16 research outputs found

    Phlebotomine fauna (Diptera: Psychodidae) of an American cutaneous leishmaniasis endemic area in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

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    The occurrence of an outbreak of cutaneous leishmaniasis associated with Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis in the municipality of Bela Vista, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, and the absence of information on its vectors in this area led the authors to undertake captures of phlebotomine sand flies, using Shannon traps and automatic CDC light traps, in domiciles, forested areas and animal shelters from February 2004-January 2006. A total of 808 specimens belonging to 18 sandfly species have been identified: Bichromomyia flaviscutellata,Brumptomyia avellari, Brumptomyia brumpti, Brumptomyia sp, Evandromyia aldafalcaoae, Evandromyia cortelezzii, Evandromyia evandroi, Evandromyia lenti, Evandromyia teratodes, Evandromyia termitophila, Lutzomyia longipalpis, Nyssomyia whitmani, Pintomyia christenseni, Psathyromyia aragaoi, Psathyromyia campograndensis, Psathyromyia punctigeniculata, Psathyromyia shannoni and Sciopemyia sordellii. The presence of Lu. longipalpis, Ny. whitmani and Bi. flaviscutellata, vectors of Leishmania chagasi, Leishmania braziliensis and L. amazonensis, respectively, has increased.FUNDECT - DECIT Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia do Ministério da Saúd


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    O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar aspectos do comportamento da fauna flebotomínea de área de turismo pesqueiro localizada no município de Bonito (MS). Foram realizadas capturas mensais no período de dezembro de 2009 a novembro de 2010, utilizando armadilhas luminosas automáticas do tipo CDC das 18:00h às 6:00h, em matas, área de cerrado, peridomicílios e abrigos de animais próximos a áreas peridomiciliares. De um total de 6.699 espécimes coletados, pertencentes a 16 espécies, Nyssomyia whitmani foi a mais frequente, seguida de Psathyromyia bigeniculata e Lutzomyia longipalpis, encontradas em todos os tipos de ambientes, porém com maior expressão em abrigos de animais. Ny. whitmani apresentou frequências mais elevadas nos meses mais secos, coincidentes com a estação da pesca, o que eleva o risco de transmissão da leishmaniose tegumentar a turistas e moradores da área. Importante ressaltar o encontro de duas espécies naturalmente infectadas por flagelados: Ny. whitmani e Pa. bigeniculata. A população local e turistas devem ser advertidos da ameaça que representam as leishmanioses e as autoridades de saúde alertadas para adoção de medidas de saneamento ambiental, principalmente com relação aos abrigos de animais, que parecem fornecer condições favoráveis para a proliferação, manutenção e reprodução de flebotomíneos.The aim of this study was to identify behavioral aspects of the sandfly fauna of a fishing tourism area in the municipality of Bonito (MS). Monthly captures were undertaken from December 2009 to November 2010, using automatic CDC type light traps, from 18h00 to 06h00, in a forested area, a savannah area, peridomiciles and animal shelters near peridomiciliary areas. Nyssomyia whitmani was the most frequent out of a total of 6,699 specimens collected, belonging to 16 species, followed by Psathyromyia bigeniculata and Lutzomyia longipalpis, found in all the environments investigated, though in their greatest numbers in the animal shelters. Ny. whitmani exhibited its highest frequencies during the dry months, coincident with the fishing season, when the risk of transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis for tourists and inhabitants increases. Noteworthy was the finding of two species naturally infected by flagellates: Ny. whitmani and Pa. bigeniculata. The local population and visiting tourists should be warned of the threat posed by leishmaniasis and the health authorities alerted to the need for adopting environmental sanitary measures, especially regarding such animal shelters as they seem to provide favorable conditions to the proliferation, maintenance and breeding opportunities of phlebotomines

    Sandflies in an urban area of transmission of visceral leishmaniasis in midwest Brazil

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    The phlebotomine fauna of Campo Grande city, capital of Mato Grosso do Sul state in Brazil, an endemic area for visceral leishmaniasis, has been thoroughly investigated, but all the insect collections were undertaken with automatic light traps. The present study sought to investigate the fauna in this city using Shannon and Disney traps, having human beings and hamsters, respectively, as bait. Both types of traps were installed in forest fragment and peridomiciliary areas in the period from 2007 to 2009. The phlebotomine females were analyzed by PCR for Leishmania identification. Lutzomyia longipalpis was the only species collected in the peridomiciles and rendered a total of 574 specimens with a 5.2:1 male:female ratio. A total of eight species were attracted to the two traps (one of each type) installed in the forest fragment, including: Bichromomyia flaviscutellata, Evandromyia bourrouli, Evandromyia lenti, Lutzomyia longipalpis, Nyssomyia whitmani, Pintomyia christenseni, Psathyromyia bigeniculata, and Sciopemyia sordellii. A total of 143 specimens were collected, Bi. flaviscutellata accounting for 81% and Lu. longipalpis for 1.4% of them. In one female of Lu. longipalpis collected in a Disney trap installed in a peridomicile, Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum DNA was found, thus strengthening the hypothesis that the transmission of leishmaniasis is in fact occurring in the anthropic environment

    Sandflies in an urban area of transmission of visceral leishmaniasis in midwest Brazil

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    The phlebotomine fauna of Campo Grande city, capital of Mato Grosso do Sul state in Brazil, an endemic area for visceral leishmaniasis, has been thoroughly investigated, but all the insect collections were undertaken with automatic light traps. The present study sought to investigate the fauna in this city using Shannon and Disney traps, having human beings and hamsters, respectively, as bait. Both types of traps were installed in forest fragment and peridomiciliary areas in the period from 2007 to 2009. The phlebotomine females were analyzed by PCR for Leishmania identification. Lutzomyia longipalpis was the only species collected in the peridomiciles and rendered a total of 574 specimens with a 5.2:1 male:female ratio. A total of eight species were attracted to the two traps (one of each type) installed in the forest fragment, including: Bichromomyia flaviscutellata, Evandromyia bourrouli, Evandromyia lenti, Lutzomyia longipalpis, Nyssomyia whitmani, Pintomyia christenseni, Psathyromyia bigeniculata, and Sciopemyia sordellii. A total of 143 specimens were collected, Bi. flaviscutellata accounting for 81% and Lu. longipalpis for 1.4% of them. In one female of Lu. longipalpis collected in a Disney trap installed in a peridomicile, Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum DNA was found, thus strengthening the hypothesis that the transmission of leishmaniasis is in fact occurring in the anthropic environment

    Phlebotomines (Diptera: Psychodidae) in forested areas of the Serra da Bodoquena, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

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    Investigation was undertaken on the behaviour of the phlebotomine fauna in caves, forests, and anthropic environments of the Serra da Bodoquena, between January 1998 and January 2000. This paper reports on the phlebotomines captured in forested areas with automatic light traps (ALT), Shannon traps (ST), aspiration (AN), at natural resting sites and by human attractiveness (HA) during 24 h. The diversity and abundance of the species were investigated with ALT installed at 16 points (ground level) and 6 in the canopy. Natural infection by flagellates was investigated in females captured with ST, AN, and HA. The sand fly fauna was represented by 23 species. Twenty-two of these were captured with ALT, 15 of them on the western side, and 20 on the eastern. Lutzomyia longipalpis and Nyssomyia whitmani were the most abundant on the former and this species together with Lutzomyia almerioi on the latter side. On the eastern side the ecotopes located close to caves rendered a significantly greater number (P ≤ 0.01) of specimens than did more distant sites. On this side Lu. almerioi contributed with 56% of the total number of specimens. Lu. almerioi females were predominantly attracted by humans (96.4%) and by ST (93.2%) and three of the 2173 dissected (0.138%) presented natural infection by flagellates. The attraction of Lu. almerioi to humans occurred during all seasons, predominantly in the summer, and in nocturnal and diurnal periods. Thus it is bothersome to inhabitants of and visitors to the Bodoquena ridge and a potential vector of flagellates

    Estudo dos flebotomíneos (Diptera, Pychodidae), em área de leishmaniose tegumentar, no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil Study of the phlebotomines (Diptera, Psychodidae), in area of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil

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    Desenvolveram-se estudos sobre flebotomíneos em área de leishmaniose tegumentar, fazenda Boa Sorte, Município de Corguinho, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, com vistas a incriminar vetor dessa parasitose. No início dos estudos, encontravam-se bem preservados vários tipos da cobertura vegetal primitiva, com predomínio de cerrado e cerradão, denominado localmente de "croa". Decorridos quatro meses, parte significativa da "croa" e do cerrado foi queimada para transformação em áreas de pastagens. Durante julho/1991 a junho/93, realizaram-se coletas semanais das 18:00 às 6:00 horas, com armadilha CDC (Center on Disease Control), em floresta-galeria, floresta de encostas, cerrado, "croa", peridomicílio (chiqueiro e poleiro) e no interior de uma tulha; coletas mensais com armadilha de Shannon das 18:00 às 24:00 horas em floresta-galeria e "croa". De junho/91 a setembro de 1992, capturas mensais com isca humana, por 24 horas, em floresta-galeria. Investigou-se infecção natural por flagelados em flebotomíneos coletados com armadilha de Shannon e isca humana. As coletas com CDC resultaram 24 espécies de Lutzomyia e duas de Brumptomyia. A "croa" foi o ambiente que mais contribuiu com espécimens e que apresentou a maior diversidade, juntamente com a floresta de encostas. Nas coletas com CDC, L. whitmani revelou-se a mais abundante, índice de abundância padronizado = 0,991; porém, esteve muito pouco representada no interior do anexo domiciliar; apresentou prevalência de 96,0% nas armadilhas de Shannon e isca humana, respectivamente com 3.265 e 516 espécimens. Sua maior freqüência deu-se em épocas frias e secas. Dotada de atividade quase que exclusivamente noturna, exibiu pico de ocorrência das 18:00 às 19:00 horas. A taxa de infecção natural por flagelados, em 680 fêmeas de flebotomíneos dissecadas, foi de 0,15% e, entre 613 fêmeas de L. whitmani, de 0,16%. Com base em seu comportamento, L. whitmani foi incriminada como provável vetora da leishmaniose tegumentar na área. A segunda espécie mais abundante, L. lenti, não demonstrou antropofilia. Apresenta-se também a fauna flebotomínica por ambientes.Studies of the phlebotomine sandflies on the Boa Sorte farm, Corguinho county, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Central-West region of Brazil, were carried out, with the object of identifying local fauna and a cutaneous leishmaniasis vector. At the beginning of the studies, several types of primitive vegetation covering: gallery forest, forest slopes and the cerrados: s. str. and tropical xeromorphic semideciduous broadleaf forest, locally denominated "croa", existed. Four months after the beginning of the studies, a fire destroyed a significant part of the cerrados. Captures were made during the interval from July/91 to June/93, with a CDC trap, weekly, at 10 ecotopes: in the soil of forest slopes; in the soil and canopy of cerrado s. str., "croa" and gallery forest; in the peridomicile, in hen house and pigpen and in a storage shed. A Shannon's trap was used, monthly, from 18:00-24:00 hours, in the gallery forest and "croa". Human bait was used, monthly, for 24 hours, from June/91 to September/92. An investigation into natural infection in female phlebotomines was made through the dissection of specimens captured in the Shannon's trap and on human bait. The captures with CDC totalled in 2,281 specimens of 26 species: 2 of Brumptomyia and 24 of Lutzomyia. The "croa" was the environment that contributed with the greatest number of specimens and presented the largest diversity, together with the forest slope. L. withmani was the most abundant species captured with CDC, in all the ecotopes (Standardized abundance index = 0.991). However, in the storage shed its frequence was the lowest. This species presented a prevalence of 96.0% in the Shannon's trap and on human bait (3,265 and 516 specimens, respectively). It was the most frequent in the cold and dry periods. It presented almost exclusively nocturnal activity, with its peak at 18:00-19:00 hours and an infection rate by flagellates of 0.16% (613 females dissected). On the basis of its behavior, this species was incriminated as the probable vector of the cutaneous leishmaniasis in the area, which had extradomicilary transmission. L. lenti, the second most abundant species, is not anthropophilic. The phlebotomine fauna is presented by environment

    Estudo dos flebotomíneos (Diptera, Pychodidae), em área de leishmaniose tegumentar, no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil

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    Desenvolveram-se estudos sobre flebotomíneos em área de leishmaniose tegumentar, fazenda Boa Sorte, Município de Corguinho, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, com vistas a incriminar vetor dessa parasitose. No início dos estudos, encontravam-se bem preservados vários tipos da cobertura vegetal primitiva, com predomínio de cerrado e cerradão, denominado localmente de "croa". Decorridos quatro meses, parte significativa da "croa" e do cerrado foi queimada para transformação em áreas de pastagens. Durante julho/1991 a junho/93, realizaram-se coletas semanais das 18:00 às 6:00 horas, com armadilha CDC (Center on Disease Control), em floresta-galeria, floresta de encostas, cerrado, "croa", peridomicílio (chiqueiro e poleiro) e no interior de uma tulha; coletas mensais com armadilha de Shannon das 18:00 às 24:00 horas em floresta-galeria e "croa". De junho/91 a setembro de 1992, capturas mensais com isca humana, por 24 horas, em floresta-galeria. Investigou-se infecção natural por flagelados em flebotomíneos coletados com armadilha de Shannon e isca humana. As coletas com CDC resultaram 24 espécies de Lutzomyia e duas de Brumptomyia. A "croa" foi o ambiente que mais contribuiu com espécimens e que apresentou a maior diversidade, juntamente com a floresta de encostas. Nas coletas com CDC, L. whitmani revelou-se a mais abundante, índice de abundância padronizado = 0,991; porém, esteve muito pouco representada no interior do anexo domiciliar; apresentou prevalência de 96,0% nas armadilhas de Shannon e isca humana, respectivamente com 3.265 e 516 espécimens. Sua maior freqüência deu-se em épocas frias e secas. Dotada de atividade quase que exclusivamente noturna, exibiu pico de ocorrência das 18:00 às 19:00 horas. A taxa de infecção natural por flagelados, em 680 fêmeas de flebotomíneos dissecadas, foi de 0,15% e, entre 613 fêmeas de L. whitmani, de 0,16%. Com base em seu comportamento, L. whitmani foi incriminada como provável vetora da leishmaniose tegumentar na área. A segunda espécie mais abundante, L. lenti, não demonstrou antropofilia. Apresenta-se também a fauna flebotomínica por ambientes