395 research outputs found

    The mechanics of yield stress fluids: similarities, specificities and open questions

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    A wide range of materials encountered in our everyday life, such as clay suspensions, foams, concentrated emulsions, cement pastes, paints, glues, purees, creams, can flow like simple liquids under certain conditions and behave like solids under other conditions. This is the specificity of yield stress fluids which makes them so useful in various applications. In their “liquid regime” these materials exhibit typical flow properties of simple fluids such as a transition to turbulence, the roll wave instability, the hydraulic jump, etc. The specific properties occur when the solid regime is involved, either in a part of the material or as a whole. In that case one may for example observe plug flow, flow stoppage over steep slopes, no sedimentation of dense particles, cylindrical drips, Saffman-Taylor instability at vanishing velocity, etc. In addition yield stress fluids are often thixotropic, i.e. their viscosity may vary in time. The physical origin of this phenomenon and the mechanical model appropriate for describing it remain the most challenging aspects of these fluids

    Transition from a simple yield stress fluid to a thixotropic material

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    From MRI rheometry we show that a pure emulsion can be turned from a simple yield stress fluid to a thixotropic material by adding a small fraction of colloidal particles. The two fluids have the same behavior in the liquid regime but the loaded emulsion exhibits a critical shear rate below which no steady flows can be observed. For a stress below the yield stress, the pure emulsion abruptly stops flowing, whereas the viscosity of the loaded emulsion continuously increases in time, which leads to an apparent flow stoppage. This phenomenon can be very well represented by a model assuming a progressive increase of the number of droplet links via colloidal particles.Comment: Published in Physical Review E. http://pre.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v76/i5/e05140

    Flow of wet granular materials

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    The transition from frictional to lubricated flow of a dense suspension of non-Brownian particles is studied. The pertinent parameter characterizing this transition is the Leighton number Le=ηsγ˙σLe = \frac{\eta_s \dot{\gamma}}{\sigma}, which represents the ratio of lubrication to frictional forces. The Leighton number LeLe defines a critical shear rate below which no steady flow without localization exists. In the frictional regime the shear flow is localized. The lubricated regime is not simply viscous: the ratio of shear to normal stresses remains constant, as in the frictional regime; moreover the velocity profile has a single universal form in both frictional and lubricated regimes. Finally, a discrepancy between local and global measurements of viscosity is identified, which suggests inhomogeneity of the material under flow.Comment: Accepted for publication by Physical Review Letters (december 2004

    Motion of a sphere through an aging system

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    We have investigated the drag on a sphere falling through a clay suspension that has a yield stress and exhibits rheological aging. The drag force increases with both speed and the rest time between preparation of the system and the start of the experiment, but there exists a nonzero minimum speed below which steady motion is not possible. We find that only a very thin layer of material around the sphere is fluidized when it moves, while the rest of suspension is deformed elastically. This is in marked contrast to what is found for yield-stress fluids that do not age.Comment: latex, 4 figure

    Unified study of glass and jamming rheology in soft particle systems

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    We explore numerically the shear rheology of soft repulsive particles at large volume fraction. The interplay between viscous dissipation and thermal motion results in multiple rheological regimes encompassing Newtonian, shear-thinning and yield stress regimes near the `colloidal' glass transition when thermal fluctuations are important, crossing over to qualitatively similar regimes near the `jamming' transition when dissipation dominates. In the crossover regime, glass and jamming sectors coexist and give complex flow curves. Although glass and jamming limits are characterized by similar macroscopic flow curves, we show that they occur over distinct time and stress scales and correspond to distinct microscopic dynamics. We propose a simple rheological model describing the glass to jamming crossover in the flow curves, and discuss the experimental implications of our results.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figs; v2 accepted to publication to Phys. Rev. Let

    Internal relaxation time in immersed particulate materials

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    We study the dynamics of the solid to liquid transition for a model material made of elastic particles immersed in a viscous fluid. The interaction between particle surfaces includes their viscous lubrication, a sharp repulsion when they get closer than a tuned steric length and their elastic deflection induced by those two forces. We use Soft Dynamics to simulate the dynamics of this material when it experiences a step increase in the shear stress and a constant normal stress. We observe a long creep phase before a substantial flow eventually establishes. We find that the typical creep time relies on an internal relaxation process, namely the separation of two particles driven by the applied stress and resisted by the viscous friction. This mechanism should be relevant for granular pastes, living cells, emulsions and wet foams

    Yield stress and elastic modulus of suspensions of noncolloidal particles in yield stress fluids

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    We study experimentally the behavior of isotropic suspensions of noncolloidal particles in yield stress fluids. This problem has been poorly studied in the literature, and only on specific materials. In this paper, we manage to develop procedures and materials that allow us to focus on the purely mechanical contribution of the particles to the yield stress fluid behavior, independently of the physicochemical properties of the materials. This allows us to relate the macroscopic properties of these suspensions to the mechanical properties of the yield stress fluid and the particle volume fraction, and to provide results applicable to any noncolloidal particle in any yield stress fluid. We find that the elastic modulus-concentration relationship follows a Krieger-Dougherty law, and we show that the yield stress-concentration relationship is related to the elastic modulus-concentration relationship through a very simple law, in agreement with results from a micromechanical analysis

    Inhomogeneous shear flows in soft jammed materials with tunable attractive forces

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    We perform molecular dynamics simulations to characterize the occurrence of inhomogeneous shear flows in soft jammed materials. We use rough walls to impose a simple shear flow and study the athermal motion of jammed assemblies of soft particles, both for purely repulsive interactions and in the presence of an additional short-range attraction of varying strength. In steady state, pronounced flow inhomogeneities emerge for all systems when the shear rate becomes small. Deviations from linear flow are stronger in magnitude and become very long-lived when the strength of the attraction increases, but differ from permanent shear-bands. Flow inhomogeneities occur in a stress window bounded by the dynamic and static yield stress values. Attractive forces enhance the flow heterogeneities because they accelerate stress relaxation, thus effectively moving the system closer to the yield stress regime where inhomogeneities are most pronounced. The present scenario for understanding the effect of particle adhesion on shear localization, which is based on detailed molecular dynamics simulations with realistic particle interactions, differs qualitatively from previous qualitative explanations and ad-hoc theoretical modelling.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Three-dimensional jamming and flows of soft glassy materials

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    Various disordered dense systems such as foams, gels, emulsions and colloidal suspensions, exhibit a jamming transition from a liquid state (they flow) to a solid state below a yield stress. Their structure, thoroughly studied with powerful means of 3D characterization, exhibits some analogy with that of glasses which led to call them soft glassy materials. However, despite its importance for geophysical and industrial applications, their rheological behavior, and its microscopic origin, is still poorly known, in particular because of its nonlinear nature. Here we show from two original experiments that a simple 3D continuum description of the behaviour of soft glassy materials can be built. We first show that when a flow is imposed in some direction there is no yield resistance to a secondary flow: these systems are always unjammed simultaneously in all directions of space. The 3D jamming criterion appears to be the plasticity criterion encountered in most solids. We also find that they behave as simple liquids in the direction orthogonal to that of the main flow; their viscosity is inversely proportional to the main flow shear rate, as a signature of shear-induced structural relaxation, in close similarity with the structural relaxations driven by temperature and density in other glassy systems.Comment: http://www.nature.com/nmat/journal/v9/n2/abs/nmat2615.htm

    Influence of shear stress applied during flow stoppage and rest period on the mechanical properties of thixotropic suspensions

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    We study the solid mechanical properties of several thixotropic suspensions as a function of the shear stress history applied during their flow stoppage and their aging in their solid state. We show that their elastic modulus and yield stress depend strongly on the shear stress applied during their solid-liquid transition (i.e., during flow stoppage) while applying the same stress only before or only after this transition may induce only second-order effects: there is negligible dependence of the mechanical properties on the preshear history and on the shear stress applied at rest. We also found that the suspensions age with a structuration rate that hardly depends on the stress history. We propose a physical sketch based on the freezing of a microstructure whose anisotropy depends on the stress applied during the liquid-solid transition to explain why the mechanical properties depend strongly on this stress. This sketch points out the role of the internal forces in the colloidal suspensions' behavior. We finally discuss briefly the macroscopic consequences of this phenomenon and show the importance of using a controlled-stress rheometer