12 research outputs found

    Sugarcane (Saccharum X officinarum): A Reference Study for the Regulation of Genetically Modified Cultivars in Brazil

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    Global interest in sugarcane has increased significantly in recent years due to its economic impact on sustainable energy production. Sugarcane breeding and better agronomic practices have contributed to a huge increase in sugarcane yield in the last 30 years. Additional increases in sugarcane yield are expected to result from the use of biotechnology tools in the near future. Genetically modified (GM) sugarcane that incorporates genes to increase resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses could play a major role in achieving this goal. However, to bring GM sugarcane to the market, it is necessary to follow a regulatory process that will evaluate the environmental and health impacts of this crop. The regulatory review process is usually accomplished through a comparison of the biology and composition of the GM cultivar and a non-GM counterpart. This review intends to provide information on non-GM sugarcane biology, genetics, breeding, agronomic management, processing, products and byproducts, as well as the current technologies used to develop GM sugarcane, with the aim of assisting regulators in the decision-making process regarding the commercial release of GM sugarcane cultivars

    DNA fingerprinting of water yam (Dioscorea alata) cultivars in Brazil based on microsatellite markers Diversidade genética de cultivares de inhame (Dioscorea alata) no Brasil utilizando microssatélites

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    This study aimed to fingerprint 36 water yam (Dioscorea alata) accessions using microsatellite markers. Ten accessions were collected in local markets from several municipalities in Brazil, eight were obtained from the 'Instituto AgronÎmico de Campinas' (IAC) germplasm collection and eighteen were collected directly from growers from São Paulo state. A total of nine microsatellite loci were used in the analysis. Loci revealed high polymorphism verified by elevated PIC values (0.57-0.77), and by high gene diversity and Shannon-Wiener indices (0.69 and 1.29 on average, respectively). The accessions were classified into two groups based on clustering analysis. One group contained mostly accessions from the IAC collection, including a commercial cultivar acquired in a market in the city of Cuiabå, Mato Grosso state. The second group was composed of most accessions, including those collected directly from growers and markets in São Paulo, a few accessions from the IAC collection, and an accession from Puerto Rico, named 'Florida', which is the most cultivated in Brazil. Several duplicates were identified in this study, including accessions obtained from two farmers in Mogi Guaçu and Mogi Mirim, São Paulo state. However, some of these accessions were allocated in different sub-groups, within this second group. Results suggested the hypothesis of different origins for accessions currently cultivated in Brazil. Similar accessions obtained from different municipalities revealed the commercialization of the same accessions at different locations.<br>Este estudo teve como objetivo a anålise genética de 36 acessos de inhame (Dioscorea alata) utilizando marcadores microssatélites. Dez acessos foram coletados em mercados locais de vårios municípios no Brasil, oito foram obtidos no banco de germoplasma do Instituto AgronÎmico de Campinas (IAC), e dezoito foram coletados diretamente com os agricultores no estado de São Paulo. Um total de nove locos de microssatélites foram utilizados para amplificação. Alto polimorfismo foi encontrado entre os locos, verificado pelos valores de PIC elevados (0,57-0,77) e altos índices de heterogosidade esperada e Shannon-Wiener (0,69 e 1,29 em média, respectivamente). Os acessos foram classificados em dois grupos pela anålise de agrupamento. O primeiro grupo consiste principalmente de acessos obtidos da coleção do IAC, incluindo um acesso comercial obtido num mercado na cidade de Cuiabå, estado de Mato Grosso. O segundo grupo classificou os acessos coletados diretamente dos agricultores, incluindo um importante acesso proveniente de Porto Rico, denominado 'Florida', a cultivar mais plantada no Brasil. Este grupo incluiu também os acessos obtidos em mercados de vårios municípios do estado de São Paulo, além de outros acessos da coleção do IAC. Vårias duplicatas foram identificadas neste estudo, incluindo acessos obtidos junto aos dois agricultores de Mogi Guaçu e Mogi Mirim, em São Paulo. Entretanto, parte desses acessos foi alocada em diferentes sub-grupos, dentro do segundo grupo. Os resultados sugerem a hipótese de diferentes origens para os acessos atualmente comercializados e cultivados no Brasil. Acessos similares obtidos de diferentes municípios mostrou a comercialização dos mesmos em locais diferentes