5,260 research outputs found

    Vacuum Polarization by a Magnetic Flux Tube at Finite Temperature in the Cosmic String Spacetime

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    In this paper we analyse the effect produced by the temperature in the vacuum polarization associated with charged massless scalar field in the presence of magnetic flux tube in the cosmic string spacetime. Three different configurations of magnetic fields are taken into account: (i)(i) a homogeneous field inside the tube, (ii)(ii) a field proportional to 1/r1/r and (iii)(iii) a cylindrical shell with δ\delta-function. In these three cases, the axis of the infinitely long tube of radius RR coincides with the cosmic string. Because the complexity of this analysis in the region inside the tube, we consider the thermal effect in the region outside. In order to develop this analysis, we construct the thermal Green function associated with this system for the three above mentioned situations considering points in the region outside the tube. We explicitly calculate in the high-temperature limit, the thermal average of the field square and the energy-momentum tensor.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    A semantic web service-based architecture for the interoperability of e-government services

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    We propose a semantically-enhanced architecture to address the issues of interoperability and service integration in e-government web information systems. An architecture for a life event portal based on Semantic Web Services (SWS) is described. The architecture includes loosely-coupled modules organized in three distinct layers: User Interaction, Middleware and Web Services. The Middleware provides the semantic infrastructure for ontologies and SWS. In particular a conceptual model for integrating domain knowledge (Life Event Ontology), application knowledge (E-government Ontology) and service description (Service Ontology) is defined. The model has been applied to a use case scenario in e-government and the results of a system prototype have been reported to demonstrate some relevant features of the proposed approach

    Contact allergy to local anaesthetics–value of patch testing with a caine mix in the baseline series

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    BACKGROUND: Contact allergy to local anaesthetics is relatively common. Patch testing with benzocaine in the European baseline series is recommended for diagnosis, even though a caine mix has been previously suggested to be superior. OBJECTIVES: To assess the frequency and patterns of contact allergy to local anaesthetics by using a caine mix (benzocaine, tetracaine, and cinchocaine) in the baseline series, and evaluate its efficiency as compared with benzocaine alone. METHODS: We reviewed the results of 2736 patch tests performed between 2000 and 2010, identifying patients with positive reactions to caine mix or to one of seven local anaesthetics. RESULTS: One hundred and twelve patients (4.1%) had at least one allergic reaction to local anaesthetics; 86 were tested with all seven local anaesthetics, resulting in 71 reactions in 53 patients. Cinchocaine gave the most reactions (50.7%); these occurred as a single reaction in 83.3% of patients, mostly with current or past relevance (97%). Benzocaine represented 22.5% of reactions, many of which were non-relevant (44%) or resulting from cross-reactions with para-compounds. CONCLUSIONS: Almost 70% of allergic reactions to local anaesthetics would have been missed if benzocaine had been used as a screening allergen. This study supports a recommendation to replace benzocaine with a caine mix containing cinchocaine in the baseline patch test series

    A semiquantitative approach to the impurity-band-related transport properties of GaMnAs nanolayers

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    We investigate the spin-polarized transport of GaMnAs nanolayers in which a ferromagnetic order exists below a certain transition temperature. Our calculation for the self-averaged resistivity takes into account the existence of an impurity band determining the extended ("metallic" transport) or localized (hopping by thermal excitation) nature of the states at and near the Fermi level. Magnetic order and resistivity are inter-related due to the influence of the spin polarization of the impurity band and the effect of the Zeeman splitting on the mobility edge. We obtain, for a given range of Mn concentration and carrier density, a "metallic" behavior in which the transport by extended carriers dominates at low temperature, and is dominated by the thermally excited localized carriers near and above the transition temperature. This gives rise to a conspicuous hump of the resistivity which has been experimentally observed and brings light onto the relationship between transport and magnetic properties of this material

    Revisões de próteses da anca: Reconstrução das lises ósseas com enxertos alógenos

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    O desprendimento ou "descolamento" asséptico das próteses totais da anca e a lise óssea do leito da prótese, são as complicações mais frequentes das artroplastias da anca. Factores mecânicos, biológicos e, sobretudo, reacções do organismo às partículas de desgaste dos diferentes componentes das próteses estão, com certeza, envolvidos neste processo. As lises ósseas acetabulares e femurais podem revestir características e intensidades variáveis, obrigando a estratégias de reconstrução diferentes. Com base na gravidade das lises ósseas considerámos três graus para o acetábulo e igualmente três graus para o fémur. Para preenchimento das lises ósseas recorremos a enxertos alógenos, do Banco de Ossos dos Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra, colhidos e conservados segundo as normas internacionalmente aceites. Nas lises acetabulares do grau I e grau II utilizámos enxerto esponjoso sob a forma de pequenos fragmentos ou grânulos e nas lises do grau III enxertos maciços talhados na extremidade distal do fémur. Como implantes temos utilizado cúpulas "primárias" ou anéis metálicos de reforço acetabular nas lises do grau I anéis metálicos nas lises do grau II e, cúpulas cimentadas directamente no enxerto maciço ou anéis metálicos cujos parafusos transfixam o enxerto, nas lises do grau III. Nas lises femurais temos utilizado enxerto esponjoso para preenchimento das perdas de substância óssea e como implante as hastes de Wagner, de forma quase sistemática. Como vias de abordagem da anca utilizámos a via postero-externa ou a via transfemoral. Esta metodologia tem-nos permitido a recolocação de nova prótese, mesmo em situações de extrema fragilidade e perda de substância óssea. De Outubro de 1990 a Dezembro de 1994 a mesma equipa tratou, segundo estes critérios, 185 ancas, sendo a lise óssea acetabular classificada do grau I em 35 casos, do grau II em 128 casos e do grau III em 16. A lise femoral foi do grau I em 38 casos, do grau II em 75 e do grau III em 47. O tempo de evolução pós-operatório variou entre o máximo de 4 anos e 9 meses e o mínimo de 6 meses, sendo a média de 2 anos e 11 meses. Como complicações mais significativas referimos 5 casos de infecção, 23 de luxação da prótese, 1 de reabsorção marcada do enxerto maciço com desprendimento do componente acetabular, 5 de afundamento da haste de Wagner que foi necessário substituir por outra de maior calibre e 3 casos de ausência de consolidação da "janela" óssea extensa (via transfemoral) sem repercussões clínicas. Os resultados clínicos foram considerados satisfatórios, pois que, segundo os critérios de Harris, pré-operatoriamente os doentes tinham em média uma pontuação de 40 e na última avaliação uma média de 76. Segundo a opinião do doente, 58°/o encontram-se entusiasmados com o resultado, 36% satisfeitos e apenas 6°/o decepcionados

    Tratamento conservador do carcinoma do pênis - estudo retrospectivo de 10 anos

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    Conservative treatment of penile squamous cell carcinoma has been advocated as a method of choice for tumours at early stages. Thirty patients with a mean age of 63.2 years were treated with CO2 laser ablation, radical local excision with preputial flap, direct closure or healing by secondary intention, circumcision alone or associated with CO2 laser and topical imiquimod. Sixteen patients had local recurrence. Partial penectomy was necessary in 3 patients. Conservative treatments of penile squamous cell carcinoma in early stages (< T1a) do not seem to compromise the survival rate, so it may be advisable for this subset of patients