169 research outputs found

    Optimising clonidine dosage for sedation in mechanically ventilated children: a pharmacokinetic simulation study

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    BACKGROUND: Clonidine is in widespread off-label use as a sedative in mechanically ventilated children, despite limited evidence of efficacy. A variety of dosage regimens have been utilised in clinical practice and in research studies. Within these studies, clonidine has inconsistently shown useful sedation properties. One of the reasons attributed to the inconsistent signs of efficacy is suboptimal clonidine dosing. AIM: This study aims to propose a target plasma concentration and simulate clonidine pharmacokinetics (PK) in a cohort of mechanically ventilated children to evaluate the adequacy of clonidine dosage regimens used in clinical practice and research studies. METHOD: A literature search was undertaken to identify a clonidine PKPD model, from which a target concentration for sedation was defined. Using a previously published PK model the projected plasma concentrations of 692 mechanically ventilated children (demographics taken from a recent study) were generated. Doses from recently published clinical studies were investigated. Adequacy of each regimen to attain therapeutic clonidine plasma concentrations was assessed. RESULTS: A target plasma concentration of above 2 μg/L was proposed. Nine dosage regimens (four intravenous boluses, four intravenous infusions and one nasogastric route boluses) were evaluated ranging from 1μg/kg 8 hourly intravenous boluses to a regimen up to 3μg/kg/hr continuous intravenous infusion. Regimens with a loading dose of 2μg/kg followed by variable continuous infusion of up to 2μg/kg/hr titrated according to sedation score appear most suitable. CONCLUSIONS: The variety of dosage regimens in previous studies of clonidine along with difficulties in the conduct of interventional studies may have contributed to the lack of efficacy data to support its use. Simulations of clonidine plasma concentrations based on known population pharmacokinetic parameters suggest a loading dose followed by higher than current practice maintenance dose infusion is required to achieve adequate steady-state concentrations early in treatment. Further PKPD studies will aid in the determination of the optimal clonidine dosage regimen. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    The impact of vitamin D status on changes in bone mineral density during treatment with bisphosphonates and after discontinuation following long-term use in post-menopausal osteoporosis

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    BACKGROUND: It is still unclear whether addition of calcium/vitamin D supplements leads to an incremental benefit in patients taking bisphosphonates and whether achievement of serum level of 25 (OH) vitamin D of at least 70 nmol/L has an impact on the skeletal response to bisphosphonates. Moreover the maintenance of BMD after bisphosphonates withdrawal with the continuation of calcium/vitamin D supplements only, remains uncertain. The aims were to assess the impact of vitamin D status on changes in bone mineral density (BMD) in firstly patients with post-menopausal osteoporosis on bisphosphonates and secondly following discontinuation of bisphosphonates after long-term use. METHODS: Two patient groups were recruited. The first study population comprised of 112 women treated with a bisphosphonate. The second study population consisted of 35 women who had been on bisphosphonates for > 5 years in whom the treatment agent was discontinued. Baseline BMD, changes in BMD following treatment, duration of treatment, serum 25 (OH) vitamin D, parathyroid hormone (PTH), urine C-terminal telopeptides of type 1 collagen (CTX) were obtained on the study participants. RESULTS: In the first study group, subjects with serum vitamin D concentrations (> 70 nmol/L) had a significantly lower serum PTH level (mean [SEM] 41 [2] ng/L). PTH concentrations of 41 ng/L or less was associated with a significantly higher increase in BMD at the hip following treatment with bisphosphonates compared to patients with PTH > 41 ng/L (2.5% [0.9] v/s -0.2% [0.9], P = 0.04). In the second study group, discontinuation of bisphosphonate for 15 months after long-term treatment did not result in significant bone loss at the lumbar spine and total hip, although a trend towards gradual decline in BMD at the femoral neck was observed. CONCLUSION: the data suggest that optimal serum 25 (OH) vitamin D concentration may lead to further reduction in bone loss at the hip in patients on bisphosphonates. A prospective controlled trial is needed to evaluate whether the response to bisphosphonates is influenced by vitamin D status. BMD is preserved at the lumbar spine and total hip following discontinuation of bisphosphonate for a short period following long-term treatment, although a gradual loss occurs at the femoral neck

    Selective Enrichment Media Bias the Types of Salmonella enterica Strains Isolated from Mixed Strain Cultures and Complex Enrichment Broths

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    For foodborne outbreak investigations it can be difficult to isolate the relevant strain from food and/or environmental sources. If the sample is contaminated by more than one strain of the pathogen the relevant strain might be missed. In this study mixed cultures of Salmonella enterica were grown in one set of standard enrichment media to see if culture bias patterns emerged. Nineteen strains representing four serogroups and ten serotypes were compared in four-strain mixtures in Salmonella-only and in cattle fecal culture enrichment backgrounds using Salmonella enrichment media. One or more strain(s) emerged as dominant in each mixture. No serotype was most fit, but strains of serogroups C2 and E were more likely to dominate enrichment culture mixtures than strains of serogroups B or C1. Different versions of Rappaport-Vassiliadis (RV) medium gave different patterns of strain dominance in both Salmonella-only and fecal enrichment culture backgrounds. The fittest strains belonged to serogroups C1, C2, and E, and included strains of S. Infantis, S. Thompson S. Newport, S. 6,8:d:-, and S. Give. Strains of serogroup B, which included serotypes often seen in outbreaks such as S. Typhimurium, S. Saintpaul, and S. Schwarzengrund were less likely to emerge as dominant strains in the mixtures when using standard RV as part of the enrichment. Using a more nutrient-rich version of RV as part of the protocol led to a different pattern of strains emerging, however some were still present in very low numbers in the resulting population. These results indicate that outbreak investigations of food and/or other environmental samples should include multiple enrichment protocols to ensure isolation of target strains of Salmonella

    Defining the Molecular Basis of Tumor Metabolism: a Continuing Challenge Since Warburg's Discovery

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    Cancer cells are the product of genetic disorders that alter crucial intracellular signaling pathways associated with the regulation of cell survival, proliferation, differentiation and death mechanisms. the role of oncogene activation and tumor suppressor inhibition in the onset of cancer is well established. Traditional antitumor therapies target specific molecules, the action/expression of which is altered in cancer cells. However, since the physiology of normal cells involves the same signaling pathways that are disturbed in cancer cells, targeted therapies have to deal with side effects and multidrug resistance, the main causes of therapy failure. Since the pioneering work of Otto Warburg, over 80 years ago, the subversion of normal metabolism displayed by cancer cells has been highlighted by many studies. Recently, the study of tumor metabolism has received much attention because metabolic transformation is a crucial cancer hallmark and a direct consequence of disturbances in the activities of oncogenes and tumor suppressors. in this review we discuss tumor metabolism from the molecular perspective of oncogenes, tumor suppressors and protein signaling pathways relevant to metabolic transformation and tumorigenesis. We also identify the principal unanswered questions surrounding this issue and the attempts to relate these to their potential for future cancer treatment. As will be made clear, tumor metabolism is still only partly understood and the metabolic aspects of transformation constitute a major challenge for science. Nevertheless, cancer metabolism can be exploited to devise novel avenues for the rational treatment of this disease. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, BaselFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Univ Fed ABC UFABC, CCNH, Santo Andre, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Ciencias Biol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Bioquim, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Carlos UFSCar, DFQM, Sorocaba, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Ciencias Biol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Bioquim, São Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: 10/16050-9FAPESP: 10/11475-1FAPESP: 08/51116-0Web of Scienc

    Anti-depressant and anxiolytic like behaviors in PKCI/HINT1 knockout mice associated with elevated plasma corticosterone level

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Protein kinase C interacting protein (PKCI/HINT1) is a small protein belonging to the histidine triad (HIT) family proteins. Its brain immunoreactivity is located in neurons and neuronal processes. PKCI/HINT1 gene knockout (KO) mice display hyper-locomotion in response to D-amphetamine which is considered a positive symptom of schizophrenia in animal models. <it>Postmortem </it>studies identified PKCI/HINT1 as a candidate molecule for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. We investigated the hypothesis that the PKCI/HINT1 gene may play an important role in regulating mood function in the CNS. We submitted PKCI/HINT1 KO mice and their wild type (WT) littermates to behavioral tests used to study anti-depressant, anxiety like behaviors, and goal-oriented behavior. Additionally, as many mood disorders coincide with modifications of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function, we assessed the HPA activity through measurement of plasma corticosterone levels.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Compared to the WT controls, KO mice exhibited less immobility in the forced swim (FST) and the tail suspension (TST) tests. Activity in the TST tended to be attenuated by acute treatment with valproate at 300 mg/kg in KO mice. The PKCI/HINT1 KO mice presented less thigmotaxis in the Morris water maze and spent progressively more time in the lit compartment in the light/dark test. In a place navigation task, KO mice exhibited enhanced acquisition and retention. Furthermore, the afternoon basal plasma corticosterone level in PKCI/HINT1 KO mice was significantly higher than in the WT.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>PKCI/HINT1 KO mice displayed a phenotype of behavioral and endocrine features which indicate changes of mood function, including anxiolytic-like and anti-depressant like behaviors, in conjunction with an elevated corticosterone level in plasma. These results suggest that the PKCI/HINT 1 gene could be important for the mood regulation function in the CNS.</p

    Functional redundancy between Apc and Apc2 regulates tissue homeostasis and prevents tumorigenesis in murine mammary epithelium

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    Aberrant Wnt signaling within breast cancer is associated with poor prognosis, but regulation of this pathway in breast tissue remains poorly understood and the consequences of immediate or long-term dysregulation remain elusive. The exact contribution of the Wnt-regulating proteins adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) and APC2 in the pathogenesis of human breast cancer are ill-defined, but our analysis of publically available array data sets indicates that tumors with concomitant low expression of both proteins occurs more frequently in the ‘triple negative’ phenotype, which is a subtype of breast cancer with particularly poor prognosis. We have used mouse transgenics to delete Apc and/or Apc2 from mouse mammary epithelium to elucidate the significance of these proteins in mammary homeostasis and delineate their influences on Wnt signaling and tumorigenesis. Loss of either protein alone failed to affect Wnt signaling levels or tissue homeostasis. Strikingly, concomitant loss led to local disruption of β-catenin status, disruption in epithelial integrity, cohesion and polarity, increased cell division and a distinctive form of ductal hyperplasia with ‘squamoid’ ghost cell nodules in young animals. Upon aging, the development of Wnt activated mammary carcinomas with squamous differentiation was accompanied by a significantly reduced survival. This novel Wnt-driven mammary tumor model highlights the importance of functional redundancies existing between the Apc proteins both in normal homeostasis and in tumorigenesis

    Patient and Regimen Characteristics Associated with Self-Reported Nonadherence to Antiretroviral Therapy

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    BACKGROUND: Nonadherence to antiretroviral therapy (ARVT) is an important behavioral determinant of the success of ARVT. Nonadherence may lead to virological failure, and increases the risk of development of drug resistance. Understanding the prevalence of nonadherence and associated factors is important to inform secondary HIV prevention efforts. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used data from a cross-sectional interview study of persons with HIV conducted in 18 U.S. states from 2000-2004. We calculated the proportion of nonadherent respondents (took <95% of prescribed doses in the past 48 hours), and the proportion of doses missed. We used multivariate logistic regression to describe factors associated with nonadherence. Nine hundred and fifty-eight (16%) of 5,887 respondents reported nonadherence. Nonadherence was significantly (p<0.05) associated with black race and Hispanic ethnicity; age <40 years; alcohol or crack use in the prior 12 months; being prescribed >or=4 medications; living in a shelter or on the street; and feeling "blue" >or=14 of the past 30 days. We found weaker associations with having both male-male sex and injection drug use risks for HIV acquisition; being prescribed ARVT for >or=21 months; and being prescribed a protease inhibitor (PI)-based regimen not boosted with ritonavir. The median proportion of doses missed was 50%. The most common reasons for missing doses were forgetting and side effects. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Self-reported recent nonadherence was high in our study. Our data support increased emphasis on adherence in clinical settings, and additional research on how providers and patients can overcome barriers to adherence

    Role of monocarboxylate transporters in human cancers : state of the art

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    Monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) belong to the SLC16 gene family, presently composed by 14 members. MCT1-MCT4 are proton symporters, which mediate the transmembrane transport of pyruvate, lactate and ketone bodies. The role of MCTs in cell homeostasis has been characterized in detail in normal tissues, however, their role in cancer is still far from understood. Most solid tumors are known to rely on glycolysis for energy production and this activity leads to production of important amounts of lactate, which are exported into the extracellular milieu, contributing to the acidic microenvironment. In this context, MCTs will play a dual role in the maintenance of the hyper-glycolytic acidresistant phenotype of cancer, allowing the maintenance of the high glycolytic rates by performing lactate efflux, and pH regulation by the co-transport of protons. Thus, they constitute attractive targets for cancer therapy, which have been little explored. Here we review the literature on the role of MCTs in solid tumors in different locations, such as colon, central nervous system, breast, lung, gynecologic tract, prostate, stomach, however, there are many conflicting results and in most cases there are no functional studies showing the dependence of the tumors on MCT expression and activity. Additional studies on MCT expression in other tumor types, confirmation of the results already published as well as additional functional studies are needed to deeply understand the role of MCTs in cancer maintenance and aggressiveness
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