5,611 research outputs found

    Social impact as an intangible driver in assessing economic value: an application to the italian third sector

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    Many studies have focused on Intellectual Capital (IC) applied to the Third Sector in the past few years. Despite the growing interest in intellectual capital in the field, the concept remains unclear. Few scholars and practitioners deal with the subject, however, as far as we know there are no studies that show the relationship between social impact generated by non-profit organizations and IC. This is the first study to be focused on this topic. This paper aims to fill the gap in the literature and demonstrate the relation between social impact and IC in the Social Work Integration Cooperatives (SWICs). This paper contributes to the literature by theoretically arguing that the measurement of social value improves SWICs’ economic value as a consequence of improvements of relationships and trust with external stakeholders (intangible assets). To ground our theoretical hypothesis, we measure the social impact value achieved by Italian SWICs through an aggregate analysis. That is the starting point and the findings can generate further research from both non-profit practitioners and scholars through the measurement of hypotheses over time

    Influence of urbanization on the avian species-area relationship: insights from the breeding birds of Rome

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    AbstractThe species-area relationship (SAR) is one of the most investigated patterns in ecology and conservation biology, yet there is no study testing how different levels of urbanization influence its shape. Here we tested the impact of urbanization on avian SARs along a rural-urban gradient using the breeding birds of Rome (Central Italy). We divided the city into 360 cells of 1 km2. Each cell was classified as rural, suburban or urban using the proportion of impervious surface calculated from remote sensing data. For each of these three landscape categories, we constructed a SAR as a species accumulation curve (Gleason function) using bird species distribution data. SAR intercepts (i.e. the number of species per unit area) decreased from rural to urban areas, which indicates that urbanization depressed the number of species, reflecting the loss of specialized species strictly associated with natural habitats. The slope was highest for the rural curve, indicating that natural landscapes have the highest turnover due to their higher habitat heterogeneity. A higher slope for the urban cells, compared to the suburban ones, can be explained by the presence of green spaces embedded in the built-up matrix which host different avian communities. Previous studies that compared whole cities with natural areas failed to find differences in the respective SARs. Our study, which constructed SARs for different levels of urbanization, indicated significant changes in the SARs along the rural-urban gradient. Further analyses in other cities and taxa will be useful to test how general are our findings

    Hydrozoan species richness in the Mediterranean Sea: past and present

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    The Mediterranean hydrozoan fauna (Siphonophora excluded) comprises 400 species; most (68%) occur in the Atlantic Ocean, 20% are endemic to the Mediterranean, 8% are of Indo-Pacific origin, and 4% are non-classifiable. There are 69 nonindigenous (NIS) species in the basin: 44% of these are casual (recorded just one or very few times), 28% established (widely recorded in the basin), 6% invasive (established NIS that are able rapidly or largely to dissemi- nate away from the area of initial introduction, having a noticeable impact on the recipient community), and 22% questionable (of doubtful taxonomic sta- tus). Entry through the Suez Canal and range expansion through the Gibraltar Strait, often enhanced by ship traffic, appear to be the main processes for recent species introductions, but uncertainties remain for many NIS. Species additions immediately result in larger local or regional species pools, but the newcomers might impact on populations of native species, altering extinction probabilities. A more reliable evaluation of the species pool can be accom- plished by adding new species when they enter the taxonomic record (i.e. the records of any taxon in all types of literature), and by removing species that have not been found for a ‘reasonable’ time (e.g. several decades). Of the 400 non-siphonophoran hydrozoan species known to occur in the Mediterranean Sea, positive records in the last 10 years are available for 156 species (39%), whereas records of the remaining 244 species are older than a decade: 67 spe- cies have not been recorded for 41 years, 13 for 31–30 years, 79 for 21– 30 years, and 85 for 11–20 years

    Hallucinations in the Child and Adolescent "Ultra-High Risk" population: A Systematic Review

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    Abstract Background and Hypothesis "Ultra-high risk" for psychosis young adults are assumed to be at higher risk of developing a psychotic spectrum disorder. Predominantly, the ultrahigh-risk population is aged 18–35 years, but it may also include younger children and adolescents. Individuals in this population experience psychosis prodromes in the form of attenuated or brief psychotic symptoms (particularly perceptual abnormalities). Albeit diagnosis is made via structured interviews, such measures fail to sufficiently assess the precise form and content of perceptual abnormalities, especially as they manifest in children and adolescents. Study Design The present study involved a systematic review of the literature on perceptual abnormalities (particularly hallucinations) in ultrahigh-risk children and adolescents. Results The analysis reviewed five studies and drew conclusions about the perceptual abnormalities (ie, hallucinations) experienced by the study samples, focusing on form, content, and associations with other symptoms. Of note, 2 of the investigated studies suggested a relationship between hallucinations and experiences of childhood trauma. Conclusions The transition to psychosis and experiences of childhood trauma could correspond to different types of hallucinations in ultrahigh-risk children and adolescents. This knowledge could improve the identification of prodromal states in the young, ultrahigh-risk population

    Electrophysiological Properties of CA1 Pyramidal Neurons along the Longitudinal Axis of the Mouse Hippocampus

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    Evidence for different physiological properties along the hippocampal longitudinal axis is emerging. Here, we examined the electrophysiological features of neurons at different dorso-ventral sites of the mouse CA1 hippocampal region. Cell position was defined with respect to longitudinal coordinates of each slice. We measured variations in neuronal excitability, subthreshold membrane properties and neurotransmitter responses along the longitudinal axis. We found that (i) pyramidal cells of the dorsal hippocampus (DH) were less excitable than those of the ventral hippocampus (VH). Resting Membrane Potential (RMP) was more hyperpolarized and somatic Input Resistance (Ri) was lower in DH compared to VH. (ii) The Paired-pulse ratio (PPR) of focally induced synaptic responses was systematically reduced from the DH to the VH; (iii) Long-term-potentiation was most pronounced in the DH and fell gradually in the intermediate hippocampus and in the VH; (iv) the frequency of miniature GABAergic events was higher in the VH than in the DH; (v) the PPR of evoked inhibitory post-synaptic current (IPSC) was higher in the DH than in the VH. These findings indicate an increased probability of both GABA and glutamate release and a reduced plasticity in the ventral compared to more dorsal regions of the hippocampus

    Population Based Cancer Screening Programmes as a Teachable Moment for Primary Prevention Interventions. A Review of the Literature

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    Background and aim: Unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and smoking are key risk factors for the major non-communicable diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. The screening procedure may represent an ideal setting for promoting healthy lifestyles as it represents a time when subjects are probably more inclined to consider a relationship between their own habits and their effects on health. The aim of this study is to review available evidence concerning interventions combining screening and primary prevention interventions, aimed at promoting the adoption of healthy lifestyles. Methods: We searched the MEDLINE and Cochrane library electronic databases for intervention studies of primary prevention interventions implemented in the context of established screening programmes, or of pilot screening projects, where the study design included a comparison group. Results: Comprehensive interventions are acceptable for asymptomatic subjects targeted for cancer screening, can result in improvements and may be cost–effective. A positive impact of these interventions in favoring the adoption of cancer protective dietary behaviors was observed in all studies. Conflicting results were instead reported with respect to physical activity, while no impact could be observed for interventions aimed to favor smoking cessation. Conclusions: The retrieved studies suggest that the screening setting may offer valuable opportunities to provide credible, potentially persuasive life style advice, reaching a wide audience. A multiple risk factor approach may maximize the benefit of behavioral change, as the same health related habits are associated not only with cancers targeted by screening interventions, but also with other cancers, coronary artery disease, and other chronic conditions, while unhealthy behaviors may be mutually reinforcing. In order to cover a maximum number of possibilities, health education programmes should include multiple strategies, integrating and combining models of individual, social, and environmental change

    Insufficient knowledge among psoriasis patients can represent a barrier to participation in decision-making.

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    Patient participation in treatment decisions can have positive effects on patient satisfaction, compliance and health outcomes. The objectives of this study were to examine attitudes of psoriasis patients regarding participation in treatment decisions and to evaluate the effect of a decision-aid for discussing treatment options. A "quasi experiment" was conducted in a large dermatological hospital in Italy: a questionnaire evaluating the decision-making process and treatment knowledge was self-completed by 231 consecutive psoriasis patients after routine clinical practice and by a second sample of 171 patients exposed to a decision-board. In routine clinical practice 67.9% of patients wanted to be involved in decision-making, 28.4% wanted to leave decisions entirely to the doctor and 3.7% preferred making decisions alone. 17.9% and 25.3% of the control and decision-board group had good knowledge. At multivariate analysis good knowledge increased the likelihood of preferring an active role (risk ratio (RR) = 2.21; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.3-3.9; p = 0.006). The decision-board only marginally improved patient knowledge and doctor-patient communication. In conclusion, large proportions of psoriasis patients want to participate in decision-making, but insufficient patient knowledge can represent a barrier

    Manufacturing reshoring and sustainable development goals: A home versus host country perspective

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    After decades of offshoring their manufacturing activities, an increasing number of companies are revising their location strategies and implementing reshoring decisions, including backshoring (relocation in the home country) and nearshoring (relocation in the home region) alternatives. It has been recognized that reshoring strategies are consistent with the sustainable production approach, since they allow companies to produce goods in a manner that is socially beneficial, economically viable, and environmentally less harmful over the whole life cycle of those goods. Additionally, there are early indications that reshoring can also promote and support sustainable consumption approaches. Consequently, reshoring has a wide range of impacts in both the home and the host countries, also in terms of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, this topic has received little attention in the extant reshoring literature. This paper seeks to contribute to the discussion by adopting a two-step approach. Initially, we analyze the very few contributions available on this topic; then, we identify and discuss which of the 17 SDGs are impacted by reshoring decisions at both the home and the host country level. It emerges that reshoring decisions have several and differentiated impacts in terms of SDGs. In general, these impacts are positive for home countries and negative for host ones. For this reason, a trade-off emerges when a single relocation decision is taken and implemented. Based on this evidence, implications for scholars, managers and policy makers are presented and discussed
