3 research outputs found

    On the simple random-walk models of ion-channel gate dynamics reflecting long-term memory

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    Several approaches to ion-channel gating modelling have been proposed. Although many models describe the dwell-time distributions correctly, they are incapable of predicting and explaining the long-term correlations between the lengths of adjacent openings and closings of a channel. In this paper we propose two simple random-walk models of the gating dynamics of voltage and Ca2+-activated potassium channels which qualitatively reproduce the dwell-time distributions, and describe the experimentally observed long-term memory quite well. Biological interpretation of both models is presented. In particular, the origin of the correlations is associated with fluctuations of channel mass density. The long-term memory effect, as measured by Hurst R/S analysis of experimental single-channel patch-clamp recordings, is close to the behaviour predicted by our models. The flexibility of the models enables their use as templates for other types of ion channel

    Molecular basis of mammalian cell invasion by Trypanosoma cruzi

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    Establishment of infection by Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas' disease, depends on a series of events involving interactions of diverse parasite molecules with host components. Here we focus on the mechanisms of target cell invasion by metacyclic trypomastigotes (MT) and mammalian tissue culture trypomastigotes (TCT). During MT or TCT internalization, signal transduction pathways are activated both in the parasite and the target cell, leading to Ca2+ mobilization. For cell adhesion, MT engage surface glycoproteins, such as gp82 and gp35/50, which are Ca2+ signal-inducing molecules. In T. cruzi isolates that enter host cells in gp82-mediated manner, parasite protein tyrosine kinase as well as phospholipase C are activated, and Ca2+ is released from I P3-sensitive stores, whereas in T. cruzi isolates that attach to target cells mainly through gp35/50, the signaling pathway involving adenylate cyclase appears to be stimulated, with Ca2+ release from acidocalciosomes. In addition, T. cruzi isolate-dependent inhibitory signals, mediated by MT-specific gp90, may be triggered both in the host cell and the parasite. The repertoire of TCT molecules implicated in cell invasion includes surface glycoproteins of gp85 family, with members containing binding sites for laminin and cytokeratin 18, enzymes such as cruzipain, trans-sialidase, and an oligopeptidase B that generates a Ca2+-agonist from a precursor molecule.<br>O estabelecimento da infecção por Trypanosoma cruzi, o agente da doença de Chagas, depende de uma série de eventos envolvendo interações de diversas moléculas do parasita com componentes do hospedeiro. Focalizamos aqui os mecanismos de invasão celular por tripomastigotas metacíclicos (TM) e por tripomastigotas de cultura de tecido (TCT). Durante a internalização de TM ou TCT, vias de transdução de sinal são ativadas tanto no parasita como na célula alvo, acarretando a mobilização de Ca2+. Para adesão, TM utiliza as glicoproteínas de superfície como a gp82 e gp35/50, que são moléculas indutoras de sinal de Ca2+. Em isolados de T. cruzi que entram na célula hospedeira de maneira dependente de gp82, a proteína tirosina quinase assim como a fosfolipase C do parasita são ativadas, e Ca2+ é liberado de reservatórios sensíveis a IP3, enquanto em isolados de T. cruzi que se ligam às células alvo através de gp35/50, a via de sinalização envolvendo adenilil ciclase parece ser estimulada, com liberação de Ca2+ de acidocalciossomos. Além disso, dependendo do isolado de T. cruzi, sinais inibitórios mediados por gp90 específica de TM podem ser desencadeados tanto na célula hospedeira como no parasita. O repertório de moléculas de TCT implicadas na invasão celular inclui glicoproteínas de superfície da família gp85, com membros contendo sitos de ligação à laminina e citoqueratina 18, enzimas como a cruzipaína, trans-sialidase, e uma oligopeptidase B que gera um agonista de Ca2+ a partir de uma molécula precursora