145 research outputs found

    Avaliação agronômica e caracterização química de acessos de gengibre (Zingiber officinale) nas condições de Manaus, AM.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar agronomicamente três acessos de gengibre nas condições de Manaus, AM.Edição dos Resumos do 52º Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura, Salvador, jul. 2012

    Influence of natural deep eutectic systems in water thermal behavior and their applications in cryopreservation

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    Natural deep eutectic systems (NADES), which have applications as solvents for both engineering and life sci-ences, are mainly composed of sugars, aminoacids or organic acids. In this work NADES composed by glucose,urea and proline (G:U:P in a molar ratio of 1:1:1) and proline and glucose (P:G 5:3) were prepared and addedin different mass fractions to water.By differential scanning calorimetry it was verified as the crystallization tendency of water is modified even forlow fraction of NADES added. This is also observed by polarized optical microscopy which allowed followingthe formation of crystals with different crystalline morphologies as bulk water. Calorimetric data also shown asthe crystallization temperature decreases for all P:G mixtures and this shift is more accentuated for weight frac-tion of NADES higher than 0.5. Crystallization is totally suppressed for NADES fraction higher than 0.7.NADES/water mixtures cytotoxicity was evaluated in vitro, revealing that they are less toxic as compared withthe commonly used cryoprotective additives as dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Additionally, cell viability testswith cell lines cryopreserved using DMSO and both the prepared NADES showed comparable viability.This work combines thermophysical data on NADES and evaluates itâ s in vitro performance, providing cues fortheir use in cryopreservation applications.European Union Horizon 2020 Program under the agreement number ERC-2016-CoG 725034 (ERC Consolidator Grant Des.solve). This research was also funded by PTDC/EQU-EQU/29851/2017. A. Paiva acknowledges the financial support from project IF/01146/2015 attributed within the 2015 FCT researcher program. This work was supported by the Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry - LAQV which is financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UIDB/50006/2020 and UIDP/50006/2020

    IRIS: A new tool for suicide risk assessment

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    Na introdução os autores procedem a uma revisão histórica e conceptual dos instrumentos psicométricos que têm como objectivo a avaliação do risco de suicídio em indivíduos que apenas verbalizam ideação suicida. Nas secções seguintes é apresentado todo o processo de desenvolvimento do IRIS (Índice de Risco de Suicídio) - um novo índice com o mesmo objectivo de avaliação mas construído utilizando metodologias que proporcionam avanços qualitativos em relação aos índices existentes, bem como uma melhor adequação a contingências e características da realidade portuguesa. The introduction contains a historical and conceptual review of psychometric tools that aim at assessing the risk of suicide in individuals presenting suicidal ideation. In the following sections the whole process of development of IRIS (“Índice de Risco de Suicídio” – Suicide Risk Index) is presented - a new tool with the same objective but built using methods that provide qualitative advances over existing indexes, while better accounting for the contingencies and characteristics of the Portuguese reality

    Análise das taxas de recrutamento e mortalidade para 12 espécies madeireiras em uma floresta na Amazônia Ocidental.

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    A exploração madeireira nas florestas Amazônicas vem crescendo nas últimas décadas. Junto a esse crescimento, vem também a degradação da flor esta, sendo necessário um sistema de exploração florestal que cause o menor impacto possível a floresta e que seja sustentável ao longo de vários ciclos. O estudo de como a floresta se comporta ao longo do tempo é fundamental para saber se a atividade nela realizada é sustentável. Para entender a dinâmica da floresta são usados algumas variáveis, como: demografia, densidade, diversidade, mortalidade, recrutamento entre outros. Considera-se que em florestas não perturbadas ocorre um equilíbrio dinâmico, onde os indivíduos mortos são substituídos ao longo do tempo por novos indivíduos (recrutas). Neste trabalho é apresentada a análise de alguns desses indicadores para espécies madeireiras em uma floresta manejada sobre regime de manejo florestal de impacto reduzido

    Development of an acclimatiezed chamber for IR based diagnostic research

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    Abstract Infrared thermography is widely applied to power systems in the power substations and in the overhead transmission lines condition monitoring, aiming at continuous operation and maintenance purposes. As applied in an outdoor environment, the themographyc inspection is influenced by a number of ambient variables such as wind, solar radiation, humidity, and so forth. A great challenge for the researchers consists in the development of methods to extract the influence of such ambient variables in order to get the most reliable diagnostic. Therefore, an acclimatiezed chamber was developed to simulate actual conditions, allowing for the development of methodologies in the laboratory for latter application in field. The purpose of the proposed paper is to present the principles that guided the development of the chamber, its automatization and to describe the tests that can automaticaly be conducted