2,995 research outputs found

    Mucosa-associated bacterial diversity in necrotizing enterocolitis

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    Background: Previous studies of infant fecal samples have failed to clarify the role of gut bacteria in the pathogenesis of NEC. We sought to characterize bacterial communities within intestinal tissue resected from infants with and without NEC. Methods: 26 intestinal samples were resected from 19 infants, including 16 NEC samples and 10 non-NEC samples. Bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences were amplified and sequenced. Analysis allowed for taxonomic identification, and quantitative PCR was used to quantify the bacterial load within samples. Results: NEC samples generally contained an increased total burden of bacteria. NEC and non-NEC sample sets were both marked by high inter-individual variability and an abundance of opportunistic pathogens. There was no statistically significant distinction between the composition of NEC and non-NEC microbial communities. K-means clustering enabled us to identify several stable clusters, including clusters of NEC and midgut volvulus samples enriched with Clostridium and Bacteroides. Another cluster containing both NEC and non-NEC samples was marked by an abundance of Enterobacteriaceae and decreased diversity among NEC samples. Conclusions: The results indicate that NEC is a disease without a uniform pattern of microbial colonization, but that NEC is associated with an abundance of strict anaerobes and a decrease in community diversity

    Sex differences in mathematics and reading achievement are inversely related: within- and across-nation assessment of 10 years of PISA data

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    We analyzed one decade of data collected by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), including the mathematics and reading performance of nearly 1.5 million 15 year olds in 75 countries. Across nations, boys scored higher than girls in mathematics, but lower than girls in reading. The sex difference in reading was three times as large as in mathematics. There was considerable variation in the extent of the sex differences between nations. There are countries without a sex difference in mathematics performance, and in some countries girls scored higher than boys. Boys scored lower in reading in all nations in all four PISA assessments (2000, 2003, 2006, 2009). Contrary to several previous studies, we found no evidence that the sex differences were related to nations’ gender equality indicators. Further, paradoxically, sex differences in mathematics were consistently and strongly inversely correlated with sex differences in reading: Countries with a smaller sex difference in mathematics had a larger sex difference in reading and vice versa. We demonstrate that this was not merely a between-nation, but also a within-nation effect. This effect is related to relative changes in these sex differences across the performance continuum: We did not find a sex difference in mathematics among the lowest performing students, but this is where the sex difference in reading was largest. In contrast, the sex difference in mathematics was largest among the higher performing students, and this is where the sex difference in reading was smallest. The implication is that if policy makers decide that changes in these sex differences are desired, different approaches will be needed to achieve this for reading and mathematics. Interventions that focus on high-achieving girls in mathematics and on low achieving boys in reading are likely to yield the strongest educational benefits

    The co-occurrence of anemia and cardiometabolic disease risk demonstrates sex-specific sociodemographic patterning in an urbanizing rural region of southern India.

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    BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: To determine the extent and sociodemographic determinants of anemia, overweight, metabolic syndrome (MetS) and the co-occurrence of anemia with cardiometabolic disease risk factors among a cohort of Indian adults. SUBJECT/METHODS: Cross-sectional survey of adult men (n=3322) and nonpregnant women (n=2895) aged 18 years and older from the third wave of the Andhra Pradesh Children and Parents Study that assessed anemia, overweight based on body mass index, and prevalence of MetS based on abdominal obesity, hypertension and blood lipid and fasting glucose measures. We examined associations of education, wealth and urbanicity with these outcomes and their co-occurrence. RESULTS: The prevalence of anemia and overweight was 40% and 29% among women, respectively, and 10% and 25% among men (P<0.001), respectively, whereas the prevalence of MetS was the same across sexes (15%; P=0.55). The prevalence of concurrent anemia and overweight (9%), and anemia and MetS (4.5%) was highest among women. Household wealth was positively associated with overweight and MetS across sexes (P<0.05). Independent of household wealth, higher education was positively correlated with MetS among men (odds ratio (95% confidence interval): MetS: 1.4 (0.99, 2.0)) and negatively correlated with MetS among women (MetS: 0.54 (0.29, 0.99)). Similar sex-specific associations were observed for the co-occurrence of anemia with overweight and MetS. CONCLUSIONS: Women in this region of India may be particularly vulnerable to co-occurring anemia and cardiometabolic risk, and associated adverse health outcomes as the nutrition transition advances in India

    Sledding injuries: is safety in this winter pastime overlooked? A three-year survey in South-Tyrol

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    which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Background: Sledding is a popular traditional pastime in northern countries. However it is only rarely thought as a potentially dangerous activity even though serious injuries and deaths do occur. The purpose of this study was to calculate the incidence, the severity and the pattern of sleddingrelated injuries in our area, in order to set up possible preventive measures. Results: In three consecutive winter seasons (Dec.–Apr.,2002–2005). 356 patients (182 males, 174 females, mean age 26.9 years, range 2 to 81) were referred directly to our ED after a sledding injury. One patient (male, age 21 years) was transferred from a community hospital and died on the following day. Two patients (males, age 47 and 28 years) were declared dead on the scene. In the majority of the cases the accident was due to a fall and collision with the ground or a standing object. The number of injuries showed a progressive increase during the observed seasons and all deadly accidents were observed in the last season. Injuries were divided into three severity classes: minor (ISS ≤ 3), intermediate (ISS ≥ 4 &lt; 15), severe (ISS ≥ 15). Minor and intermediate injuries were equally distributed between males and females, whereas all severe and deadly accidents occurre

    Critical animal and media studies: Expanding the understanding of oppression in communication research

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    Critical and communication studies have traditionally neglected the oppression conducted by humans towards other animals. However, our (mis)treatment of other animals is the result of public consent supported by a morally speciesist-anthropocentric system of values. Speciesism or anthroparchy, as much as any other mainstream ideologies, feeds the media and at the same time is perpetuated by them. The goal of this article is to remedy this neglect by introducing the subdiscipline of Critical Animal and Media Studies. Critical Animal and Media Studies takes inspiration both from critical animal studies – which is so far the most consolidated critical field of research in the social sciences addressing our exploitation of other animals – and from the normative-moral stance rooted in the cornerstones of traditional critical media studies. The authors argue that the Critical Animal and Media Studies approach is an unavoidable step forward for critical media and communication studies to engage with the expanded circle of concerns of contemporary ethical thinking

    Nonclassic congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia: A new disorder of the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein with very late presentation and normal male genitalia

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    Context: Lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a severe disorder of adrenal and gonadal steroidogenesis caused by mutations in the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR). Affected children typically present with life-threatening adrenal insufficiency in early infancy due to a failure of glucocorticoid (cortisol) and mineralocorticoid (aldosterone) biosynthesis, and 46, XY genetic males have complete lack of androgenization and appear phenotypically female due to impaired testicular androgen secretion in utero.Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate whether nonclassic forms of this condition exist.Patients and Methods: Sequence analysis of the gene encoding StAR was undertaken in three children from two families who presented with primary adrenal insufficiency at 2-4 yr of age; the males had normal genital development. Identified mutants were tested in a series of biochemical assays.Results: DNA sequencing identified homozygous StAR mutations Val187Met and Arg188Cys in these two families. Functional studies of StAR activity in cells and in vitro and cholesterol-binding assays showed these mutants retained similar to 20% of wild-type activity.Conclusions: These patients define a new disorder, nonclassic lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia, and represent a new cause of non-autoimmune Addison disease (primary adrenal failure)

    The finite-temperature chiral transition in QCD with adjoint fermions

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    We study the nature of the finite-temperature chiral transition in QCD with N_f light quarks in the adjoint representation (aQCD). Renormalization-group arguments show that the transition can be continuous if a stable fixed point exists in the renormalization-group flow of the corresponding three-dimensional Phi^4 theory with a complex 2N_f x 2N_f symmetric matrix field and symmetry-breaking pattern SU(2N_f)->SO(2N_f). This issue is investigated by exploiting two three-dimensional perturbative approaches, the massless minimal-subtraction scheme without epsilon expansion and a massive scheme in which correlation functions are renormalized at zero momentum. We compute the renormalization-group functions in the two schemes to five and six loops respectively, and determine their large-order behavior. The analyses of the series show the presence of a stable three-dimensional fixed point characterized by the symmetry-breaking pattern SU(4)->SO(4). This fixed point does not appear in an epsilon-expansion analysis and therefore does not exist close to four dimensions. The finite-temperature chiral transition in two-flavor aQCD can therefore be continuous; in this case its critical behavior is determined by this new SU(4)/SO(4) universality class. One-flavor aQCD may show a more complex phase diagram with two phase transitions. One of them, if continuous, should belong to the O(3) vector universality class.Comment: 36 page

    Reversible protein affinity-labelling using bromomaleimide-based reagents

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    Reversible protein biotinylation is readily affected via conjugation with a bromomaleimide-based reagent followed by reductive cleavage. The intermediate biotinylated protein constructs are stable at physiological temperature and pH 8.0. Quantitative reversibility is elegantly delivered under mild conditions of using a stoichiometric amount of a bis-thiol, thus providing an approach that will be of general interest in chemical biology and proteomics
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