536 research outputs found

    Factored expectation propagation for input-output FHMM models in systems biology

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    We consider the problem of joint modelling of metabolic signals and gene expression in systems biology applications. We propose an approach based on input-output factorial hidden Markov models and propose a structured variational inference approach to infer the structure and states of the model. We start from the classical free form structured variational mean field approach and use a expectation propagation to approximate the expectations needed in the variational loop. We show that this corresponds to a factored expectation constrained approximate inference. We validate our model through extensive simulations and demonstrate its applicability on a real world bacterial data set

    Új fenomenológia Franciaországban (1346-1372, Tengelyi László)

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    Aboralis pótgyomor prospektív randomizált összehasonlítása hagyományos orális pótgyomorral totális gastrectomia után = Prospective randomised comparison of aboral pouch with conventional oral pouch after total gastrectomy.

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    Prospektív randomizált vizsgálat keretében hasonlítottunk össze totális gastrectomia után két rekonstrukció típust, az aborális és az orális pótgyomrot a duodenális passzázs megtartásával. 28 beteg lépett be a tanulmányba. A betegeknél antropometriai és laborparaméterek mérése, izotópos passzázs vizsgálat, zsír és szénhidrát felszívódási vizsgálatok valamint életminőségi kérdőív kitöltése történt. Nem találtunk szignifikáns különbséget az elsődleges kimeneteli paraméterekben, és minimálisat a másodlagosakban, ezért a konklúzió, hogy a pótgyomor helye nem befolyásolja a kimenetelt. Befejeztük a korábbi aborális pouch versus Roux-Y tanulmány hosszú távú utánvizsgálatát. A fentivel azonos mérések történtek, és csak a másodlagos paraméterekben találtunk némi különbséget. A gastrointestinális hormonmérések tesztétel után különböző rekonstrukció típusoknál elvégeztünk. Szignifikáns különbségeket találtunk a cholecystokinin és somatostatin szintekben a duodenális passzázst megőrző rekonstrukciók javára. A Manometriás és Bilitec epés reflux mérések a total gastrectomián átesett betegeken még zajlanak, 14 betegnél végeztünk endoscopiát, manometriát és Bilitec vizsgálatot. | In a prospective randomised trial we compared two types of surgical reconstructions, the aboral and the oral pouch construction with preservation of the duodenal passage after total gastrectomy. 28 patients entered the study. Primarily body weight, body mass index and quality of life, secondarily serum nutritional parameters, scintigraphic small intestinal passage, lipid and carbohydrate absorption were measured. No significant differences were found in the primary outcome measures, while some differences regarding the secondary outcome. In summary the site of the reservoir does not influence the functional outcome of reconstruction after total gastrectomy. Also the long term examinations for the aboral pouch versus Roux-en-Y study was finished. The above follow-up measurements were carried, and we found some difference in secondary outcome measures only. The gastrointestinal hormone measurements following ingestion of a test food at different types of reconstructions was finished. Significant differences were found in cholecystokinin and somatostatin production in favour of reconstructions preserving the duodenal passage. The manometry and Bilitec biliary reflux studies are still going on. Upper endoscopy, esophageal manometry and 24 hour Bilitec examinations were carried out for 14 patients


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    The EU took clear steps to suppress and abandon the intervention of maize in 2006. Originally the measure should have been revised in the course of the “Health Check”. But the European Commission (EC) rendered the minimal quality requirement for maize stricter in the intervention period starting 1 November 2006. Later the EC proposed to finish the intervention of maize. According to that decision the intervention of maize exists in the marketing year of 2007/08 and 2008/09 with a quantity limitation but it finishes in the marketing year of 2009/10. The EC argues for the abandonment of maize intervention, because, intervention stocks of cereals have increased significantly after the accession of the 10 new member states (EU-10), and the balance of the maize market is at risk. This measure is aimed to get back the intervention to its original purpose, as a safety net. We prove in this study that the intervention stock of cereal has not significantly increased after the enlargement in 2004 and it is not a reason for finishing maize intervention. The intervention stock of maize has increased since 2004 but not so significantly that it could be a reason for the abandonment of maize intervention.cereal, intervention, maize, stock, Agricultural and Food Policy, Agricultural Finance,

    Sapere aude! Michel Foucault és a kereszténység

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    Current range characteristics of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.) along the Carpathians revealed by chloroplast SSR markers.

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    We investigated the diversity pattern of nine Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.) populations along the Carpathian range including the High Tatras, by using six chloroplast DNA microsatellites (cpSSR). Our aim was to detect genetically distinct regions by clustering of populations, and to tackle possible historical colonization routes. Our analysis referred to an investigated geographical range with the two most distant populations situated at about 500 air km. We found that the most diverse populations are situated at the two edges of the investigated part, in the Retezat Mts. (South Carpathians) and the High Tatras, and diversity decreases towards the populations of the Eastern Carpathians. Hierarchical clustering and NMDS revealed that the populations of the South Carpathians with the Tatras form a distinct cluster, significantly separated from those of the Eastern Carpathians. Moreover, based on the most variable chloroplast microsatellites, the four populations of the two range edges are not significantly different. Our results, supported also by palynological and late glacial macrofossil evidences, indicate refugial territories within the Retezat Mts. that conserved rich haplotype composition. From this refugial territory Pinus cembra might have colonized the Eastern Carpathians, and this was accompanied by a gradual decrease in population diversity. Populations of the High Tatras might have had the same role in the colonizing events of the Carpathians, as positive correlation was detected among populations lying from each other at a distance of 280 km, the maximum distance between neighbouring populations