61 research outputs found

    Divulgación de información sobre riesgos y coste de los recursos propios: un enfoque bayesiano

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    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la relación entre la divulgación de información sobre riesgo y el coste de capital de los recursos propios de empresas que cotizan en el mercado de capitales español. Este estudio utiliza un conjunto de 71 empresas que cotizaron en la Bolsa de Madrid entre 2010 y 2015; todas son empresas no financieras de las que había previsiones de beneficios. El problema se ha analizado bajo un enfoque de regresión lineal Bayesiana. Los resultados del estudio muestran que el coste de capital de los recursos propios y la información de riesgo divulgada no están relacionados cuando se toma la información de riesgos de manera global. Sin embargo, cuando la información de riesgo se divide en riesgos financieros y no financieros, se encuentra una relación positiva entre los riesgos financieros y el coste de capital de los recursos propios.This paper aims to analyze the relationship between risk information disclosure and the cost of equity of companies in the Spanish capital market. This study uses a set of 71 firms listed on Madrid stock exchange between 2010 and 2015; all of them are non-financial listed companies for which profit forecasts existed. The problem was analyzed using a Bayesian linear regression approach. The results show that cost of equity and disclosed risk information are not related if a global view of the latter is adopted. However, a positive relationship between financial risks and the cost of equity occurs when risk information is divided into financial and non-financial risks

    Introducción a la matemática de las operaciones financieras

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    Departament de Finances i Comptabilitat. Codi assignatura: FC1003; EC1003; AE100

    Risk information disclosure and its impact on analyst forecast accuracy

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a influência da divulgação de informações de risco na precisão das previsões de lucro de analistas financeiros para o mercado de ações espanhol. Para isso, foi realizada uma análise de regressão com dados em painel de uma amostra de empresas não financeiras listadas na Bolsa de Madri de 2010 a 2015. Os resultados mostram que as informações de risco não ajudam a reduzir os níveis de incerteza de analistas. Além disso, a análise separada das informações de risco verificadas e não verificadas confirma que não há relação entre as informações de risco publicadas e a percepção dos analistas sobre os níveis de risco das empresas.This paper aims to analyse the influence of risk information disclosure on the accuracy of financial analysts’ earnings forecasts for the Spanish stock market. To do this, we performed a regression analysis with panel data on a sample comprised of non-financial firms listed on the Madrid Stock Exchange from 2010 to 2015. The results of the study show that risk information disclosed by firms does not help to reduce analysts’ uncertainty levels nor enable them to make more accurate forecasts of future profits. Furthermore, separately testing verified and unverified risk information disclosure confirms that there is no relationship between the risk information disclosed and the perception that analysts have on companies’ levels of risk.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia de la divulgación de información de riesgo en la precisión de las previsiones de beneficios de los analistas financieros para el mercado de valores español. Para ello, se ha realizado un análisis de regresión con datos de panel para una muestra de empresas no financieras que cotizan en la Bolsa de Madrid de 2010 a 2015. Los resultados muestran que la información de riesgo no ayuda a reducir los niveles de incertidumbre de los analistas. Adicionalmente, el análisis por separado de la información de riesgos verificada y no verificada confirma que no existe relación entre la información de riesgos publicada y la percepción que los analistas tienen sobre los niveles de riesgo de las empresas

    Climate-related prudential regulation tools in the context of sustainable and responsible investment: a systematic review

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    Several major economies have already committed to achieving a carbon-neutral economy by 2050, in accordance with the Paris Agreement. The banking system in all countries has a key role to play in supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy, and academia has been researching the prudential regulation tools that will enable the incorporation of climate risk management into banking. However, no studies to date have attempted to systematize research on Climate-related Prudential Regulation Tools. This study conducts a systematic review of the English-language peer-reviewed literature produced on this topic in the period since the 2007–2008 financial crisis, revealing the state of the art and the research gaps. The thematic synthesis carried out in this study shows the experience of some countries in the implementation of these tools and the advancement of academic knowledge in this field. These findings can serve as a reference for the further development of a harmonized international framework to address climate risk in banking

    Donor Reaction to Non-Financial Information Covering Social Projects in Nonprofits: A Spanish Case

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    The notion of accountability in nonprofits suggests that these organisations should disclose financial and non-financial practices following a holistic model. In practice, the interest of both managers and researchers has focused primarily on donors and financial disclosures, for funding and methodological reasons respectively. From the perspective of impact investment, all of them, government, beneficiaries, private donors, managers and volunteers are expected to make their decisions based on non-financial information as investors expecting social returns. However, to what extent does project information that demonstrates that the non-profit organisation has achieved its social mission actually matter? The main objective of this paper is to analyse whether the donations received by non-governmental organisations NGOs are related to the information disclosed on the projects undertaken. We perform our analysis separately for individual, private and public donors. Our results show that public donors are more interested in financial disclosures, private donors find information about outcomes and impacts to be most useful and individual donors do not tend to use non-financial information when it comes to making decisions about whether to donate or not

    Capturing the Invisible Wealth in Nonprofits to Overcome Myopic Perceptions

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    Since nonprofits use third-party funds for their activities, they are often perceived as resource managers or spending units, instead of being considered as social wealth generating entities. The aim of this study is to help to overcome this myopic perception by showing how the invisible wealth generated by these organizations can be made visible. We use the SROI methodology to do so, by identifying stakeholders, outcomes (tangible, intangible) and social impacts in a drug addiction treatment centre. The results show that social impact in monetary terms exceeds that of the inputs used, confirming the idea that addiction-based nonprofits are social wealth generating units. The conclusion drawn is that social impact measurement should be widely used as a management tool and a mechanism for reinforcing the social image of nonprofits

    Clustered firms and solvency in the Spanish ceramics industry

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    There is a vast literature on the advantages of agglomeration due to positive externalities arising within industrial concentrations like clusters or industrial districts. Empirical studies strongly suggest these benefits when the focus is on innovation or transmission of knowledge. If this is the case, then it is reasonable to expect that cluster benefits should result in better financial performance and higher solvency for clustered firms soon or later. However, the limited empirical support for the link between clusters and economic performance provides contradictory results. This paper goes deeper into this matter and aims to measure the resulting effects on the solvency of firms in agglomeration economies. Empirical analysis has been applied to a sample of 609 firms in the Spanish ceramic tile cluster to test for statistically significant differences in the levels of solvency between clustered and isolated firms. Then we analyze whether firm size and phase of the economic cycle are relevant. Study results show significant differences between large and small clustered firms, suggesting that size does matter in terms of capturing the benefits of clustering from the perspective of solvency

    Information on social impact at NGOs. The case of the Spanish charitable foundations

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    Within the Spanish legislation, the requirements for inf ormation disclosure depend on the kind of organization. Most of Spanish Non - Governmental Organizations (NGOs) work as charitable foundations (a legal categorization of non - profit organizations), organizations where we focus on. In this paper we analyse the requirements that Spanish law establishes for the disclosure of social impact information for charitable foundations. Social impact is, probably, the best benchmark to measure the performance of this kind of non - profit organizations. There must be underli ned that Spain is divided into several regions (known as “Autonomias”), and some of these regions have specific rules for charitable foundations. Therefore, depending on the region where a NGO (foundation) is settled on, the requirements for information di sclosure can vary. In this paper we compare the different requirements that regions establish for their NGOs (charitable foundations) in the field of disclosure of information on social impact. And we also reflect on the adequacy of this information to the requirements of the stakeholders (donors, beneficiaries, community, ....