53 research outputs found

    Appendiceal abscess in a giant left-sided inguinoscrotal hernia: a rare case of Amyand hernia

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    The hernia of Amyand is an inguinal hernia containing the appendix in the sac. It is a rare pathology often diagnosed only intra-operatively. We report a case even more rare of a giant left-sided inguinoscrotal Amyand hernia with appendiceal abscess without clinical findings of incarceration/strangulation, occlusion, perforation, or acute scrotum and with the presence in the sac of the caecum and other anatomical structures (last ileal loops, bladder and omentum). The 68-years-old man patient successfully underwent surgical treatment only through the hernia sac (meshless repair according to Postempski technique)

    Rare chondrosarcoma of the breast treated with quadrantectomy instead of mastectomy. A case report

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    Breast chondrosarcoma is a rare sarcoma that mainly occurs in females >50 years old. To the best of our knowledge, only 16 cases were reported in the literature prior to 2013 and all patients were surgically treated by mastectomy, with or without lymphadenectomy, which was occasionally preceded by neoadjuvant chemotherapy. However, the literature does not report the benefit of mastectomy compared with a more conservative surgery. The present study reports a novel case of extraskeletal chondrosarcoma of the breast. A 63‑year‑old female patient presented with a neoplasm localized in the upper‑outer quadrant of the right breast. The palpable lesion with sharp margins was a firm parenchymatous mass, which was confirmed by ultrasonography and mammography. The patient underwent conservative quadrantectomy instead of mastectomy, followed by post‑surgical chemotherapy. A positron emission tomography scan performed five months subsequent to the surgery revealed no remnants of the disease. The patient underwent a strict clinical and instrumental follow‑up, and two and half years after surgery, there are no signs of recurrent disease. In conclusion, the present case is currently one of the two cases in which a more conservative quadrantectomy was performed, instead of mastectomy. This surgical approach did not lead to metastasis and resulted in a good follow‑up for the patient


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    Fistola retto-vaginale bassa post-radioterapia trattata con l’ausilio di PRP (gel piastrinico autologo)

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    La fistula retto-vaginale è una comunicazione patologica tra retto e vagina. Le cause più frequenti sono iatrogene. La terapia, essenzialmente chirurgica, è di difficile standardizzazione. I trattamenti proposti variano da un approccio esclusivamente trans-anale a trattamenti più complessi con accesso combinato trans-anale e vaginale. Nel presente lavoro viene presentato il caso di una donna con fistola retto-vaginale iatrogena complessa. Il trattamento descritto e rappresentato da fistulectomia con accesso sia vaginale che trans-anale e interposizione di mucosa buccale. In aggiunta è stato utilizzato PRP (platelet rich plasma), un gel piastrinico autologo in grado di accelerare significativamente la riparazione e rigenerazione dei tessuti molli

    Standard e novitĂ  nella diagnosi del carcinoma prostatico

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    ABSTRACT Oltre all’esplorazione rettale la diagnosi di presunzione di carcinoma prostatico è avvalorata da reperti di laboratorio, di cui il PSA rappresenta il più utilizzato anche se non tumore-specifico. Comunque la biopsia resta sempre il presidio che ci conduce alla diagnosi con l’esame istologico. Premesso che l’esplorazione rettale rimane l’esame che andrebbe sempre effettuato sia perché più immediato ed anche perché più economico, altri test sono stati proposti per rendere più efficace la prevenzione di questa neoplasia. Nell’intento di incrementarne la specificità altri markers vengono proposti, alcuni PSA correlati (precursori o proforme del PSA), proteine carcinoma prostatico correlate di recente identificazione riscontrate nel carcinoma prostatico. Il tentativo di miglioramento della specificità diagnostica si pone intanto come obiettivo ridurre da un lato biopsie non necessarie e dall’altro di evitarle quando indicate. Inoltre si tende a coprire sia il range di PSA normale (v.n fino a 4 ng/ml); considerando l’1% di neoplasie a PSA basso, sia ridurre le biopsie ai pazienti che rientrano nella cosiddetta zona grigia di PSA tra 2-10 ng/ml. Risulta chiara la necessità di una corretta stadiazione clinica per un corretto orientamento terapeutico. Interessante risulta la possibilità per i tumori a basso rischio il “watchful waiting” per neoplasie che potrebbero non avere effetti sulla sopravvivenza come alternativa ai trattamenti terapeutici

    Trattamento chirurgico della sindrome da ostruita defecazione correlata alla presenza di hedrocele. Nostra esperienza

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    L’hedrocele, variante della rara ernia perineale posteriore, si fa strada attraverso un difetto del setto retto-genitale. Riportiamo due casi di sindrome da ostruita defecazione (SOD), correlata alla presenza di hedrocele, chirurgicamente trattati con successo per via transanale con assistenza videolaparoscopic

    Preoperative embolization of thyroid arteries in a patient with a large cervicomediastinal hyperfunctioning goiter

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    We present the case of a 61-year-old male patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and a large cervicomediastinal multinodular hyperfunctioning goiter that made thyroidectomy a daunting task, especially considering the risk of intraoperative bleeding. The preoperative computed tomographic (CT) scan showed the right thyroid lobe very deeply rooted in the mediastinum, below the horizontal plane passing through the aortic arch. The thyroid mass imprinted the arterious and venous innominate trunks. To avoid a median sternotomy and remove the enlarged thyroid through a cervical approach alone, we decided to reduce the goiter in volume preoperatively by embolizing the thyroid arteries. We embolized the superior and inferior left, and the inferior right thyroid arteries. We spared the superior right thyroid artery because its blood supply contributed little to thyroid perfusion. After embolization, the patient was treated with antithyroid agents and corticosteroid drug therapy. At the same time, severe leukocytosis developed, thyroid hormone values increased, and a CT scan obtained 7 days after embolization showed the thyroid unchanged in volume. We therefore discharged the patient and were waiting for his laboratory blood chemical findings to return to normal. Thirty days later the patient was readmitted to hospital, and a new CT scan showed that the thyroid mass had diminished to half its initial volume. We could therefore perform a total thyroidectomy through a cervical approach alone. The only problem arose in dissecting tight right inferior laryngeal nerve adhesions to the thyroid capsule, probably sequelae of postembolization thyroiditis. Even though preoperative thyroid-artery embolization cannot be considered a routine technique in cervicomediastinal goiter surgery, in a rare patient who presents with a voluminous goiter such as the one we describe here, it is a useful procedure

    Artificial nutrition in acute pancreatitis

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    Nutritional support for acute pancreatitis is a matter of debate, clear guidelines based on objective data do not exist. We report our experience in patients with severe disease. Parenteral nutrition appears to be a safe initial therapy, but the enteral route has many practical and theoretical advantages and should be started as soon as possible

    Diagnosis prognosis and therapy of phyllodes tumor of the breast

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    The authors report 4 cases very interesting for the differentil diagnosis of philloides tumor, a brest tumor with a mainly local malignant potential. Such tumors althrough presenting histologic clinical and instrumental features which allow for a presumtive pre-surgical diagnosis often has characteristics comparable to other breast pathologies with a different natural history. the authors after analyzing clinical mammographic echographic and histological features of the tumorsuggest the most appropriate therapy for the local control of the lesions. Surgical excission shoud be carried at least one centimeter deep into the normal tissueto prevent local relapse related to an incomplete enucleation. Infact the tumor is only apparently capsulated .An adequate clinical and instrumental follow-up for the early diagnosis of the early occurrent relapse is mandatory
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