12 research outputs found
Validity of Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) in Mexican women / Validez del Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) en mujeres mexicanas
Abstract. The aim of this study was to validate the instrument Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) in female Mexican population, created to assess body dissatisfaction. 472 women participated, 256 were students and formed the control group ('X = 15.9, DE = 3.2) and 216 patients with Eating Disorders (ED) ('X = 20.5, DE = 3.9) with an age range of 13 to 30 years. The results showed excellent internal consistency (a = .98) and a 2-factor structure that explained 63.8% of the total variance. These were: 1) normative body uncomfort (α=.95), and 2) pathological body uncomfort (α=.94). Regarding the discriminant and predictive validity, the BSQ showed good ability to classify individuals with eating disorders, depending on body dissatisfaction, noting that such capacity is greater when discriminating between Anorexia, Bulimia and control (λ de Wilks = .485, χ2(gl=1)= 278.830, p≤ .001). Finally we explored 6 different cut off points, of which the 110-was proved to be the most appropriate according to their values of sensitivity (84.3%) and specificity (84.4%). In conclusion, the BSQ is a useful questionnaire to detect body dissatisfaction in Mexican women. Keywords: Validity, Body Shape Questionnaire, women, body dissatisfaction. Resumen. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue validar el instrumento en población mexicana femenina Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ), creado con la finalidad de evaluar la insatisfacción corporal. Participaron 472 mujeres, 256 eran estudiantes ('X = 15.9, DE = 3.2) y conformaron el grupo control y 216 pacientes con Trastorno del Comportamiento Alimentario (TCA) ('X = 20.5, DE = 3.9) con un rango de edad de 13 a 30 años. Los resultados mostraron una excelente consistencia interna (a = .98), así como una estructura de 2 factores que explicaron el 63.8% de la varianza total. Estos fueron: 1) Malestar corporal normativo (α=.95) y 2) Malestar corporal patológico (α=.94). Respecto a la validez discriminante y predictiva, el BSQ mostró una buena capacidad de clasificar a individuos con TCA, en función de la insatisfacción corporal, y se observó que dicha capacidad es mayor cuando discrimina entre Anorexia, Bulimia y control (λ de Wilks = .485, χ2(gl=1)= 278.830, p≤ .001). Finalmente se exploraron 6 diferentes puntos de corte, de los cuales 110 fue el que demostró ser el más apropiado, de acuerdo a sus valores de sensibilidad (84.3%) y especificidad (84.4%). En conclusión el BSQ es un cuestionario de gran utilidad para detectar la insatisfacción corporal en mujeres mexicanas. Palabras clave: Validez, Body Shape Questionnaire, mujeres, insatisfacción corporal
Parent-Focused Psychotherapy for the Preventive Management of Chronicity in Anorexia Nervosa: A Case Series
Background: Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a complex eating disorder where involvement of family plays a central role in first line treatment in adolescents, but which is not so for adults where poor response to treatment is frequent. Given the reluctance of some patients to receive treatment, we set out to explore the hypothesis that certain family dynamics may be involved in the maintenance of the disorder. Methods: We aimed to understand what is underlying in the cases of patients who present clinical improvement with their parents, but not the ones who received a parent-focused psychotherapeutic intervention. We conducted a mixed methods study. On the one hand we performed a case series of 14 patients who dropped out of treatment while their parents actively attended the intervention, and on the other hand, we followed the evolution of the parents of those patients reluctant to continue treatment, through non-participant observation. Results: We present preliminary evidence where we found the parent-focused psychotherapeutic intervention was able to elicit a reflective function of the parents. We also observed that the intervention modified certain family dynamics that could be related to maintaining factors of the disorder. In patients, we found that in parallel to the assistance of their parents to psychotherapeutic treatment, and even when they were receiving no intervention, they showed significant clinical improvement of symptomatology and global functioning; we observed 9 of 14 of them who voluntarily decided to return to pharmacological treatment. Conclusions: This parent-focused intervention elicited changes in reflective functioning of participant parents; the intervention produced favorable changes in family dynamics, which we believe is probably related to improvement of global functioning, symptomatology, and insight of patients
Validez del Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) en Mujeres Mexicanas
The aim of this study was to validate the instrument Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) in female Mexican population, created to assess body dissatisfaction. 472
women participated, 256 were students and formed the control group (x. = 15.9, DE = 3.2) and 216 patients with Eating Disorders (ED) (x. = 20.5, DE = 3.9) with
an age range of 13 to 30 years. The results showed excellent internal consistency (�¿ = .98) and a 2-factor structure that explained 63.8% of the total variance. These
were: 1) normative body uncomfort (�¿=.95), and 2) pathological body uncomfort (�¿=.94). Regarding the discriminant and predictive validity, the BSQ showed good
ability to classify individuals with eating disorders, depending on body dissatisfaction, noting that such capacity is greater when discriminating between Anorexia,
Bulimia and control (�É de Wilks = .485, �Ô2(gl=1)= 278.830, p. .001). Finally we explored 6 different cut off points, of which the 110-was proved to be the most
appropriate according to their values of sensitivity (84.3%) and specificity (84.4%). In conclusion, the BSQ is a useful questionnaire to detect body dissatisfaction
in Mexican women.El objetivo de la presente investigacion fue validar el instrumento en poblacion mexicana femenina Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ), creado con la finalidad de
evaluar la insatisfaccion corporal. Participaron 472 mujeres, 256 eran estudiantes (x. = 15.9, DE = 3.2) y conformaron el grupo control y 216 pacientes con Trastorno
del Comportamiento Alimentario (TCA) (x. = 20.5, DE = 3.9) con un rango de edad de 13 a 30 anos. Los resultados mostraron una excelente consistencia interna
(�¿ = .98), asi como una estructura de 2 factores que explicaron el 63.8% de la varianza total. Estos fueron: 1) Malestar corporal normativo (�¿=.95) y 2) Malestar
corporal patologico (�¿=.94). Respecto a la validez discriminante y predictiva, el BSQ mostro una buena capacidad de clasificar a individuos con TCA, en funcion de
la insatisfaccion corporal, y se observo que dicha capacidad es mayor cuando discrimina entre Anorexia, Bulimia y control (�É de Wilks = .485, �Ô2(gl=1)= 278.830,
p. .001). Finalmente se exploraron 6 diferentes puntos de corte, de los cuales 110 fue el que demostro ser el mas apropiado, de acuerdo a sus valores de sensibilidad
(84.3%) y especificidad (84.4%). En conclusion el BSQ es un cuestionario de gran utilidad para detectar la insatisfaccion corporal en mujeres mexicanas
Áreas neurofuncionales relacionadas con la apetencia a los alimentos en la Anorexia Nervosa
In Anorexia Nervosa the observable phenomenon is the suppression of appetite. Little is known about the biological and psychological (top-down) bases that maintain this pathological state. However, Anorexia Nervosa is a biological, psychological and social model where the main behavioral characteristic is the inhibition of eating behavior; not by bottom-up but top-down regulation. Objective: To explore the areas of the brain associated with food appetency through functional magnetic resonance in women with anorexia nervosa. Methods: The subjects include 5 female with Restrictive type of Anorexia Nervosa and five controls female with similar in age and low weigh. The subjects were within the MRI scanner and while took fMRI they saw food images that would generate appetite. The subjects were in fasting state and mentally prepare by instruction “imagine you are eating the food presented in the following images”. Results: Compared differences in the activation between subjects four regions were found significant: the anterior cingulate, left front medial region and the left and right midbrain. Conclusions: The patients with Anorexia Nervosa present different activated cerebral areas to those of the controls during the visual exposition to food in hungry state and with evoke cognitions associated with eat food; those regions may be implicated in reward and self-control.En la Anorexia Nervosa se observa un fenómeno que es la supresión del apetito. Poco se conoce sobre los factores biológicos y psicológicos (top-down) que mantienen este estado patológico. De cualquier modo la Anorexia Nervosa es un modelo biológico, psicológico y social de donde la principal característica conductual es la inhibición de la conducta alimentaria. Objetivo: Explorar las áreas cerebrales asociadas a la apetencia de los alimentos mediante la Resonancia Magnética Funcional en mujeres con Anorexia Nervosa. Métodos: Los sujetos fueron cinco mujeres con Anorexia Nervosa Restrictiva y cinco mujeres controles de similar edad y de bajo peso. Los sujetos fueron introducidos al resonador magnético mientras observan imágenes evocadoras de apetencia, en estado de ayuno y bajo la instrucción de imaginar que estaban comiendo lo que se les presentaba. Resultados: Al comparar las diferencias en las áreas de activación entre los sujetos cuatro regiones difirieron significativamente el cingulo anterior, la región frontal medial izquierda y derecha e izquierda del mesencéfalo Conclusiones: Las pacientes con anorexia nervosa presentaron áreas de actividad cerebral diferentes que los controles durante la exposición visual de comida en estado de hambre y con la evocación de pensamientos con el comer; estas regiones pudiesen estar implicadas con el reforzamiento y el auto-control
Fenetre virtuelle a un laboratoire de chimie
El proyecto desarrollado pone a disposición de los centros docentes en un canal de YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNG3-lLP2AetT-ksEBC0hAw, una ventana virtual a un laboratorio de química. Se visualizan vídeos de prácticas diseñadas para hacer mucho más comprensible el estudio de la química general.The project developed makes available to the educational centers in a YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNG3-lLP2AetT-ksEBC0hAw, a virtual window to a chemistry laboratory. Visualized videos of practices designed to make the study of general chemistry much more comprehensible.Le projet développé met à la disposition des centres éducatifs une chaîne YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNG3-lLP2AetT-ksEBC0hAw, une fenêtre virtuelle sur un laboratoire de chimie. Vidéos visualisées de pratiques conçues pour rendre l'étude de la chimie générale beaucoup plus compréhensible.Depto. de Química InorgánicaFac. de Ciencias QuímicasFALSEsubmitte