11 research outputs found

    Vietnam's socio-economic development : a social science review

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    The small-bodied hominin Homo jloresiensis was recently identified at Liang Bua, Flores, Indonesia. Some researchers have argued that H. jloresiensis represents pathological individuals from a behaviorally modern Homo sapiens population, arguing in part that the stone-tools found in association are too advanced to have been manufactured by a nonmodern hominin. Here we show that the Pleistocene stone-tools from Flores, including Liang Bua, are technologically and morphologically similar to the 1.2-1.9 Mya OldowaniDeveloped Oldowan tools from Olduvai Gorge in Africa. The Pleistocene lithic technology on Flores was therefore within the capabilities of small-brained, nonmodern hominins

    Milk Fat: Origin of Fatty Acids and Influence of Nutritional Factors Thereon

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