170 research outputs found

    El tiempo de los hombres: lecturas sobre María Zambrano y Hannah Arendt

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    Este artículo pretende esclarecer la cuestión del tiempo en las reflexiones políticas de María Zambrano (1904-1991) y de Hannah Arendt (1906-1975), señalándola como un punto de convergencia entre ellas. Se muestran, bajo esta denominación,los lazos de unión entre sus escrituras metafóricas.This article aims to elucidate the question of the time in the political reflections of María Zambrano (1904-1991) and Hannah Arendt (1906-1975), marking it as a point of convergence for them. The purpose being to clearly reveal the links between their metaphorical writings

    Portuguese Olive Oil Omics for traceability and authenticity.

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    Por3O Project is based on a genomic and metabolomic approaches and the main goals are: the authenticity of extra virgin olive oils, considering geographic and varietal aspect, and the genuineness of the product to yield a useful tool for screening for fraud and for the olive oil certification

    Cross-curricular mathematics: a case study

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    Educational and academic success of the various subjects is not yet a won battle. For that reason, organizations continue to (re)invent methods which may contribute to that success. More recently, it is strongly supported that the Curricula should be articulated: i) vertically, throughout all the school years, and ii) horizontally, among themselves in each different year. Research studies show, however, this measure is not being systematically implemented or even carried out in the best way. Therefore, a research was developed to explore how the process of inter-year and inter-cycle Cross Curricular Mathematics is interpreted, planned and experienced, as set out at a ministerial level, within a vertical grouping of schools. A qualitative and interpretative case study was chosen. The participants were 11 teachers, some with management positions. For data collection, a document analysis, observation and inquiry were included. The data show that teachers unanimously believed in the potentialities of collaborative work; and that, despite all efforts and measures introduced, there continues to be a difference between the scholar cycles. In fact, there are horizontal articulations regarding the several years of the same cycle but, in what concerns vertical articulation, there is a gap between the 1st and the others cycles

    New Insights into the Specificity, Authenticity, and Traceability Analysis of Olive Oils

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    Editorial New Insights into the Specificity, Authenticity, and Traceability Analysis of Olive Oil

    What principle of difference for a truly egalitarian social democracy? Rereading Rawls after social democracy’s failures

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    Social democracy based on welfare and the redistribution of social contributions is failing. The accumulation of wealth and the increase in inequalities are the two faces of Janus that social democracy has not been able to contain over the recent decades. In this context, it matters to discuss John Rawls’s influential difference principle. According to the maximin criterion put forth by Rawls, it does not suffice that no one becomes worse off; those who are worse off must also become better off than they are. Here, we note that the existence and growth of inequality find no opposition in the maximin rule. Despite appearances, strictly speaking it merely introduces a factor of social compensation, a sort of “assistencialism” to the victims of the greatest inequality. Even the most robust formulation of the principle of difference, according to which the greatest advantage to the less advantaged is indispensable, does not per se preclude an aggregate growth of inequalities. It seems clear that it was an egalitarian goal what Rawls had in mind in A Theory of Justice. Rawls’s critical comments on welfare capitalism must indeed not be forgotten—especially in his further explanations about the application of the principles of justice in a property-owning democracy. Here, as in liberal socialism, the dispersion of property, capital and resources prevents economic and political powers from being concentrated into the hands of a minority. However, the egalitarian aim does not strictly follow from the difference principle as stated, whether taken literally as an application of the maximin rule or inferring from its strongest formulation. A reformulation that does justice to the egalitarian aim of the principle of difference is, however, possible: namely, a degrowthist reformulation, truly requiring a degrowth in accumulation and inequalities, making explicit a brake clause that hinders the aggregate growth of inequalities. Such a degrowthist conception of the difference principle may justify some concrete rules that are able to enforce the egalitarian commitments of social democracy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fluorescence microscopy imaging denoising with Log-Euclidean priors and photobleaching compensation

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    Fluorescent protein microscopy imaging is nowadays one of the most important tools in biomedical research. However, the resulting images present a low signal to noise ratio and a time intensity decay due to the photobleaching effect. This phenomenon is a consequence of the decreasing on the radiation emission efficiency of the tagging protein. This occurs because the fluorophore permanently loses its ability to fluoresce, due to photochemical reactions induced by the incident light. The Poisson multiplicative noise that corrupts these images, in addition with its quality degradation due to photobleaching, make long time biological observation processes very difficult. In this paper a denoising algorithm for Poisson data, where the photobleaching effect is explicitly taken into account, is described. The algorithm is designed in a Bayesian framework where the data fidelity term models the Poisson noise generation process as well as the exponential intensity decay caused by the photobleaching. The prior term is conceived with Gibbs priors and log-Euclidean potential functions, suitable to cope with the positivity constrained nature of the parameters to be estimated. Monte Carlo tests with synthetic data are presented to characterize the performance of the algorithm. One example with real data is included to illustrate its application

    No rasto da passagem de Ferreira de Castro pelos suplemento e revista de A Batalha (1919-1927)

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    Neste artigo pretende-se elucidar os contornos libertários do pensamento do escritor Ferreira de Castro, através de uma análise dos seus artigos publicados em A Batalha – Suplemento Literário e Ilustrado e na Renovação. Na esteira de uma breve apreciação biobibliográfica, em que se assinala o percurso jornalístico do escritor, sonda-se a sua demora em temáticas como a arte social e a injustiça social.In this paper we intend to elucidate the contours of the libertarian thinking of the writer Ferreira de Castro, through an analysis of his articles published in A Batalha – Suplemento Literário e Ilustrado and Renovação. Following a brief bio-bibliographical appreciation, where the journalistic course of the writer is detailed, we discuss his interest and work in subjects like social art and social injustice

    Défice Democrático e Democracia Transnacional

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    O défice democrático - seja local, nacional, supranacional ou global - ilustra o hiato entre os representantes políticos e a vontade e visão dos indivíduos afectados por essas decisões, e mostra como a actual representatividade dos indivíduos nas instituições é inversamente proporcional à escala e escopo institucional. Este hiato é tanto mais preocupante quanto revela o desrespeito pelo direito humano à igualdade de oportunidades de participação política e suporta a crescente desigualdade económica e social entre os mais ricos e pobres do mundo. Neste artigo pretende-se mostrar como a via cosmopolita de combate ao défice democrático é mais adequada que a proposta de mera democratização faseada dos contextos doméstico e internacional, dado traduzir-se na criação de uma sobreposição de instituições transnacionais e regionais, no seio das quais os indivíduos participam directa ou indirectamente.The democratic deficit – whether local, national, supranational or global – illustrates the gap between the decision makers and the will and vision of individuals affected by these decisions; and reveals that the current representatively of individuals in institutions is inversely proportional to scope and scale institutional. This gap is all the more worrying as it reveals the disrespect for the human right to equal opportunity to political participation; and this carries with it the growing economic and social inequality between the richest and the poorest people of the world. This article aims to show how the cosmopolitan approach on democratic deficit fight is most appropriate that the proposal of mere democratization by steps on domestic and international contexts, since it translates into the creation of an overlapping of transnational and regional institutions, within which individuals participate direct or indirectly.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Michael Walzer: a diferenciação e complexidade do “eu”

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    Neste artigo procurarei elucidar a posição de Michael Walzer relativamente ao debate filosófico que, na década de 80 do último século, expôs o confronto entre duas visões antípodas da identidade do sujeito: o sujeito pré-social do individualismo liberal, ou o eu radicalmente desincorporado da posição original rawlsiana, e o sujeito radicalmente situado, ou o eu de pertença à comunidade do comunitarismo radical de Sandel, MacIntyre e Taylor – remeto-me, aqui, especialmente ao primeiro. Mais do que uma querela entre valores individuais e valores comunitários, a crítica do comunitarismo ao liberalismo reflecte o conflito entre o contextualismo e o universalismo; entre a particularidade, a realidade concreta das normas dadas numa determinada sociedade, e a abstracção que esta na base dos princípios pelos quais os liberais avaliam uma sociedade. Como procurarei mostrar, Walzer assume uma abordagem teórica singular ao longo desta discussão, defendendo o comunitarismo não como uma alternativa ao liberalismo, mas como um correctivo intermitente dos seus excessos, ou transgressões. Se por um lado, evita o atomismo rawlsiano; por outro lado, e diferentemente do comunitarismo radical, coloca a ênfase na complexidade e diferenciação do eu com base no pluralismo das sociedades contemporâneas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    MENDES, Manuel da Silva, Socialismo Libertário ou Anarchismo

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    Publicada no ano de 1896, num contexto político adverso à propaganda anarquista – considerada como um crime pela Lei de 13 de Fevereiro desse mesmo ano –, esta obra revela os contornos doutrinários e históricos do anarquismo, sobretudo da feição dominante na militância anarquista em Portugal, o “anarquismo social”. Como assinala João Freire em “Revistas anarquistas portuguesas: entre a política e a cultura” (in Revistas, Ideias e Doutrinas, 2003), “o anarquismo social era certamente um social..