31,479 research outputs found
Zero-temperature TAP equations for the Ghatak-Sherrington model
The zero-temperature TAP equations for the spin-1 Ghatak-Sherrington model
are investigated. The spin-glass energy density (ground state) is determined as
a function of the anisotropy crystal field for a large number of spins.
This allows us to locate a first-order transition between the spin-glass and
paramagnetic phases within a good accuracy. The total number of solutions is
also determined as a function of .Comment: 11 pages, 2 ps figures include
Long-Time Behaviour and Self-Similarity in a Coagulation Equation with Input of Monomers
For a coagulation equation with Becker-Doring type interactions and
time-independent monomer input we study the detailed long-time behaviour of
nonnegative solutions and prove the convergence to a self-similar function.Comment: 30 pages, 5 Figures, now published in Markov Processes and Related
Fields 12, 367-398, (2006
On quasi-Jacobi and Jacobi-quasi bialgebroids
We study quasi-Jacobi and Jacobi-quasi bialgebroids and their relationships
with twisted Jacobi and quasi Jacobi manifolds. We show that we can construct
quasi-Lie bialgebroids from quasi-Jacobi bialgebroids, and conversely, and also
that the structures induced on their base manifolds are related via a quasi
A Fast and Accurate Nonlinear Spectral Method for Image Recognition and Registration
This article addresses the problem of two- and higher dimensional pattern
matching, i.e. the identification of instances of a template within a larger
signal space, which is a form of registration. Unlike traditional correlation,
we aim at obtaining more selective matchings by considering more strict
comparisons of gray-level intensity. In order to achieve fast matching, a
nonlinear thresholded version of the fast Fourier transform is applied to a
gray-level decomposition of the original 2D image. The potential of the method
is substantiated with respect to real data involving the selective
identification of neuronal cell bodies in gray-level images.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Effects of Random Biquadratic Couplings in a Spin-1 Spin-Glass Model
A spin-1 model, appropriated to study the competition between bilinear
(J_{ij}S_{i}S_{j}) and biquadratic (K_{ij}S_{i}^{2}S_{j}^{2}) random
interactions, both of them with zero mean, is investigated. The interactions
are infinite-ranged and the replica method is employed. Within the
replica-symmetric assumption, the system presents two phases, namely,
paramagnetic and spin-glass, separated by a continuous transition line. The
stability analysis of the replica-symmetric solution yields, besides the usual
instability associated with the spin-glass ordering, a new phase due to the
random biquadratic couplings between the spins.Comment: 16 pages plus 2 ps figure
Fast Community Identification by Hierarchical Growth
A new method for community identification is proposed which is founded on the
analysis of successive neighborhoods, reached through hierarchical growth from
a starting vertex, and on the definition of communities as a subgraph whose
number of inner connections is larger than outer connections. In order to
determine the precision and speed of the method, it is compared with one of the
most popular community identification approaches, namely Girvan and Newman's
algorithm. Although the hierarchical growth method is not as precise as Girvan
and Newman's method, it is potentially faster than most community finding
algorithms.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
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