15 research outputs found

    Seed-borne pathogens and electrical conductivity of soybean seeds

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    Adequate procedures to evaluate seed vigor are important. Regarding the electrical conductivity test (EC), the interference in the test results caused by seed-borne pathogens has not been clarified. This research was carried out to study the influence of Phomopsis sojae (Leh.) and Colletotrichum dematium (Pers. ex Fr.) Grove var. truncata (Schw.) Arx. fungi on EC results. Soybean seeds (Glycine max L.) were inoculated with those fungi using potato, agar and dextrose (PDA) medium with manitol (-1.0 MPa) and incubated for 20 h at 25 °C. The colony diameter, index of mycelial growth, seed water content, occurrence of seed-borne pathogens, physiological potential of the seeds, measured by germination and vigor tests (seed germination index, cold test, accelerated aging and electrical conductivity), and seedling field emergence were determined. The contents of K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ in the seed and in the soaking solution were also determined. A complete 2 × 4 factorial design with two seed sizes (5.5 and 6.5 mm) and four treatments (control, seeds incubated without fungi, seeds incubated with Phomopsis and seeds incubated with Colletotrichum) were used with eight (5.5 mm large seeds) and six (6.5 mm large seeds) replications. All seeds submitted to PDA medium had their germination reduced in comparison to the control seeds. This reduction was also observed when seed vigor and leached ions were considered. The presence of Phomopsis sojae fungus in soybean seed samples submitted to the EC test may be the cause of misleading results

    Leaf miner incidence in coffee plants under different drip irrigation regimes and planting densities

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different drip irrigation regimes and planting densities on the incidence of the leaf miner, Leucoptera coffeella, in arabica coffee plants for one year. The experiment was carried out in 2008, in a complete randomized block design, in a split-plot in time arrangement, with four replicates. The treatments consisted of four drip irrigation regimes - soil water balance, irrigations at 20 and 60 kPa soil tensions, and a nonirrigated treatment -, which were distributed at three plant densities: 2, 500, 5, 000, and 10, 000 plants per hectare. The evaluations were made on a monthly basis between January and December 2008. The highest pest occurrence period was from August to November, a season with low-air relative humidity preceded by a drought period. Irrigated coffee plants showed an incidence of intact mines 2.2 times lower than that of nonirrigated plants. Irrigation and increasing of plant density contribute to the reduction of coffee leaf miner occurrence

    Onion seed vigor in relation to plant growth and yield Relações entre vigor de sementes, desenvolvimento e produção de cebola

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    Research has emphasized the relationship of laboratory germination and vigor to seedling emergence and stand establishment, but information relating seed vigor to plant performance is less available. The reliable procedures to evaluate onion (Allium cepa L.) seed vigor and decided the differences between seed physiological potential influence plant performance in field conditions were identified in two experimental years. Six seed lots of Petroline cultivar were evaluated for germination and vigor, in laboratory, and field seedling emergence. Field experiments were performed by direct sowing and transplant systems and all treatments had equal stand for both cropping systems. Results demonstrated that saturated salt accelerated aging (41:C/72h) and controlled deterioration (24% moisture content/45:C/24h) were the most valuable vigor tests for onion seeds. The potassium leachate and seedling vigor classification tests were also efficient but less sensitive to vigor differences among seed lots. Initial plant development during the first 56 days, as measured by plant height and dry matter accumulation, was affected by seed vigor mainly when differences on seed physiological potential became wider as a result of the storage period. Influence of seed vigor did not persist during plant vegetative growth and did not affect yield. The use of high vigor seed lots is justified to ensure adequate stand establishment under different environmental conditions.<br>A pesquisa tem enfatizado a existência de relações entre resultados de testes de germinação e vigor, conduzidos em laboratório, mas informações sobre a associação com a emergência de plântulas e o estabelecimento do estande em campo são menos disponíveis. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido, em dois anos experimentais, com o objetivo de identificar procedimentos seguros para avaliar o vigor de sementes de cebola e determinar até que ponto as diferenças entre o potencial fisiológico das sementes pode afetar o desempenho e a produção das plantas em campo. Para tanto, seis lotes de sementes da cv. Petroline foram avaliados quanto à germinação e ao vigor, em laboratório e à emergência de plântulas em campo. Em seguida, nos dois anos experimentais, foram conduzidos ensaios de campo, utilizando os sistemas de semeadura direta e de transplante, procurando-se obter o mesmo estande para todos os tratamentos, em ambos os sistemas de cultivo. Os resultados demonstraram que os testes de envelhecimento acelerado com solução salina (41:C/72h) e de deterioração controlada (sementes com 24% de água/45:C/24h) foram os mais eficientes para detectar diferenças no vigor das sementes. Os testes de lixiviação de potássio e de classificação do vigor de plântulas foram menos sensíveis às diferenças de vigor, mas indicaram diferenças entre os lotes. O desenvolvimento inicial, especialmente nos primeiros 56 dias, avaliado pela altura e peso da matéria seca das plantas foi afetado pelo vigor das sementes, principalmente quando as diferenças no potencial fisiológico das sementes tornaram-se mais amplas, como resultado da deterioração durante armazenamento. A influência do vigor das sementes não persistiu durante o desenvolvimento vegetativo das plantas e não houve efeito na produção de bulbos. Desta forma, concluiu-se que a utilização de sementes de alto vigor é justificável para assegurar o estabelecimento de estande adequado sob diferentes condições ambientais