399 research outputs found

    The CPS improvements 1965-1973: An assessment

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    I n 1965 , plan s wer e mad e t o increas e th e bea m intensit y delivere d b y th e CP S b y a facto r o f te n o r more . Th e firs t stage , involvin g a ne w powe r suppl y fo r th e mai n magne t an d mor e tha n doublin g th e cycl e repe titio n rate , wa s complete d i n 1968 . I n th e secon d stage , whic h i s no w essentiall y complete , th e majo r item s wa s th e constructio n o f a n 80 0 Me V slow-cyclin g booste r injector . Man y othe r modification s wer e inclu ded . Th e Lina c curren t ha d t o b e increase d b y a n orde r o f magnitud e t o suppl y th e Booster , an d th e highe r bea m intensitie s require d a mor e powerfu l R F acceleratin g system. Besides the 800 MeV injection elements, quadru-pole lenses were installed to avoid longitudinal dilu­ tio n a t transition , an d multipole s t o counterac t insta bilities . I n addition , th e chambe r vacuu m wa s improve d b y a facto r o f ten , shieldin g an d radiatio n resistanc e increase d wher e necessary , an d beam-equipmen t inter actio n reduced . Adequat e instrumentatio n an d contro l facilitie s ha d t o b e provided , an d th e efficienc y o f fas t an d slo w extractio n system s improved . Perturbation s du e t o variou s collectiv e phenomen a ha d t o b e overcome . Th e performanc e obtaine d durin g th e firs t physic s run s i s reported

    Rethinking EU Employment Policy; a legal and economic analysis

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    In-service teachers’ perspectives of pre-service teachers’ knowledge domains in science

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    The concept of pedagogical content knowledge is integral to teaching as a profession and is often considered to be an important aspect of a teacher’s lived experience. Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is described as a transformation of teacher knowledge from a variety of domains of knowledge, which includes subject matter knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and knowledge about content. This exploratory study reports on in-service natural science teachers’ inferences regarding preservice teachers’ performance in natural science teaching, as observed during a practice teaching period. Perspectives of in-service teachers of the different knowledge domains of pre-service teachers during their final year were investigated. Semi-structured interviews, incorporating a specific set of open-ended questions, were conducted with in-service teachers following a practice teaching period of four weeks. The findings indicate that the in-service teachers rated the pre-service teachers positively in some knowledge domains but less positively in other knowledge domains. This has prompted some rethinking on the structure and presentation of the curriculum, in our undergraduate teacher education programme, to include and accommodate approaches that would enable better uptake of various knowledge domains and improve PCK development.Keywords: in-service teachers; pedagogical content knowledge; pre-service teachers; teacher knowledg

    Who are these youths? Language in the service of policy

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    In the 1990s policy relating to children and young people who offend developed as a result of the interplay of political imperatives and populist demands. The ‘responsibilisation’ of young offenders and the ‘no excuses’ culture of youth justice have been ‘marketed’ through a discourse which evidences linguistic changes. This article focuses on one particular area of policy change, that relating to the prosecutorial decision, to show how particular images of children were both reflected and constructed through a changing selection of words to describe the non-adult suspect and offender. In such minutiae of discourse can be found not only the signifiers of public attitudinal and policy change but also the means by which undesirable policy developments can be challenged

    The Legacy of ERA, Privatization and the Policy Ratchet

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    This article explores the ways in which the neo-liberal impetus toward the privatization of state schooling signalled in the Education Reform Act 1988 (ERA) has become embedded in the English school system. Four main points are made. First, that ERA itself was of huge strategic rather than substantive importance as far as privatization is concerned. Second, by tracing the lineage of privatization from ERA onwards a 'ratchet' effect of small and incremental policy moves can be identified, which have disseminated, embedded and naturalized privatization within public sector provision. Third, that while privatization has been taken up and taken much further by New Labour than it had been by the Conservatives there are differences between the two sets of governments in the role of privatization in education policy and the role of the state. Fourth, the participation of private providers in the planning and delivery of state services has put the private sector at the very heart of policy. At points the article draws upon interviews conducted with private sector providers. © 2008 Sage Publications

    Promotion of collaboration between medical and dental professionals

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 25-26).published_or_final_versio

    Public sector restructuring and regional development: the impact of compulsory competitive tendering in the UK

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    This paper contributes to the analysis of contemporary public sector restructuring in the UK through an evaluation of the impact of the introduction of compulsory competitive tendering (CCT) for the provision of local public services. Public services play an important stabilizing role in regional economic development but the introduction of CCT has undermined that role. Public service workers have suVered deteriorating levels of pay and conditions of service, and the capacity of local authorities to act to support local economic development has been reduced. Thus the introduction of CCT has undermined the contribution of local public services to the maintenance of interregional economic stability and to regional development
