2 research outputs found

    Extrathoracic heart in northern Cameroon: a case report

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    Sternal clefts, ectopia cordis, and Cantrell's pentalogy continue to be very rare congenital anomalies in pediatric surgery. The prenatal diagnosis is easily made with ultrasound by visualizing the heart outside the thoracic cavity. Ectopia cordis is frequently associated with other congenital defects involving multiple organ systems. We report a case of ectopia cordis with successful surgical correction on a 7 months old child from northern Cameroon

    The first coronary by-pass grafting surgery done in western and central Africa

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    Africa bears a significant proportion of the global burden of chronic diseases, along with poor countries of Asia and Latin America. The World Health Organisation projects that over the next ten years the Continent will experience the largest increase in death rates from cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory disease and diabetes. Probably for the first time in Western and Central Africa, the very first coronary artery bypass surgery grafting was performed in the Cardiac Centre of Shisong in Cameroon.Key words: Coronary artery bypass grafting, cardiac centre, Cameroo