2,485 research outputs found
Emergent quantum confinement at topological insulator surfaces
Bismuth-chalchogenides are model examples of three-dimensional topological
insulators. Their ideal bulk-truncated surface hosts a single spin-helical
surface state, which is the simplest possible surface electronic structure
allowed by their non-trivial topology. They are therefore widely
regarded ideal templates to realize the predicted exotic phenomena and
applications of this topological surface state. However, real surfaces of such
compounds, even if kept in ultra-high vacuum, rapidly develop a much more
complex electronic structure whose origin and properties have proved
controversial. Here, we demonstrate that a conceptually simple model,
implementing a semiconductor-like band bending in a parameter-free
tight-binding supercell calculation, can quantitatively explain the entire
measured hierarchy of electronic states. In combination with circular dichroism
in angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) experiments, we further uncover a rich
three-dimensional spin texture of this surface electronic system, resulting
from the non-trivial topology of the bulk band structure. Moreover, our study
reveals how the full surface-bulk connectivity in topological insulators is
modified by quantum confinement.Comment: 9 pages, including supplementary information, 4+4 figures. A high
resolution version is available at
Holographic Duals of D=3 N=4 Superconformal Field Theories
We find the warped AdS_4 x K type-IIB supergravity solutions holographically
dual to a large family of three dimensional \cN=4 superconformal field theories
labeled by a pair (\rho,\hat\rho) of partitions of N. These superconformal
theories arise as renormalization group fixed points of three dimensional
mirror symmetric quiver gauge theories, denoted by T^{\rho}_{\hat \rho}(SU(N))
and T_{\rho}^{\hat \rho}(SU(N)) respectively. We give a supergravity derivation
of the conjectured field theory constraints that must be satisfied in order for
these gauge theories to flow to a non-trivial supersymmetric fixed point in the
infrared. The exotic global symmetries of these superconformal field theories
are precisely realized in our explicit supergravity description.Comment: 33 pages, LaTeX; added a comment mentioning that these solutions have
all moduli fixed; typos corrected; references adde
Zero Sound in Strange Metallic Holography
One way to model the strange metal phase of certain materials is via a
holographic description in terms of probe D-branes in a Lifshitz spacetime,
characterised by a dynamical exponent z. The background geometry is dual to a
strongly-interacting quantum critical theory while the probe D-branes are dual
to a finite density of charge carriers that can exhibit the characteristic
properties of strange metals. We compute holographically the low-frequency and
low-momentum form of the charge density and current retarded Green's functions
in these systems for massless charge carriers. The results reveal a
quasi-particle excitation when z<2, which in analogy with Landau Fermi liquids
we call zero sound. The real part of the dispersion relation depends on
momentum k linearly, while the imaginary part goes as k^2/z. When z is greater
than or equal to 2 the zero sound is not a well-defined quasi-particle. We also
compute the frequency-dependent conductivity in arbitrary spacetime dimensions.
Using that as a measure of the charge current spectral function, we find that
the zero sound appears only when the spectral function consists of a single
delta function at zero frequency.Comment: 20 pages, v2 minor corrections, extended discussion in sections 5 and
6, added one footnote and four references, version published in JHE
Transport in holographic superfluids
We construct a slowly varying space-time dependent holographic superfluid and
compute its transport coefficients. Our solution is presented as a series
expansion in inverse powers of the charge of the order parameter. We find that
the shear viscosity associated with the motion of the condensate vanishes. The
diffusion coefficient of the superfluid is continuous across the phase
transition while its third bulk viscosity is found to diverge at the critical
temperature. As was previously shown, the ratio of the shear viscosity of the
normal component to the entropy density is 1/(4 pi). As a consequence of our
analysis we obtain an analytic expression for the backreacted metric near the
phase transition for a particular type of holographic superfluid.Comment: 45 pages + appendice
Z-extremization and F-theorem in Chern-Simons matter theories
The three dimensional exact R symmetry of N=2 SCFTs extremizes the partition
function localized on a three sphere. Here we verify this statement at weak
coupling. We give a detailed analysis for two classes of models. The first one
is an SU(N)_k gauge theory at large k with both fundamental and adjoint matter
fields, while the second is a flavored version of the ABJ theory, where the CS
levels are large but they do not necessarily sum up to zero. We study in both
cases superpotential deformations and compute the R charges at different fixed
points. When these fixed points are connected by an RG flow we explicitly
verify that the free energy decreases at the endpoints of the flow between the
fixed points, corroborating the conjecture of an F-theorem in three dimensions.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, JHEP.cls, minor corrections, references adde
Effective AdS/renormalized CFT
For an effective AdS theory, we present a simple prescription to compute the
renormalization of its dual boundary field theory. In particular, we define
anomalous dimension holographically as the dependence of the wave-function
renormalization factor on the radial cutoff in the Poincare patch of AdS. With
this definition, the anomalous dimensions of both single- and double- trace
operators are calculated. Three different dualities are considered with the
field theory being CFT, CFT with a double-trace deformation and spontaneously
broken CFT. For the second dual pair, we compute scaling corrections at the UV
and IR fixed points of the RG flow triggered by the double-trace deformation.
For the last case, we discuss whether our prescription is sensitive to the AdS
interior or equivalently, the IR physics of the dual field theory.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure
The Large N Limit of Toric Chern-Simons Matter Theories and Their Duals
We compute the large N limit of the localized three dimensional free energy
of various field theories with known proposed AdS duals. We show that
vector-like theories agree with the expected supergravity results, and with the
conjectured F-theorem. We also check that the large N free energy is preserved
by the three dimensional Seiberg duality for general classes of vector like
theories. Then we analyze the behavior of the free energy of chiral-like
theories by applying a new proposal. The proposal is based on the restoration
of a discrete symmetry on the free energy before the extremization. We apply
this procedure at strong coupling in some examples and we discuss the results.
We conclude the paper by proposing an alternative geometrical expression for
the free energy.Comment: 40 pages, 7 figures, using jheppub.sty, references adde
Refined Checks and Exact Dualities in Three Dimensions
We discuss and provide nontrivial evidence for a large class of dualities in
three-dimensional field theories with different gauge groups. We match the full
partition functions of the dual phases for any value of the couplings to
underpin our proposals. We focus on two classes of models. The first class,
motivated by the AdS/CFT conjecture, consists of necklace U(N) quiver gauge
theories with non chiral matter fields. We also consider orientifold
projections and establish dualities among necklace quivers with alternating
orthogonal and symplectic groups. The second class consists of theories with
tensor matter fields with free theory duals. In most of these cases the
R-symmetry mixes with IR accidental symmetries and we develop the prescription
to include their contribution into the partition function and the extremization
problem accordingly.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figure, using jheppu
Holomorphic variables in magnetized brane models with continuous Wilson lines
We analyze the action of the target-space modular group in toroidal type IIB
orientifold compactifications with magnetized D-branes and continuous Wilson
lines. The transformation of matter fields agree with that of twisted fields in
heterotic compactifications, constituting a check of type I/heterotic duality.
We identify the holomorphic N = 1 variables for these compactifications. Matter
fields and closed string moduli are both redefined by open string moduli. The
redefinition of matter fields can be read directly from the perturbative Yukawa
couplings, whereas closed string moduli redefinitions are obtained from D-brane
instanton superpotential couplings. The resulting expressions reproduce and
generalize, in the presence of internal magnetic fields, previous results in
the literature.Comment: 9 pages, no figures; v2: conventions for Wilson lines changed, major
simplifications in expressions, discussions extended, typos corrected, some
references adde
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