77 research outputs found

    Phytoplankton blooms during austral summer in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Driving factors and trophic implications

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    During the austral summer of 2014, an oceanographic cruise was conducted in the Ross Sea in the framework of the RoME (Ross Sea Mesoscale Experiment) Project. Forty-three hydrological stations were sampled within three different areas: the northern Ross Sea (RoME 1), Terra Nova Bay (RoME 2), and the southern Ross Sea (RoME 3). The ecological and photophysiological characteristics of the phytoplankton were investigated (i.e., size structure, functional groups, PSII maximum quantum efficiency, photoprotective pigments), as related to hydrographic and chemical features. The aim was to identify the mechanisms that modulate phytoplankton blooms, and consequently, the fate of organic materials produced by the blooms. The observed biomass standing stocks were very high (e.g., integrated chlorophyll-a up to 371 mg m-2 in the top 100 m). Large differences in phytoplankton community composition, relative contribution of functional groups and photosynthetic parameters were observed among the three subsystems. The diatoms (in different physiological status) were the dominant taxa in RoME 1 and RoME 3; in RoME 1, a post-bloom phase was identified, whereas in RoME 3, an active phytoplankton bloom occurred. In RoME 2, diatoms co-occurred with Phaeocystis antarctica, but were vertically segregated by the upper mixed layer, with senescent diatoms dominating in the upper layer, and P. antarctica blooming in the deeper layer. The dominance of the phytoplankton micro-fraction over the whole area and the high Chl-a suggested the prevalence of non-grazed large cells, independent of the distribution of the two functional groups. These data emphasise the occurrence of significant temporal changes in the phytoplankton biomass in the Ross Sea during austral summer. The mechanisms that drive such changes and the fate of the carbon production are probably related to the variations in the limiting factors induced by the concurrent hydrological modifications to the Ross Sea, and they remain to be fully clarified. The comparison of conditions observed during summer 2014 and those reported for previous years reveal considerably different ecological assets that might be the result of current climate change. This suggests that further changes can be expected in the future, even at larger oceanic scales

    A wide field X-ray telescope for astronomical survey purposes: from theory to practice

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    X-ray mirrors are usually built in the Wolter I (paraboloid-hyperboloid) configuration. This design exhibits no spherical aberration on-axis but suffers from field curvature, coma and astigmatism, therefore the angular resolution degrades rapidly with increasing off-axis angles. Different mirror designs exist in which the primary and secondary mirror profiles are expanded as a power series in order to increase the angular resolution at large off-axis positions, at the expanses of the on-axis performances. Here we present the design and global trade off study of an X-ray mirror systems based on polynomial optics in view of the Wide Field X-ray Telescope (WFXT) mission. WFXT aims at performing an extended cosmological survey in the soft X-ray band with unprecedented flux sensitivity. To achieve these goals the angular resolution required for the mission is very demanding ~5 arcsec mean resolution across a 1-deg field of view. In addition an effective area of 5-9000 cm^2 at 1 keV is needed.Comment: Accepted for publication in the MNRAS (11pages, 3 table, 13 figures

    Designing miniature x-ray optics for the SmallSat lunar science mission concept CubeX

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    Planetary remote-sensing instruments are often required to cover a relatively large field of view, ideally with a uniform angular resolution over the field, due to relatively large apparent sizes of planetary targets at close proximities. They also have to comply with relatively tight mass and volume constraints. For these reasons, planetary x-ray telescopes in the past were mainly collimation-based x-ray spectrometers without focusing optics. Recent advances in x-ray optics technology now enable compact focusing x-ray telescopes suitable for planetary science (e.g., BepiColombo). We present two design options for compact Wolter-I x-ray optics for a SmallSat lunar mission concept-the CubeSat X-ray telescope (CubeX). The primary objectives of CubeX are to map surface elemental abundances of selected lunar impact craters and to assess the feasibility of millisecond x-ray pulsar timing navigation in realistic deep space navigation environments. The Miniature X-ray Optics (MiXO) in CubeX utilizes electroformed NiCo alloy replication (ENR) technology, which provides many advantages over micro-pore optics (MPO) employed in BepiColombo. We carry out extensive ray traces over a grid of mirror parameters and explore a novel tapered shaped design of tightly nested shells, where both shell length and focal-plane offsets vary with shell diameter. One of the two configurations is optimized for large effective areas at low energies, while the other for lower mass and high-energy response. We compare their performances with those of conventional designs through the spatial resolution and effective area estimated by ray traces

    An X-ray Polarimeter for HXMT Mission

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    The development of micropixel gas detectors, capable to image tracks produced in a gas by photoelectrons, makes possible to perform polarimetry of X-ray celestial sources in the focus of grazing incidence X-ray telescopes. HXMT is a mission by the Chinese Space Agency aimed to survey the Hard X-ray Sky with Phoswich detectors, by exploitation of the direct demodulation technique. Since a fraction of the HXMT time will be spent on dedicated pointing of particular sources, it could host, with moderate additional resources a pair of X-ray telescopes, each with a photoelectric X-ray polarimeter in the focal plane. We present the design of the telescopes and the focal plane instrumentation and discuss the performance of this instrument to detect the degree and angle of linear polarization of some representative sources. Notwithstanding the limited resources the proposed instrument can represent a breakthrough in X-ray Polarimetry.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    An X-ray polarimeter for hard X-ray optics

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    Development of multi-layer optics makes feasible the use of X-ray telescope at energy up to 60-80 keV: in this paper we discuss the extension of photoelectric polarimeter based on Micro Pattern Gas Chamber to high energy X-rays. We calculated the sensitivity with Neon and Argon based mixtures at high pressure with thick absorption gap: placing the MPGC at focus of a next generation multi-layer optics, galatic and extragalactic X-ray polarimetry can be done up till 30 keV.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Test plan of the BEaTriX paraboloidal mirror at PANTER

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    Scope of this technical note is the definition of a test plan for the X-ray characterization campaign of the BEaTriX paraboloidal mirror at PANTER. The collimating mirror is a core component of the 4.51 keV beamline of the BEaTriX expanded X-ray beam facility; indeed, the optical quality of the mirror will directly affect the collimation and the uniformity of the final beam that will be used to characterize the focusing performance of SPO MM for ATHENA. The mirror is made of HOQ 310 fused quartz, procured from Zeiss in a preliminary grinding and lapping state, and subsequently finished by a sequence of polishing at the Zeeko robotic machine installed at INAF-OAB. Improvement of the mirror figure has been achieved across several runs of IBF process, using the dedicated facility at INAF-OAB. At each polishing/figuring step, the mirror profile and surface roughness have been characterized using suitable metrology tools at MediaLario

    Thin-shell plastic lenses for space and laboratory applications

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    We have identified an inexpensive, readily available, mechanically stable, extremely smooth, elastic, and mechanically uniform plastic suitable for thin film X-ray optics. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is easily deformed without losing its elastic properties or surface smoothness. Most important, PET can be coated with mono- or multilayers that reflect X-rays at grazing incidence. We have used these properties to produce X-ray optics made either as a concentric nest of cylinders or as a spiral. We have produced accurately formed shells in precisely machined vacuum mandresl or used a pin and wheel structure to form a continuously wound spiral. The wide range of medical, industrial and scientific applications for our technology includes: a monochromatic X-ray collimater for medical diagnostics, a relay optic to transport an X-ray beam from the target in a scanning electron microscop0e to a lithium-drifted silicon and microcalorimeter detectors and a satellite mounted telescope to collect celestial X-rays. A wide variety of mono- and multilayer coatings allow X-rays up to ~100 keV to be reflected. Our paper presents data from a variety of diagnostic measurements on the properties of the PET foil and imaging results form single- and multi-shell lenses

    POLARIX: a pathfinder mission of X-ray polarimetry

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    Since the birth of X-ray astronomy, spectral, spatial and timing observation improved dramatically, procuring a wealth of information on the majority of the classes of the celestial sources. Polarimetry, instead, remained basically unprobed. X-ray polarimetry promises to provide additional information procuring two new observable quantities, the degree and the angle of polarization. POLARIX is a mission dedicated to X-ray polarimetry. It exploits the polarimetric response of a Gas Pixel Detector, combined with position sensitivity, that, at the focus of a telescope, results in a huge increase of sensitivity. Three Gas Pixel Detectors are coupled with three X-ray optics which are the heritage of JET-X mission. POLARIX will measure time resolved X-ray polarization with an angular resolution of about 20 arcsec in a field of view of 15 arcmin ×\times 15 arcmin and with an energy resolution of 20 % at 6 keV. The Minimum Detectable Polarization is 12 % for a source having a flux of 1 mCrab and 10^5 s of observing time. The satellite will be placed in an equatorial orbit of 505 km of altitude by a Vega launcher.The telemetry down-link station will be Malindi. The pointing of POLARIX satellite will be gyroless and it will perform a double pointing during the earth occultation of one source, so maximizing the scientific return. POLARIX data are for 75 % open to the community while 25 % + SVP (Science Verification Phase, 1 month of operation) is dedicated to a core program activity open to the contribution of associated scientists. The planned duration of the mission is one year plus three months of commissioning and SVP, suitable to perform most of the basic science within the reach of this instrument.Comment: 42 pages, 28 figure