321 research outputs found

    Tobacco use, exposure to secondhand smoke, and cessation counseling among medical students: cross-country data from the Global Health Professions Student Survey (GHPSS), 2005-2008

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>GHPSS is a school-based survey that collects self-administered data from students in regular classroom settings. GHPSS produces representative data at the national or city level in each country. This study aims to investigate the prevalence of tobacco use, exposure to secondhand smoke, and cessation counseling among medical students using the GHPSS data.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The Global Health Professions Student Survey (GHPSS) was conducted among 3<sup>rd </sup>year medical students in 47 countries and the Gaza Strip/West Bank from 2005-2008 to determine the prevalence of tobacco use and amount of formal training in cessation counseling.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In 26 of the 48 sites, over 20% of the students currently smoked cigarettes, with males having higher rates than females in 37 sites. Over 70% of students reported having been exposed to secondhand smoke in public places in 29 of 48 sites. The majority of students recognized that they are role models in society (over 80% in 42 of 48 sites), believed they should receive training on counseling patients to quit using tobacco (over 80% in 41 of 48 sites), but few reported receiving formal training (less than 40% in 46 of 48 sites).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Tobacco control efforts must discourage tobacco use among health professionals, promote smoke free workplaces, and implement programs that train medical students in effective cessation-counseling techniques.</p

    Effects of Soil Water and Nitrogen on Growth and Photosynthetic Response of Manchurian Ash (Fraxinus mandshurica) Seedlings in Northeastern China

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    Soil water and nitrogen (N) are considered to be the main environmental factors limiting plant growth and photosynthetic capacity. However, less is known about the interactive effects of soil water and N on tree growth and photosynthetic response in the temperate ecosystem. seedlings. The seedlings were exposed to three water regimes including natural precipitation (CK), higher precipitation (HW) (CK +30%) and lower precipitation (LW) (CK −30%), and both with and without N addition for two growing seasons. We demonstrated that water and N supply led to a significant increase in the growth and biomass production of the seedlings. LW treatment significantly decreased biomass production and leaf N content, but they showed marked increases in N addition. N addition could enhance the photosynthetic capability under HW and CK conditions. Leaf chlorophyll content and the initial activity of Rubisco were dramatically increased by N addition regardless of soil water condition. The positive relationships were found between photosynthetic capacity, leaf N content, and SLA in response to water and N supply in the seedling. Rubisco expression was up-regulated by N addition with decreasing soil water content. Immunofluorescent staining showed that the labeling for Rubisco was relatively low in leaves of the seedlings under LW condition. The accumulation of Rubisco was increased in leaf tissues of LW by N addition. seedlings, which may provide novel insights on the potential responses of the forest ecosystem to climate change associated with increasing N deposition

    The Effect of the CO32- to Ca2+ Ion activity ratio on calcite precipitation kinetics and Sr2+ partitioning

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A proposed strategy for immobilizing trace metals in the subsurface is to stimulate calcium carbonate precipitation and incorporate contaminants by co-precipitation. Such an approach will require injecting chemical amendments into the subsurface to generate supersaturated conditions that promote mineral precipitation. However, the formation of reactant mixing zones will create gradients in both the saturation state and ion activity ratios (i.e., <inline-formula><m:math name="1467-4866-13-1-i1" xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><m:msub><m:mrow><m:mi>a</m:mi></m:mrow><m:mrow><m:mi>C</m:mi><m:msup><m:mrow><m:msub><m:mrow><m:mi>O</m:mi></m:mrow><m:mrow><m:mn>3</m:mn></m:mrow></m:msub></m:mrow><m:mrow><m:mn>2</m:mn><m:mo class="MathClass-bin">-</m:mo></m:mrow></m:msup></m:mrow></m:msub><m:mo class="MathClass-bin">/</m:mo><m:msub><m:mrow><m:mi>a</m:mi></m:mrow><m:mrow><m:mi>C</m:mi><m:msup><m:mrow><m:mi>a</m:mi></m:mrow><m:mrow><m:mn>2</m:mn><m:mo class="MathClass-bin">+</m:mo></m:mrow></m:msup></m:mrow></m:msub></m:math></inline-formula>). To better understand the effect of ion activity ratios on CaCO<sub>3 </sub>precipitation kinetics and Sr<sup>2+ </sup>co-precipitation, experiments were conducted under constant composition conditions where the supersaturation state (Ω) for calcite was held constant at 9.4, but the ion activity ratio <inline-formula><m:math name="1467-4866-13-1-i2" xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><m:mrow><m:mo class="MathClass-open">(</m:mo><m:mrow><m:mi>r</m:mi><m:mo class="MathClass-rel">=</m:mo><m:msub><m:mrow><m:mi>a</m:mi></m:mrow><m:mrow><m:mi>C</m:mi><m:msup><m:mrow><m:msub><m:mrow><m:mi>O</m:mi></m:mrow><m:mrow><m:mn>3</m:mn></m:mrow></m:msub></m:mrow><m:mrow><m:mn>2</m:mn><m:mo class="MathClass-bin">-</m:mo></m:mrow></m:msup></m:mrow></m:msub><m:mo class="MathClass-bin">/</m:mo><m:msub><m:mrow><m:mi>a</m:mi></m:mrow><m:mrow><m:mi>C</m:mi><m:msup><m:mrow><m:mi>a</m:mi></m:mrow><m:mrow><m:mn>2</m:mn><m:mo class="MathClass-bin">+</m:mo></m:mrow></m:msup></m:mrow></m:msub></m:mrow><m:mo class="MathClass-close">)</m:mo></m:mrow></m:math></inline-formula> was varied between 0.0032 and 4.15.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Calcite was the only phase observed, by XRD, at the end of the experiments. Precipitation rates increased from 41.3 ± 3.4 μmol m<sup>-2 </sup>min<sup>-1 </sup>at <it>r = </it>0.0315 to a maximum rate of 74.5 ± 4.8 μmol m<sup>-2 </sup>min<sup>-1 </sup>at <it>r = </it>0.306 followed by a decrease to 46.3 ± 9.6 μmol m<sup>-2 </sup>min<sup>-1 </sup>at <it>r </it>= 1.822. The trend was simulated using a simple mass transfer model for solute uptake at the calcite surface. However, precipitation rates at fixed saturation states also evolved with time. Precipitation rates accelerated for low <it>r </it>values but slowed for high <it>r </it>values. These trends may be related to changes in effective reactive surface area. The <inline-formula><m:math xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" name="1467-4866-13-1-i1"><m:msub><m:mrow><m:mi>a</m:mi></m:mrow><m:mrow><m:mi>C</m:mi><m:msup><m:mrow><m:msub><m:mrow><m:mi>O</m:mi></m:mrow><m:mrow><m:mn>3</m:mn></m:mrow></m:msub></m:mrow><m:mrow><m:mn>2</m:mn><m:mo class="MathClass-bin">-</m:mo></m:mrow></m:msup></m:mrow></m:msub><m:mo class="MathClass-bin">/</m:mo><m:msub><m:mrow><m:mi>a</m:mi></m:mrow><m:mrow><m:mi>C</m:mi><m:msup><m:mrow><m:mi>a</m:mi></m:mrow><m:mrow><m:mn>2</m:mn><m:mo class="MathClass-bin">+</m:mo></m:mrow></m:msup></m:mrow></m:msub></m:math></inline-formula> ratios did not affect the distribution coefficient for Sr in calcite (D<sup>P</sup><sub>Sr</sub><sup>2+</sup>), apart from the indirect effect associated with the established positive correlation between D<sup>P</sup><sub>Sr</sub><sup>2+ </sup>and calcite precipitation rate.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>At a constant supersaturation state (Ω = 9.4), varying the ion activity ratio affects the calcite precipitation rate. This behavior is not predicted by affinity-based rate models. Furthermore, at the highest ion ratio tested, no precipitation was observed, while at the lowest ion ratio precipitation occurred immediately and valid rate measurements could not be made. The maximum measured precipitation rate was 2-fold greater than the minima, and occurred at a carbonate to calcium ion activity ratio of 0.306. These findings have implications for predicting the progress and cost of remediation operations involving enhanced calcite precipitation where mineral precipitation rates, and the spatial/temporal distribution of those rates, can have significant impacts on the mobility of contaminants.</p

    Dynamically-Driven Inactivation of the Catalytic Machinery of the SARS 3C-Like Protease by the N214A Mutation on the Extra Domain

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    Despite utilizing the same chymotrypsin fold to host the catalytic machinery, coronavirus 3C-like proteases (3CLpro) noticeably differ from picornavirus 3C proteases in acquiring an extra helical domain in evolution. Previously, the extra domain was demonstrated to regulate the catalysis of the SARS-CoV 3CLpro by controlling its dimerization. Here, we studied N214A, another mutant with only a doubled dissociation constant but significantly abolished activity. Unexpectedly, N214A still adopts the dimeric structure almost identical to that of the wild-type (WT) enzyme. Thus, we conducted 30-ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for N214A, WT, and R298A which we previously characterized to be a monomer with the collapsed catalytic machinery. Remarkably, three proteases display distinctive dynamical behaviors. While in WT, the catalytic machinery stably retains in the activated state; in R298A it remains largely collapsed in the inactivated state, thus implying that two states are not only structurally very distinguishable but also dynamically well separated. Surprisingly, in N214A the catalytic dyad becomes dynamically unstable and many residues constituting the catalytic machinery jump to sample the conformations highly resembling those of R298A. Therefore, the N214A mutation appears to trigger the dramatic change of the enzyme dynamics in the context of the dimeric form which ultimately inactivates the catalytic machinery. The present MD simulations represent the longest reported so far for the SARS-CoV 3CLpro, unveiling that its catalysis is critically dependent on the dynamics, which can be amazingly modulated by the extra domain. Consequently, mediating the dynamics may offer a potential avenue to inhibit the SARS-CoV 3CLpro

    The Bacterium Endosymbiont of Crithidia deanei Undergoes Coordinated Division with the Host Cell Nucleus

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    In trypanosomatids, cell division involves morphological changes and requires coordinated replication and segregation of the nucleus, kinetoplast and flagellum. In endosymbiont-containing trypanosomatids, like Crithidia deanei, this process is more complex, as each daughter cell contains only a single symbiotic bacterium, indicating that the prokaryote must replicate synchronically with the host protozoan. In this study, we used light and electron microscopy combined with three-dimensional reconstruction approaches to observe the endosymbiont shape and division during C. deanei cell cycle. We found that the bacterium replicates before the basal body and kinetoplast segregations and that the nucleus is the last organelle to divide, before cytokinesis. In addition, the endosymbiont is usually found close to the host cell nucleus, presenting different shapes during the protozoan cell cycle. Considering that the endosymbiosis in trypanosomatids is a mutualistic relationship, which resembles organelle acquisition during evolution, these findings establish an excellent model for the understanding of mechanisms related with the establishment of organelles in eukaryotic cells