41,724 research outputs found

    Impacto da entomofauna no cultivo do café.

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    Este trabalho apresenta os principais artrópodes-praga que prejudicam o cultivo do Café Conilon no estado de Rondônia. Faz uma caracterização sobre o tipo de ataque e prejuízos causados pela: broca-do-café (Hypothenemus hampei), principal praga do café na Amazônia; o ácaro vermelho (Oligonychus ilicis), considerado a segunda praga em importância para o cafeeiro Conilon na região; o bicho-mineiro (Leucoptera coffeella) e a lagarta dos cafezais (Eacles imperialis) que causou ataques a plantios de café durante anos consecutivos no município de Cacoal (RO) e municípios circunvizinhos. Outros insetos-praga emergentes causam preocupação, como algumas espécies de cochonilhas e lagarta-das-rosetas


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    (compressed version) We combine the CfA Redshift Survey (CfA2) and the Southern Sky Redshift Survey (SSRS2) to estimate the pairwise velocity dispersion of galaxies \sig12 on a scale of \sim 1 \hmpc. Both surveys are complete to an apparent magnitude limit B(0)=15.5B(0)=15.5. Our sample includes 12,812 galaxies distributed in a volume 1.8 \times 10^6 \hmpc3. We conclude: 1) The pairwise velocity dispersion of galaxies in the combined CfA2+SSRS2 redshift survey is \sig12=540 \kms \pm 180 \kms. Both the estimate and the variance of \sig12 significantly exceed the canonical values \sig12=340 \pm40 measured by Davis \& Peebles (1983) using CfA1. 2) We derive the uncertainty in \sig12 from the variation among subsamples with volumes on the order of 7×1057 \times 10^5 \hmpc3. This variation is nearly an order of magnitude larger than the formal error, 36 \kms, derived using least-squares fits to the CfA2+SSRS2 correlation function. This variation among samples is consistent with the conclusions of Mo \etal (1993) for a number of smaller surveys and with the analysis of CfA1 by Zurek \etal (1994). 3) When we remove Abell clusters with R1R\ge1 from our sample, the pairwise velocity dispersion of the remaining galaxies drops to 295 \pm 99 \kms. Thus the dominant source of variance in \sig12 is the shot noise contributed by dense virialized systems. 4) The distribution of pairwise velocities is consistent with an isotropic exponential with velocity dispersion independent of scale.Comment: 61 pages uuencoded, compressed postscript in 5 pieces. Also available in one piece at http://www.dao.nrc.ca/DAO/SCIENCE/science.htm

    The Power Spectrum of Galaxies in the Nearby Universe

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    We compute the power spectrum of galaxy density fluctuations in a recently completed redshift survey of optically-selected galaxies in the southern hemisphere (SSRS2). The amplitude and shape of the SSRS2 power spectrum are consistent with results of the Center for Astrophysics redshift survey of the northern hemisphere (CfA2), including the abrupt change of slope on a scale of 30-50Mpc/h; these results are reproducible for independent volumes of space and variations are consistent with the errors estimated from mock surveys. Taken together, the SSRS2 and CfA2 form a complete sample of 14,383 galaxies which covers one-third of the sky. The power spectrum of this larger sample continues to rise on scales up to ~ 200Mpc/h, with weak evidence for flattening on the largest scales. The SSRS2+CfA2 power spectrum and the power spectrum constraints implied by COBE are well-matched by an Omega*h ~ 0.2, Omega+lambda_0=1 CDM model with minimal biasing of optically-selected galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Sept. 23, 1994. 10 pages uuencoded compressed postscript, including two figures. JHU-9410200

    Efficiency of low versus high airline pressure in stunning cattle with a pneumatically powered penetrating captive bolt gun

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    The efficiency of stunning cattle was assessed in 443 animals (304 pure Zebu and 139 crossbred cattle), being mainly mature bulls and cows. Cattle were stunned using a Jarvis pneumatically powered penetrating captive bolt gun operating with low (160–175 psi, N = 82) and high (190 psi, N = 363) airline pressure, which was within the manufactures specifications. Signs of brain function and the position of the shots on the heads were recorded after stunning. Velocity of the captive bolt and its physical parameters were calculated. Cattle shot with low pressures showed more rhythmic respiration (27 vs. 8%, P < 0.001), less tongue protrusion (4 vs. 12%, P = 0.03) and less masseter relaxation (22 vs. 48%, P < 0.001). There was an increased frequency of shots in the ideal position when cattle were shot with the low compared to high airline pressures (15.3 vs. 3.1%). Bolt velocity and its physical parameters were significantly (P < 0.01) higher when using high pressure. Airline pressures below 190 psi are inappropriate when shooting adult Zebu beef cattle with pneumatically powered penetrating captive bolt guns

    Sistema de produção para a cultura da banana no Estado de Rondônia.

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    Clima; Solo; Cultivares; Principais características das cultivares recomendadas e das tradicionais; Instalação do bananal; Em áreas de capoeira fina, pastagens e culturas perenes degradadas; Em áreas de capoeira densa; Em áreas de mata; Época de plantio; Seleção e preparo das mudas; Espaçamento e densidade de plantio; Nutrição e adubação; Análise química do solo; Calagem; Coveamento ou sulcamento; Adubação de plantio; Plantio e replantio; Adubação química em cobertura; Adubação de formação; Adubação de produção ou de manutenção; Sintomas de deficiência de nutrientes; Tratos culturais; Controle de plantas daninhas; Cobertura morta; Desbaste; Desfolha; Eliminação do coração ou mangará; Corte do pseudocaule após a colheita; Pragas; Broca-do-rizoma; Tripes da erupção dos frutos; Tripes da ferrugem dos frutos; Broca-gigante; Doenças; Sigatoca-negra; Sigatoca-amarela; Mal-do-panamá; Moko-da-bananeira; Nematóides; Colheita; Pós-colheita; Custo de produção.bitstream/item/24653/1/sp-29-banana.pd

    Free-electron Model for Mesoscopic Force Fluctuations in Nanowires

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    When two metal electrodes are separated, a nanometer sized wire (nanowire) is formed just before the contact breaks. The electrical conduction measured during this retraction process shows signs of quantized conductance in units of G_0=2e^2/h. Recent experiments show that the force acting on the wire during separation fluctuates, which has been interpreted as being due to atomic rearrangements. In this report we use a simple free electron model, for two simple geometries, and show that the electronic contribution to the force fluctuations is comparable to the experimentally found values, about 2 nN.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, reference correcte

    Principais doenças fúngicas da bananeira em Rondônia: sintomatologia e controle.

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    Esta publicação apresenta as principais doenças fúngicas que atacam as bananeiras: o mal-do-panamá, as sigatokas amarela e negra, a podridão da coroa, a podridão dos frutos e a antracnose e apresenta as principais medidas de controle.bitstream/item/42669/1/CT53-Doencasbananeira.pd