90 research outputs found

    Overnight surgery in proctologia e tipo di anestesia: nostra esperienza su 320 pazienti

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    Nell’ambito della chirurgia proctologica, numerose evidenze dimostrano che l’ anestesia generale associata a quella loco-regionale presenta maggiori vantaggi rispetto all’anestesia spinale. Scopo del nostro studio è stato quello di verificare l’efficacia dell’ anestesia generale associata alla loco-regionale in una serie di pazienti affetti da malattia emorroidaria e ragade anale. Pazienti e metodi. Sono stati selezionati pazienti con emorroidi sintomatiche di III e IV grado e ragade anale senza storia di reazioni allergiche o suscettibilità farmacologica naropina, propofol e simili. Tutti i pazienti (gruppo A) sono stati sottoposti ad anestesia generale e loco-regionale. Nei pazienti di controllo (gruppo B) è stata praticata anestesia spinale. Alla fine di ogni intervento chirurgico sono state valutate le complicanze precoci e tardive mediante la classificazione da noi recentemente proposta. Risultati. Sono stati inclusi nello studio 320 pazienti, 240 operati per prolasso emorroidario e 80 per ragade anale. L’anestesia ottenuta è stata sempre soddisfacente e non sono state osservate complicanze post-operatorie permanenti. Fra quelle precoci si è osservata ritenzione urinaria nel 9% dei casi e dolore nel 30%. Fra le complicanze tardive sono state osservate dolore nel 8% e ritenzione urinaria nel 1% dei pazienti. In due casi si è formato un ascesso in corrispondenza del punto d’infiltrazione dell’anestetico locale. L’effetto dell’anestetico locale è durato in media circa 4-8 ore. Conclusioni. La tecnica anestesiologica locale con blocco posteriore, associata ad anestesia generale, si è dimostrata efficace per il trattamento delle più frequenti patologie proctologiche. Tale metodo ha comportato una bassa incidenza di complicanze precoci e tardive e una più rapida risoluzione dei postumi clinici legati all’intervento

    Morphologically and immunohistochemically undifferentiated gastric neoplasia in a patient with multiple metastatic malignant melanomas: a case report

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    Introduction: Malignant melanoma is a neoplasia which frequently involves the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). GIT metastases are difficult to diagnose because they often recur many years after treatment of the primary cutaneous lesion and also manifest clinically at an advanced stage of the neoplasia. Furthermore, GIT metastases can appear in various morphological forms, and therefore immunohistochemistry is often useful in distinguishing between a malignant melanoma and other malignancies. Case presentation: We report the case of a 60-year-old man with a multiple metastatic melanoma who underwent an upper endoscopy to clarify the possible involvement of the gastric wall with a mass localized in the upper abdomen involving the pancreas and various lymph nodes, which was previously described with computed tomography. Clinically, the patient reported a progressive loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. The upper endoscopy and histological examination revealed a gastric location of an undifferentiated neoplasm with an absence of immunohistochemical characteristics referable to the skin malignant melanoma that was removed previously. Conclusion: The present case report shows the difficulty in diagnosing a metastatic melanoma in the GIT and therefore, it seems worthwhile to consider metastatic malignant melanoma in the differential diagnosis of undifferentiated neoplasia. © 2008 Alghisi et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Milk From Cow Fed With High Forage/Concentrate Ratio Diet: Beneficial Effect on Rat Skeletal Muscle Inflammatory State and Oxidative Stress Through Modulation of Mitochondrial Functions and AMPK Activity

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    Milk and dairy products are relevant components of daily diet and are part of dietary recommendation in many countries due to their content of key nutrients. However, the relatively high content of saturated fat of the milk and its extensive usage for every age group raises concerns about its potential negative health effects. Therefore, in the last years, several researchers dedicated their attention to milk production and quality. Milk fatty acids profile depend on cow feeding and in particular on the type of forage and concentrate and forage/concentrate ratio. It was demonstrated that feeding dairy cows with a 70/30 forage/concentrate ratio yields milk with a low ω6:ω3 ratio and high CLA levels. In this work, we demonstrated that the supplementation of rats diet with this high forage milk (HFM) results, in the skeletal muscle of these animals, in a reduced lipid content and inflammation levels, and an improved mitochondrial lipid oxidation, and redox status through modulation of AMPK activity

    BAAV Mediated GJB2 Gene Transfer Restores Gap Junction Coupling in Cochlear Organotypic Cultures from Deaf Cx26Sox10Cre Mice

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    The deafness locus DFNB1 contains GJB2, the gene encoding connexin26 and GJB6, encoding connexin30, which appear to be coordinately regulated in the inner ear. In this work, we investigated the expression and function of connexin26 and connexin30 from postnatal day 5 to adult age in double transgenic Cx26Sox10Cre mice, which we obtained by crossing connexin26 floxed mice with a deleter Sox10–Cre line. Cx26Sox10Cre mice presented with complete connexin26 ablation in the epithelial gap junction network of the cochlea, whereas connexin30 expression was developmentally delayed; immunolabeling patterns for both connexins were normal in the cochlear lateral wall. In vivo electrophysiological measurements in Cx26Sox10Cre mice revealed profound hearing loss accompanied by reduction of endocochlear potential, and functional experiments performed in postnatal cochlear organotypic cultures showed impaired gap junction coupling. Transduction of these cultures with a bovine adeno associated virus vector restored connexin26 protein expression and rescued gap junction coupling. These results suggest that restoration of normal connexin levels by gene delivery via recombinant adeno associated virus could be a way to rescue hearing function in DFNB1 mouse models and, in future, lead to the development of therapeutic interventions in humans

    Clustering Disease of Clostridioides Difficile Infection: Implication for the Management in Internal Medicine

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    Clostridioides difficile is a bacterium responsible for a healthcare-associated gastrointestinal infection, primarily affecting people who have undergone prolonged antibiotic treatment or who have compromised immune systems. The CD is of particular concern due to its high recurrence rates and the potential for serious outcomes, including life-threatening conditions such as pseudomembranous colitis, septic shock, and all associated conditions. Since this infection is a disease associated with other health conditions, a general vision of the problems is necessary which aims to obtain a general overview of the manifestations that generally correlate with care. Clinical reasoning following the disease-clustering method is able to produce a categorization process by grouping the possible correlations of the various conditions or factors underlying diseases on the basis of certain similarities or common models. The clustering process is performed using data analysis techniques which, by statically correlating each other, give an exact dimension of all the information related to a particular disease. In the case of CD, reasoning based on disease clustering has better clarified the practices, appropriateness in infection control, judicious use of antibiotics, and research into therapeutic and preventive strategies. This review, taking advantage of the clustering strategy, aimed to analyze the contingent conditions of the infection under examination, to reduce the incidence and impact of CD, having as its mission the improvement of the results deriving from the contrast of all those correlated pathological conditions to healthcare for the improvement of public health

    Variation in Fatty Acid Synthase, Ki67 and p53 Esophageal Mucosa Expressions in Barrett’s Esophagus Patients Treated for One Year with Two Esomeprazole Different Regimens

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    Barrett’s esophagus (BE) is an acquired pre-malignant condition that results from chronic gastroesophageal reflux. The malignant transformation occurred in 0.5% of patients/year and was independent of medical and endoscopic conservative treatments. Fatty acid synthase (FAS) is a multifunctional enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of long-chain fatty acids from acetyl-coenzyme A, malonyl-coenzyme A, a reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH), and adenosine triphosphate. Activation of FAS is closely linked to malignant transformation. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the variation of FAS, p53, and Ki67 expressions in two groups of 21 BE patients each, after one year of continuous (group A) or discontinuous (group B) treatment with esomeprazole 40 mg/day in comparison to the initial expression. In both the two groups of BE patients, biopsies were taken from pathologic sites of the mucosa for histological and immuno-histochemical detection of FAS, Ki67, and p53 at entry and after one year of Esomeprazole 40 mg treatment. FAS expression was positive when a strong granular cytoplasmic staining was observed in esophageal cells. Ki67 and p53 were defined as positive when nuclear staining was clearly detected at ×10 magnification. FAS expression was reduced in 43% of patients treated with Esomeprazole continuously in comparison to the 10% of patients treated with Esomeprazole on demand (p = 0.002). Ki67 expression was reduced in 28% of continuously treated patients in comparison to 5% of patients treated on demand (p = 0.001). The p53 expression decreased in 19% of continuously treated patients in comparison to an increase in 2 patients (9%) treated on demand (p = 0.05). Continuously Esomeprazole treatment could help in the diminution of metabolic and proliferative activities in the esophageal columnar epithelium and in part it can help prevent the oxidative damage against cellular DNA, resulting in a diminution in p53 expression

    Gender and Renal Insufficiency: Opportunities for Their Therapeutic Management?

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    Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a major clinical problem associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Despite intensive research, the clinical outcome remains poor, and apart from supportive therapy, no other specific therapy exists. Furthermore, acute kidney injury increases the risk of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease. Acute tubular injury accounts for the most common intrinsic cause of AKI. The main site of injury is the proximal tubule due to its high workload and energy demand. Upon injury, an intratubular subpopulation of proximal epithelial cells proliferates and restores the tubular integrity. Nevertheless, despite its strong regenerative capacity, the kidney does not always achieve its former integrity and function and incomplete recovery leads to persistent and progressive CKD. Clinical and experimental data demonstrate sexual differences in renal anatomy, physiology, and susceptibility to renal diseases including but not limited to ischemia-reperfusion injury. Some data suggest the protective role of female sex hormones, whereas others highlight the detrimental effect of male hormones in renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. Although the important role of sex hormones is evident, the exact underlying mechanisms remain to be elucidated. This review focuses on collecting the current knowledge about sexual dimorphism in renal injury and opportunities for therapeutic manipulation, with a focus on resident renal progenitor stem cells as potential novel therapeutic strategies

    Viral Infection, COVID-19 in Pregnancy and Lactating Women: What Is Known?

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    Introduction. Viral infections during pregnancy have always been considered to cause complications and adverse events and birth defects during pregnancy. In particular, we do not have any therapeutic or preventive tools aimed at protecting the mother and fetus during the gestational period during pandemics. Methods. The studies were identified by using the PubMed database published until 30 April 2021. The search was performed by using the following keywords: viral infection, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, vaccine, pregnancy, gestational period, pandemics, vaccination, complication, adverse events, drugs. Results. It has been reported that viral infections are considered to cause complications and adverse events during pregnancy. In this regard, pregnancy is associated with higher mortality rates and complications during viral infections. In fact, maternal immunization represents a unique approach to protect newborns from several infectious diseases. Conclusion. European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (EBCOG) and International public health institutions (WHO, CDC) report the recommendations about the use of vaccines during pregnancy

    Hyperuricemia and Endothelial Function: Is It a Simple Association or Do Gender Differences Play a Role in This Binomial?

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    The endothelium plays a fundamental role in the biological processes that ensure physiological vessel integrity, synthesizing numerous substances that are capable of modulating the tone of vessels, inflammation and the immune system, and platelet function. Endothelial dysfunction refers to an anomaly that develops at the level of the tunica that lines the internal surface of arterial and venous vessels, or, more precisely, an alteration to normal endothelial function, which involves the loss of some structural and/or functional characteristics. Studies on sex differences in endothelial function are conflicting, with some showing an earlier decline in endothelial function in men compared to women, while others show a similar age of onset between the sexes. Since increased cardiovascular risk coincides with menopause, female hormones, particularly estrogen, are generally believed to be cardioprotective. Furthermore, it is often proposed that androgens are harmful. In truth, these relationships are more complex than one might think and are not just dependent on fluctuations in circulating hormones. An increase in serum uric acid is widely regarded as a possible risk factor for cardiovascular disease; however, its role in the occurrence of endothelial dysfunction has not yet been elucidated. Several studies in the literature have evaluated sex-related differences in the association between elevated uric acid levels and cardiovascular events, with conflicting results. The association between uric acid and cardiovascular disease is still controversial, and it is not yet clear how gender differences affect the serum concentration of these substances. This review was primarily aimed at clarifying the effects of uric acid at the level of the vascular endothelium and describing how it could theoretically cause damage to endothelial integrity. The second aim was to determine if there are gender differences in uric acid metabolism and how these differences interact with the vascular endothelium
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