32 research outputs found

    Zaželeno otrokovo vedenje do matere v situacijah ločitve

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    This investigation examined concepts of desirable and undersirable attachment behavior among 123 students from Educational Faculty. Harwood (1992) has established that mothersć perceptions of differing patterns of attachment behavior are influenced by their culturally derived values. The Slovene students prefer a child, who is active, independet, curbs negative impulses (aggression) and shows strong attachment to his mother

    The role of the father as the object of the child\u27s attachment

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    The relation between adolescent's relationship with his/her parents and peers and substance use

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the correlations between adolescents' perception of their relationship with mother, father and peers, parental monitoring, parental and peer influence, and frequency of substance use in the life and in the past month. 151 college students (43,7% male) aged 18-22 years participated in the study. The results showed statistically significant negative correlations between frequency of substance use and adolescents' perception of: (1) open communication and (2) trust in their relationship with mother, father and peers, (3) parental monitoring, and (4) mother's influence. The correlations between frequency of substance use and adolescents' perception of (1) alienation from parents and peer, and (2) influence of peer were positive

    The relationships of college students with their parents, friends and romantic partners

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    V raziskavi, v kateri je sodelovalo 180 študentov in študentk prvih treh letnikov različnih fakultet, smo želeli ugotoviti povezanost med njihovimi odnosi (zaupanjem, odprto komunikacijo in odtujenostjo) z mamo, očetom, prijatelji in partnerjem v romantični zvezi (v nadaljnjem besedilu: partner) ter povezanost med temi odnosi, stilom navezanosti na partnerja, značilnostmi preteklih romantičnih zvez in odkritostjo do staršev ter partnerja. Za preučevanje odnosov s starši, prijatelji in partnerjem smo prevedli in ustrezno prilagodili Vprašalnik navezanosti na starše in vrstnike (IPPAArmsden in Greenberg, 1987), stile navezanosti smo merili z njihovimi opisi, sami pa smo sestavili ocenjevalne lestvice značilnosti romantičnih odnosov in odkritosti do staršev in partnerja. Rezultati so pokazali, da so kakovostni odnosi s partnerjem pomembno pozitivno povezani z varnim stilom navezanosti na partnerja ter s kakovostnimi odnosi s prijatelji in starši. Udeleženci z različnimi stili navezanosti se pomembno razlikujejo v značilnostih svojih romantičnih zvez. Rezultati so pokazali tudi pomembne razlike med spoloma. Udeleženke imajo kvalitetnejše odnose z mamami, prijatelji in partnerji kot udeleženci.The purpose of the study, which included 180 college students from the first three years of study on different faculties, was to investigate the correlations between their relationships (trust, open communication and alienation) with their mothers, fathers, friends and romantic partnerscorrelations between these relationships, attachment style on romantic partners, characteristics of past romantic relationships and openness towards parents and romantic partners. For the purpose of study the relationships with parents, friends and romantic partners we translated and adapted Inventory of parent and peer attachment IPPA (Armsden & Greenberg, 1987). Attachment styles were measured using their descriptions. We developed the scales of characteristics of the subjectsʼ romantic relationships and openness towards their parents and partners. The results showed significant positive relations between subjectʼs quality relationships with his/her partner, secure attachment style, and quality relationships with friends and parent. Subjects with different attachment styles significantly differed in the characteristics of their romantic relationships. The results showed some significant gender differences. Female subjects had more quality relationships with their mothers, friends and partners than male subjects

    Representations of social behaviors of children's with different patterns of attachment to the kindergarten teacher in their drawings

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    In the theoretical part of the paper the author gives answers to the questions, whether a real attachment relationship can exist between a child and a nonmaternal caretaker. If exists, is there a relationship between the child-teacher attachment and the child's socioemotional functioning. The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between different types of children's attachment to their kindergarten teachers (secure, anxious) and their social behaviors and how children's social behaviors and attachment to the kindergarten teachers represent in their drawings titled Myself in the kindergarten.Twenty-two kindergarten teachers participated in the evaluation of 95 children (50.5 % boys). Children ranged in age from 3 to 6 years. Teachers completed the Questionnaire about children's social behavior - SV-O (LaFreniere, Dumas, Zupančič, Gril & Kavčič, 2001), types of attachment were determined on the basis of the evaluations the teachers gave on the revised version of the AQS (Howes and Smith, 1995) and The evaluation scale of the child's behavior toward pre-school teacher, the CBPT (Cugmas, 2000). The children received the instructions to draw themselves in the kindergarten, their kindergarten teacher, a coeval, and a toy. The results confirmed the hypotheses that the children's relationships with kindergarten teachers characterized by security are related to child competence behaviors and positive adjustment in the kindergarten. Differences in drawing symbols were found to reflect the quality of children's relationships toward their teachers and their social behaviors

    Izdelava Lestvice otrokove navezanosti na vzgojiteljico (CAKT)

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    In the theoretical part of this paper, the author gives answers to the question of whether a real attachment relationship can exist between a child and a non-maternal caretaker. She mentions the established methods of measuring the child\u27s attachment to the kindergarten teacher. She presents The scale of child\u27s attachment to his/her kindergarten teacher (CAKT), which is based on authors previous findings and the experience of other authors in the forming of psychological instruments of this type. The scale was tested in a research which involved twenty-five kindergarten teachers who participated in the evaluation of 178 children (49.4% boys). Children ranged in age from 3 to 6 years. The purpose of the study was to investigate the dimensionality and internal consistency of the Scale. It was established that the psychometric characteristics of the Scale were adequate. This paper also presents the limitations of the research, which should be considered in the interpretation of the obtained results. Replication studies using clinical groups and samples from different cultures will be needed to assess a possible generalization of the presented results.V teoretičnem delu prispevka avtorica odgovarja na vprašanje, ali lahko obstaja navezanost med otrokom in osebami, ki zanj skrbijo, a niso njegova mama. Avtorica omenja uveljavljene metode za merjenje otrokove navezanosti na vzgojiteljico v vrtcu. Predstavi Lestvico otrokove navezanosti na vzgojiteljica v vrtcu (CAKT), ki jo je razvila na osnovi lastnih predhodnih raziskav in izkušenj drugih avtorjev v zvezi z oblikovanjem psiholoških instrumentov tega tipa. Lestvica je bila preizkušena v raziskavi, v kateri je sodelovalo 25 vzgojiteljic, ki so ocenile 178 vrtčevskih otrok (49,4 % dečkov). Otroci so bili stari od 3 do 6 let. Problem raziskave je bil preučiti dimenzije navezanosti in notranjo zanesljivost lestvice. Ugotovljene so bile ustrezne merske karakteristike lestvice. V prispevku so predstavljene tudi omejitve raziskave, ki jih je treba upoštevati pri interpretaciji dobljenih rezultatov. Da bi lahko rezultate posplošili, bi bilo treba ponoviti raziskavo s klinično populacijo in v različnih kulturah

    The role of the father as the object of the child's attachment

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    The theory of attachment does consider the possibility of the child developing attachment toward other people, e.g., the father or the grandmother, however, it assigns the primary role of the object of attachment to the mother. The main issue of this contribution is to answer the following questions on the basis of studying literature on attachment: can the father be the object of attachment; is he in this role equally important as the mother; can the child's anxious attachment to the mother be replaced with a secure attachment to the father; and does the amount of time the father spends with the child play an important role in the development of the child's attachment toward him. Five criteria developed by Ijzendoorn, Sagi and Lambermon (1992) to test whether caregivers are objects of the child's attachment. I found (i) that fathers can be objects of attachment, however, their influence on the child's later social-emotional development differs in quality from the influence of the mother, (ii) that a compensation of the child's anxious attachment to the mother with a secure attachment to the father is possible, but not complete, and (iii) that the impact of the time the father spends with the child on the child's attachment is more dependent on other factors, such as the mother's occupation. In future research it would be necessary to control the role of the child's sex, the culture he/she lives in and related factors

    New findings on the parents' role in the development of the child's attachment

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    The theory of attachment considers the sensitivity of the mother of great importance in the development of the child's attachment. However, despite the numerous relations between the mother's sensitivity and the category of the child's attachment, many questions related to this topic remain unanswered. The aim of this contribution is to find answers to some of these questions, namely: to what extent the variability in the parents' sensitivity explains the variability in the quality of the child's attachment; does the role of the parents in the development of the child's attachment undergo changes regarding the child's age; what kind of role can other persons, who take care of the child, have; and which factors alongside sensitivity influence the child's attachment. As I studied the recent literature on attachment I found that the relations between the sensitivity of the parents and the category of the child's attachment are moderate; that the sensitivity of the mother plays a more important role in the development of the child's attachment than the sensitivity of the father; that the sensitivity is the more important predictor of attachment of younger than older children; and that sensitivity of other persons, who take care of the child, can compensate for the child's anxious attachment to child's mother. I conclude the paper with several questions, which cropped up in the course of the study and are needy of systematic research in the future