8 research outputs found

    Fatty Acids in the Meat of Buffaloes Supplemented with Fish Oil

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    The purpose of this study has been to investigate the influence of both a supplementary fish oil diet on conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and n6 and n3 fatty acids on intramuscular fat in Mediterranean buffalo meat. Twenty animals were randomly divided into two groups and fed with Brachiaria brizantha, 3Kg rice bran, 500 g corn and 500 g sunflower pellets for 60 days. Group I received this diet only while in group II each animal received additional 100 ml fish oil daily. Results indicated a significant decrease of palmitic fatty acid in group II (232.67 mg/g fat) in relation to group I (254.73 mg/g fat). Among unsaturated acids (AGI), the 9c 11t CLA value of group II (21.23 mg/g fat) showed an increase in relation to group I (15.80 mg/g fat), while the linoleic acid content of group II (28,85 mg/g fat) decreased significantly in relation to group I (47,00 mg/g fat). However, the alpha linolenic acid showed no significant difference between the supplemented diet group and the control group (10.31 and 10.70 mg/g fat, respectively). Group II n6/n3 ratio was narrower (2.69:1) than that of group I (4.55:1). Summing up, group II diet, which included fish oil, increased the CLA content in intramuscular fat and decreased the n6 fatty acids, improving the n6/n3 ratio

    Efecto de diferentes variables sobre la preñez en búfalas sometidas a sincronización del celo e inseminación artificial a tiempo fijo

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de diferentes variables sobre la tasa de preñez de búfalas sometidas a un protocolo de sincronización del celo y ovulación e inseminación artificial a tiempo fijo (IATF). A partir de los 50 días posparto, 235 búfalas fueron sometidas al siguiente esquema de sincronización: 10 µg de GnRH (día 0); 15 mg de PGF2α (día 7); 10 µg de GnRH (día 9); IATF (día 10, dieciséis horas después de la segunda aplicación de GnRH). Las variables consideradas fueron condición corporal, cantidad de partos previos, presencia o ausencia de mucus genital y dificultad a la inseminación. La preñez total lograda fue del 53%. La ausencia o presencia de mucus se tradujo en tasas de preñez de 50 y 89% respectivamente. Según el número de partos (primíparas, 2 y 3 o más partos) los resultados fueron de 40, 50 y 58% respectivamente (p<0,05). Las condiciones corporales (><3, 3 a 4 y >4) obtuvieron 45, 55 y 56% de preñez respectivamente. Cuando se evaluó la preñez de acuerdo a la dificultad en la inseminación (sin dificultad, dificultad media y dificultad severa) los resultados fueron de 63, 50 y 0% respectivamente. Se concluye que al optimizar las variables estudiadas, la inseminación a tiempo fijo se convierte en una herramienta capaz mejorar el desempeño reproductivo en búfalos.

    Crescimento de Novilhas de Corte dos 7 aos 11 Meses de Idade

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    The purpose of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of live weight gain on growth parameters of beef heifers rearing on native pasture supplemented during autumn and winter seasons postweaning (04/21/2004 to 09/16/2004; 148 days). The live weight gain was -1.08; 19.52 e 57.83 kg for treatments MA (Maintenance), BA (Low) and MO (Moderate), respectively. In the same order, the supplement offered was equivalent to 0.54; 0.81 and 1.25% of their live weight. The experimental design was entirely randomized. Initially, the heifers were 7 month old and weighted 171.13 kg. The parameters evaluated were body condition score (5 point scale), hip height, hearth girth and weight:height ratio. At the end of the period, the evaluated parameters differed between treatments, with the exception of hip height parameter between MA and BA. Even if the heifers did not gain live weight the hip height increased. As much lower was the live weight gain, as stronger was the influence on the hip height and heart girth, showing positive linear effect for all treatments. The body condition score did not increase, even for the treatment with higher live weight gain. The linear live weight gain effect on wheight:height ratio was similar between heifers groups.O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar o efeito do ganho de peso sobre o crescimento de novilhas de corte mantidas em pastagem nativa suplementada durante o outono e inverno pós-desmame (21/04/2004 até 16/09/2004). O ganho de peso foi -1.08; 19.52 e 57.83 kg por animal para os tratamentos MA (Mantença), BA (Baixo) e MO (Moderado), respectivamente. Na mesma ordem, a suplementação foi equivalente a 0.54, 0.81 e 1.25% do peso. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualisado. Ao início do experimento, as novilhas tinham sete meses de idade e pesaram 171.13 kg. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: escore de condição corporal (escala de 5 pontos), altura da garupa, perímetro torácico e relação peso:altura. Ao fim do período, os parâmetros avaliados diferiram entre os tratamentos, exceto o parâmetro altura da garupa que não diferiu entre os grupos MA e BA. Mesmo quando as novilhas não ganharam peso, a altura da garupa aumentou. Quanto menor o nível de ganho de peso, maior o efeito sobre a altura da garupa e perímetro torácico, mostrando efeito linear positivo em todos os tratamentos. O escore de condição corporal não aumentou, mesmo no tratamento com maior ganho de peso. O efeito linear do ganho de peso sobre a relação peso:altura foi similar entre os grupos

    Influence of fish oil in the concentration of conjugated linoleic acid and omega 6 and 3 in buffalo milk

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    The aim of this research work was to investigate the influence of fish oil supplementation on the concentration of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and omega 6 and 3 in samples of buffalo milk. A total of 24 female buffaloes separated at random into three groups were fed for 49 days with: natural pasture (group I), supplemented with 70mL of fish oil (group II) and 140mL of fish oil (group III). In the experiment the concentration of CLA showed differences (P<0.05) among the three groups, with a maximum of 7.14mg/g fat in group II. No significant differences were found in omega-6 among the three groups. The highest value of 3.82mg/g fat corresponded to group I, whicht had not been supplemented with fish oil. Significant differences were observed in omega 3 (P<0.05) in groups II and III with respect to group I. The highest average value of 2.42mg/g fat was obtained in group III. The closest relationship omega 6/3 (1.37:1) was observed in group III. As a result, the diets of groups II and III, which included fish oil, increased significantly the content of CLA and omega 3 with reductions in levels of omega 6