursion relations. For the MHV diagrams, we consider applications to tree-level amplitudes and focus in particular on the N=4 supersymmetric formulation. We also briefly describe the derivation of loop amplitudes using MHV diagrams. For the recursion relations, after presenting their general proof, we discuss several applications to massless theories with and without supersymmetry, to theories with massive particles, and to graviton amplitudes in General Relativity. This article is an invited review for a special issue of Journal of Physics A devoted to "Scattering Amplitudes in Gauge Theories".Comment: 40 pages, 8 figures, invited review for a special issue of Journal of Physics A devoted to "Scattering Amplitudes in Gauge Theories", R. Roiban(ed), M. Spradlin(ed), A. Volovich(ed); v2: minor corrections, references adde

    Hidden Simplicity of Gauge Theory Amplitudes

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    These notes were given as lectures at the CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings and Gauge Theory 2010. We describe the structure of scattering amplitudes in gauge theories, focussing on the maximally supersymmetric theory to highlight the hidden symmetries which appear. Using the BCFW recursion relations we solve for the tree-level S-matrix in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory, and describe how it produces a sum of invariants of a large symmetry algebra. We review amplitudes in the planar theory beyond tree-level, describing the connection between amplitudes and Wilson loops, and discuss the implications of the hidden symmetries.Comment: 46 pages, 15 figures. v2 ref added, typos fixe