81 research outputs found

    A general abundance problem for all self-enrichment scenarios for the origin of multiple populations in globular clusters

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    A number of stellar sources have been advocated as the origin of the enriched material required to explain the abundance anomalies seen in ancient globular clusters (GCs). Most studies to date have compared the yields from potential sources (asymptotic giant branch stars (AGBs), fast rotating massive stars (FRMS), high mass interacting binaries (IBs), and very massive stars (VMS)) with observations of specific elements that are observed to vary from star-to-star in GCs, focussing on extreme GCs such as NGC 2808, which display large He variations. However, a consistency check between the results of fitting extreme cases with the requirements of more typical clusters, has rarely been done. Such a check is particularly timely given the constraints on He abundances in GCs now available. Here we show that all of the popular enrichment sources fail to reproduce the observed trends in GCs, focussing primarily on Na, O and He. In particular, we show that any model that can fit clusters like NGC 2808, will necessarily fail (by construction) to fit more typical clusters like 47 Tuc or NGC 288. All sources severely over-produce He for most clusters. Additionally, given the large differences in He spreads between clusters, but similar spreads observed in Na–O, only sources with large degrees of stochasticity in the resulting yields will be able to fit the observations. We conclude that no enrichment source put forward so far (AGBs, FRMS, IBs, VMS - or combinations thereof) is consistent with the observations of GCs. Finally, the observed trends of increasing [N/Fe] and He spread with increasing cluster mass cannot be resolved within a self-enrichment framework, without further exacerbating the mass budget problem

    Evidence for C and Mg variations in the GD-1 stellar stream

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    Dynamically cold stellar streams are the relics left over from globular cluster dissolution. These relics offer a unique insight into a now fully disrupted population of ancient clusters in our Galaxy. Using a combination of Gaia eDR3 proper motions, optical and near-UV colours, we select a sample of likely Red Giant Branch stars from the GD-1 stream for medium-low resolution spectroscopic follow-up. Based on radial velocity and metallicity, we are able to find 14 new members of GD-1, 5 of which are associated with the spur and blob/cocoon off-stream features. We measured C-abundances to probe for abundance variations known to exist in globular clusters. These variations are expected to manifest in a subtle way in globular clusters with such low masses (similar to 10(4) M-circle dot) and metallicities ([Fe/H] similar to -2.1 dex). We find that the C-abundances of the stars in our sample display a small but significant (3 sigma level) spread. Furthermore, we find similar to 3 sigma variation in Mg-abundances among the stars in our sample that have been observed by APOGEE. These abundance patterns match the ones found in Galactic globular clusters of similar metallicity. Our results suggest that GD-1 represents another fully disrupted low-mass globular cluster where light-element abundance spreads have been found

    Constraining the Origin of Multiple Stellar Populations in Stellar Clusters

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    Globular clusters were among the first luminous objects to form in the Universe. They are dense collections of hundreds of thousands of stars. Globular cluster formation is a major unsolved problem in astrophysics. A new constraint on the problem came from the discovery of unexpected star-to-star variations in the abundances of some light elements. These abundance variations (or multiple stellar populations) are ubiquitous to all globular clusters studied to date. The pursuit to explain this longstanding prob- lem using these new constraints (i.e. the abundance variations), has reinvigorated the study of globular clusters, and at the same time has challenged our understanding of nucleosynthesis and stellar evolution. Several scenarios have been put forward to explain the presence of multiple stellar populations in globular clusters, nearly all requiring multiple generations of stars. The basic hypothesis in these models is that a second generation of stars is born during the early life of the globular cluster from the chemically-processed ejecta of some first generation stars in order to account for the signature multiple stellar populations observed in old globular clusters today. Many of these scenarios are mutually exclusive. Therefore, to determine which of them fits the current evidence the best became the priority of globular cluster studies. Modern observational facilities cannot resolve the globular cluster formation process in the early Universe. However, none of the scenarios for the origin of globular cluster and their multiple stellar populations make any distinctions between star/cluster formation at the present day and earlier epochs of the universe. Accordingly, the processes invoked in these scenarios can, in principle, be constrained by studies of the formation of young massive star clusters in the local Universe, which have similar sizes and masses as present-day globular clusters, but are significantly younger. In this work, I present some of the strongest constraints from such studies coming from the gas content of young massive clusters and their star formation histories. These studies showed that: 1) young massive clusters are consistent with a single star formation burst, and 2) there is no significant cool gas reservoirs left within young massive clusters that can fuel future star-formation events. These results are in stark contrast with the predictions of nearly all the scenarios that have been proposed to explain the origin of abundance variations in globular cluster stars, which require that young massive clusters should host multiple star formation events

    Searching for GC-like abundance patterns in young massive clusters II. - Results from the Antennae galaxies

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    The presence of multiple populations (MPs) with distinctive light element abundances is a widespread phenomenon in clusters older than 6 Gyr. Clusters with masses, luminosities, and sizes comparable to those of ancient globulars are still forming today. Nonetheless, the presence of light element variations has been poorly investigated in such young systems, even if the knowledge of the age at which this phenomenon develops is crucial for theoretical models on MPs. We use J-band integrated spectra of three young (7-40 Myr) clusters in NGC 4038 to look for Al variations indicative of MPs. Assuming that the large majority (>70%) of stars are characterised by high Al content - as observed in Galactic clusters with comparable mass; we find that none of the studied clusters show significant Al variations. Small Al spreads have been measured in all the six young clusters observed in the near-infrared. While it is unlikely that young clusters only show low Al whereas old ones display different levels of Al variations; this suggests the possibility that MPs are not present at such young ages at least among the high-mass stellar component. Alternatively, the fraction of stars with field-like chemistry could be extremely large, mimicking low Al abundances in the integrated spectrum. Finally, since the near-infrared stellar continuum of young clusters is almost entirely due to luminous red supergiants, we can also speculate that MPs only manifest themselves in low mass stars due to some evolutionary mechanism

    Chemical inhomogeneities amongst first population stars in globular clusters Evidence for He variations

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    Spreads in light element abundances among stars (also known as multiple populations) are observed in nearly all globular clusters. One way to map such chemical variations using high-precision photometry is to employ a suitable combination of stellar magnitudes in the F275W, F336W, F438W, and F814W filters (called the “chromosome map”), to maximise the separation between the different multiple populations. For each individual cluster its chromosome map separates the first population (with metal abundance patterns typical of field halo stars) from the second population (which displays distinctive abundance variations among a specific group of light elements). Surprisingly, the distribution of first population stars in chromosome maps of several but not all clusters has been found to be more extended than expected from purely observational errors, suggesting a chemically inhomogeneous origin. We consider here three clusters with similar metallicity ([Fe/H] ~ −1.3) and different chromosome maps, namely NGC 288, M 3, and NGC 2808, and argue that the first population extended distribution (as observed in two of these clusters) is due to spreads of the initial helium abundance and possibly a small range of nitrogen abundances as well. The presence of a range of initial He and N abundances amongst stars traditionally thought to have homogeneous composition, and that these spreads appear only in some clusters, challenges the scenarios put forward so far to explain the multiple population phenomenon

    High-precision abundances of first population stars in NGC 2808: confirmation of a metallicity spread

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    Photometric investigations have revealed that Galactic globular clusters exhibit internal metallicity variations amongst the so-called first-population stars, until now considered to have a homogeneous initial chemical composition. This is not fully supported by the sparse spectroscopic evidence, which so far gives conflicting results. Here, we present a high-resolution re-analysis of five stars in the Galactic globular cluster NGC 2808 taken from the literature. Target stars are bright red giants with nearly identical atmospheric parameters belonging to the first population according to their identification in the chromosome map of the cluster, and we have measured precise differential abundances for Fe, Si, Ca, Ti, and Ni to the ~0.03 dex level. Thanks to the very small uncertainties associated to the differential atmospheric parameters and abundance measurements, we find that target stars span a range of iron abundance equal to 0.25 +/- 0.06 dex. The individual elemental abundances are highly correlated with the position of the star along the extended sequence described by first population objects in the cluster chromosome map: bluer stars have a lower iron content. This agrees with inferences from the photometric analysis. The differential abundances for all other elements also show statistically significant ranges that point to intrinsic abundance spreads. The Si, Ca, Ti, and Ni variations are highly correlated with iron variations and the total abundance spreads for all elements are consistent within the error bars. This suggests a scenario in which short-lived massive stars exploding as supernovae contributed to the self-enrichment of the gas in the natal cloud while star formation was still ongoing.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    High-precision abundances of first-population stars in NGC 2808: confirmation of a metallicity spread

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    Photometric investigations have revealed that Galactic globular clusters (GCs) exhibit internal metallicity variations amongst the so- called first-population stars, which until now were considered to have a homogeneous initial chemical composition. This is not fully supported by the sparse spectroscopic evidence, which so far gives conflicting results. Here, we present a high-resolution re-analysis of five stars in the Galactic GC NGC 2808 taken from the literature. Target stars are bright red giants with nearly identical atmospheric parameters belonging to the first population according to their identification in the chromosome map of the cluster, and we measured precise differential abundances for Fe, Si, Ca, Ti, and Ni to the ∼0.03 dex level. Thanks to the very small uncertainties associated with the differential atmospheric parameters and abundance measurements, we find that target stars span a range of iron abundance equal to 0.25 ± 0.06 dex. The individual elemental abundances are highly correlated with the positions of the stars along the extended sequence described by first-population objects in the cluster chromosome map: bluer stars have a lower iron content. This agrees with inferences from the photometric analysis. The differential abundances of all other elements also show statistically significant ranges that point to intrinsic abundance spreads. The Si, Ca, Ti, and Ni variations are highly correlated with iron variations and the total abundance spreads for all elements are consistent within the error bars. This suggests a scenario in which short-lived massive stars exploding as supernovae contributed to the self-enrichment of the gas in the natal cloud while star formation was still ongoing

    Expanding the Time Domain of Multiple Populations: Evidence of Nitrogen Variations in the ~1.5 Gyr Old Star Cluster NGC 1783

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    We present the result of a detailed analysis of Hubble Space Telescope UV and optical deep images of the massive and young (~1.5 Gyr) stellar cluster NGC 1783 in the Large Magellanic Cloud. This system does not show evidence of multiple populations (MPs) along the red giant branch (RGB) stars. However, we find that the cluster main sequence (MS) shows evidence of a significant broadening (50% larger than what is expected from photometric errors) along with hints of possible bimodality in the MP sensitive (m F343N - m F438W, m F438W) color-magnitude diagram (CMD). Such an effect is observed in all color combinations including the m F343N filter, while it is not found in the optical CMDs. This observational evidence suggests we might have found light-element chemical abundance variations along the MS of NGC 1783, which represents the first detection of MPs in a system younger than 2 Gyr. A comparison with isochrones including MP-like abundances shows that the observed broadening is compatible with a N abundance enhancement of ?([N/Fe]) ~ 0.3. Our analysis also confirms previous results about the lack of MPs along the cluster RGB. However, we find that the apparent disagreement between the results found on the MS and the RGB is compatible with the mixing effects linked to the first dredge up. This study provides new key information about the MP phenomenon and suggests that star clusters form in a similar way at any cosmic age