16 research outputs found

    Aggregate breakdown and dispersion of soil samples amended with sugarcane vinasse

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    Soil aggregation is a very complex issue related to important soil attributes and processes. The aggregate breakdown and dispersion of soil samples amended with sugarcane vinasse were evaluated using ultrasonic energy. Vinasse is an important byproduct of sugarcane industries, intensively applied to soils in Brazil as liquid fertilizer. Samples of two Oxisols and one Ultisol were used in this study. The physical and chemical characterization of soils was performed, and the 1 to 2 mm size aggregates (200 g) were packed in PVC columns (6.0 cm high and 4.0 cm internal diameter) and incubated with sugarcane vinasse under lab conditions for 1, 30 and 60 days. After incubation, aggregates were submitted to levels of ultrasonic energy, and the particle size distribution (53 to 2,000 µm, 2 to 53 µm, and < 2 µm fractions) was quantified. Mathematical equations were used to relate the mass of aggregates in each of these fractions to the applied ultrasonic energy, and parameters related to aggregate stability were then obtained. Soils showed an aggregate-hierarchy resulting in a stepwise breakdown under ultrasonic agitation. Considering this soil-aggregation hierarchy, vinasse contributed even in a short time to the bonding between and within 2 to 53 µm aggregates, mainly in the Oxisols. This may be related to organic compounds present in the vinasse, cementing soil particles. Potassium enrichment of soil samples did not contribute to soil dispersion

    Pharmaceutical consultation as a tool to improve health outcomes for patients with type 2 diabetes

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    This study develops and evaluates a pharmaceutical consultation program (PCP) to improve treatment for Type 2 diabetes patients (T2DP) and reduce risk factors for diabetic complications with possible application in other chronic diseases. We recruited T2DP receiving conventional medical treatment but with fasting glycemia >140mg/dl and/or glycated hemoglobin >7%. The PCP includes strategies obtained from Dader's method, the PWDT (Pharmacist's Workup of Drug Therapy method) model of pharmaceutical care, the SOAP (Subjective data, Objective data, Assessment, and Plan of care) method, and concepts based on a nursing care model. The PCP evaluated lifestyle, pharmacotherapy and monitoring it using laboratory tests, vital signs, and anthropometry. These procedures were repeated every 4 months for 1 year. Data obtained in each consultation were used to provide patient education focusing on healthy lifestyles and medications. Fifty patients completed the PCP. There were reductions in glycemia (PNeste estudo, desenvolvemos e avaliamos um programa de consulta farmacêutica (PCF) visando melhorar o tratamento de pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 (PDT2) e reduzir os fatores de risco de complicações diabéticas com possibilidade de aplicação em outras doenças crônicas. Para alcançar este propósito, PDT2 recebendo tratamento médico convencional, apresentando glicemia de jejum > 140 mg/dl e/ou hemoglobina glicada >7% foram selecionados. O PCF inclui estratégias obtidas a partir do método de Dader, do modelo de cuidados farmacêuticos PWDT (Pharmacist's Workup of Drug Therapy method), do método SOAP (Subjective data, Objective data, Assessment, and Plan of care) e conceitos baseados em um modelo de cuidados em enfermagem. O PCF avaliou o estilo de vida, farmacoterapia e seu monitoramento através de exames laboratoriais, sinais vitais e antropometria. Estes procedimentos foram repetidos a cada 4 meses durante 1 ano. Os dados obtidos em cada consulta possibilitaram oferecer educação focada no estilo de vida e uso de medicamentos. Para os 50 pacientes que concluiram o PCF houve redução da glicemia (P < 0.0001), hemoglobina glicada (P = 0.0022), colesterolemia (P = 0.0072), triacilgliceridemia (P= 0.0204) e pressão arterial (P < 0.0001). O aumento da concordância e a correção dos problemas relacionados a medicamentos contribuíram para melhoria do tratamento. Assim, podemos concluir que o PCF foi adequado para melhorar a saúde de PDT2 ao reduzir fatores de risco de complicações diabéticas

    Withdrawal of maintenance therapy for cytomegalovirus retinitis in AIDS patients exhibiting immunological response to HAART

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    BACKGROUND: Before the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), CMV retinitis was a common complication in patients with advanced HIV disease and the therapy was well established; it consisted of an induction phase to control the infection with ganciclovir, followed by a lifelong maintenance phase to avoid or delay relapses. METHODS: To determine the safety of CMV maintenance therapy withdrawal in patients with immune recovery after HAART, 35 patients with treated CMV retinitis, on maintenance therapy, with CD4+ cell count greater than 100 cells/mm³ for at least three months, but almost all patients presented these values for more than six months and viral load < 30000 copies/mL, were prospectively evaluated for the recurrence of CMV disease. Maintenance therapy was withdrawal at inclusion, and patients were monitored for at least 48 weeks by clinical and ophthalmologic evaluations, and by determination of CMV viremia markers (antigenemia-pp65), CD4+/CD8+ counts and plasma HIV RNA levels. Lymphoproliferative assays were performed on 26/35 patients. RESULTS: From 35 patients included, only one had confirmed reactivation of CMV retinitis, at day 120 of follow-up. No patient returned positive antigenemia tests. No correlation between lymphoproliferative assays and CD4+ counts was observed. CONCLUSION: CMV retinitis maintenance therapy discontinuation is safe for those patients with quantitative immune recovery after HAART

    Acute acquired toxoplasmosis: clinical-laboratorial aspects and ophthalmologic evaluation in a cohort of immunocompetent Patients

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    Most cases of acute acquired toxoplasmosis (AAT) are oligosymptomatic and self-limited. Therefore, these infections rarely indicate treatment. Prospective studies of AAT patients are rare in the medical literature. The frequency of systemic manifestations has not been sufficiently studied. In order to search for risks factors for systemic and ocular involvement, 37 patients were submitted to a diagnostic investigative protocol. The most frequent findings were lymph node enlargement (94.6%), asthenia (86.5%), headache (70.3%), fever (67.6%) and weight loss (62.2%). Hepatomegaly and/or splenomegaly were present in 21.6% of cases (8/37). Liver transaminases were elevated in 11 patients (29.7%) and lactic dehydrogenase in 17 patients (45.9%). Anaemia was found in four patients (10.8%), leucopoenia in six patients (16.2%), lymphocytosis in 14 patients (37.8%) and thrombocytopenia in one patient (2.7%). Fundoscopic examination revealed retinochoroiditis in four patients (10.8%). No statistical association was found between any one morbidity and retinochoroiditis. Nevertheless, a significant association was found between the presence of more than eight morbidity features at evaluation and long-lasting disease. An ideal diagnostic protocol for AAT would include evidence of systemic involvement. Such a protocol could be used when planning treatment