24 research outputs found

    Interactions between cell surface protein disulphide isomerase and S-nitrosoglutathione during nitric oxide delivery

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    In this study, we investigated the role of protein disulphide isomerase (PDI) in rapid metabolism of S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) and S-nitrosoalbumin (albSNO) and in NO delivery from these compounds into cells. Incubation of GSNO or albSNO (1 μM) with the megakaryocyte cell line MEG-01 resulted in a cell-mediated removal of each compound which was inhibited by blocking cell surface thiols with 5,5′-dithiobis 2-nitrobenzoic acid (DTNB) (100 μM) or inhibiting PDI with bacitracin (5 mM). GSNO, but not albSNO, rapidly inhibited platelet aggregation and stimulated cyclic GMP (cGMP) accumulation (used as a measure of intracellular NO entry). cGMP accumulation in response to GSNO (1 μM) was inhibited by MEG-01 treatment with bacitracin or DTNB, suggesting a role for PDI and surface thiols in NO delivery. PDI activity was present in MEG-01 conditioned medium, and was inhibited by high concentrations of GSNO (500 μM). A number of cell surface thiol-containing proteins were labelled using the impermeable thiol specific probe 3-(N-maleimido-propionyl) biocytin (MPB). Pretreatment of cells with GSNO resulted in a loss of thiol reactivity on some but not all proteins, suggesting selective cell surface thiol modification. Immunoprecipitation experiments showed that GSNO caused a concentration-dependent loss of thiol reactivity of PDI. Our data indicate that PDI is involved in both rapid metabolism of GSNO and intracellular NO delivery and that during this process PDI is itself altered by thiol modification. In contrast, the relevance of PDI-mediated albSNO metabolism to NO signalling is uncertain

    Effects of age and feeding history on structure-based UV ornaments of a jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae)

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    Recent studies have shown for birds that females sometimes choose mates on the basis of condition-dependent variation in ultraviolet (UV, less than 400 nm) ornamentation, but there have been few comparable studies on invertebrates. Yet many invertebrates have UV structural coloration. Here, we investigate Cosmophasis umbratica, a jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae) that has sexually dimorphic UV-iridescent ornamentation, and we provide evidence that male UV coloration is condition dependent in this species. Spectral-reflection patterns change with male age and prior feeding history. The position of the UV band (i.e. UV hue) of the carapaces of younger (field-collected as subadults and matured as adults in laboratory) males shifted, relative to older (field-collected as adults) males, significantly towards longer wavelengths. Food deprivation significantly decreased the spectral intensity of the abdomen, but not the carapace. Questions concerning the mechanisms by which UV ornaments change are highlighted, as are hypotheses concerning the role of condition-dependent UV variation in male–male competition and as a criterion used by females when making mate-choice decisions

    Desenvolvimento dos frutos de pêssego 'Aurora' e nectarina 'Sunraycer' no sul de Santa Catarina

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    O desenvolvimento do fruto de pessegueiro é resultado da diferenciação e do crescimento das paredes do ovário após a fecundação. A persistência e o crescimento do fruto na planta dependem das relações exatas entre os hormônios auxina, giberelina e citocinina que condicionam o desenvolvimento dos frutos, caracterizado por uma curva dupla sigmoide, com três estádios distintos. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo conhecer o comportamento dos frutos e das sementes do pêssego Aurora e da Nectarina Sunraycer durante todo o seu ciclo de desenvolvimento. O crescimento dos frutos e das sementes durante o ciclo foi determinado semanalmente, coletando-se 30 frutos de dez diferentes plantas em ramos previamente identificados. As sementes foram separadas do fruto para a determinação do peso fresco (PF) e do peso seco (PS). O crescimento dos frutos da variedade Sunraycer dá-se de forma contínua e acelerada desde a floração até a maturação, sugerindo um curto período ou a inexistência do Estágio II de crescimento. Para a variedade Aurora, a curva de crescimento é diferenciada nos três estádios (I, II e III). O raleio dos frutos deve ser feito até o início do estádio II, para a variedade Aurora e Sunraycer. As sementes das variedades Aurora e Sunraycer atingem seu tamanho máximo no estágio I de crescimento do fruto. O aumento de peso seco na semente, para a variedade Sunraycer, é praticamente inexistente no estádio III, enquanto para a variedade Aurora ocorre o maior aumento de peso seco que vai até a maturação do fruto