12,826 research outputs found

    Vulnerabilidade ambiental em sub-bacias hidrográficas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro por meio de integração temática da perda do solo (USLE), variáveis morfométricas e o uso/cobertura da terra.

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    Watersheds are paths of environment management for hydrologic monitoring, soil conservation and land use restriction, because the product water in quality and quantity. The watersheds ofthe Rio Janeiro State was parameters with objective of indicate the agree vulnerability by multi-criteria evaluation (MCE). The result indicate that watersheds more vulnerability occur in northwest State. As one with more agree ofthe vulnerability occur at margin Paraiba do Sul, indicate ofthe areas for environment recuperation programs

    Características de qualidade da carcaça em bovinos Nelore Mocho selecionados para maciez.

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    A falta de maciez da carne brasileira tem reflexos negativos sobre a qualidade do produto final, fazendo com que os grandes mercados mantenham-se fechados para comercialização. Dessa forma, objetivou-se avaliar as características qualidade da carcaça de 68 bovinos machos da raça Nelore Mocho (marca OB), inteiros, oriundos de uma população segregante para maciez da carne. Os animais foram abatidos ao apresentarem 5 mm de espessura de gordura e/ou 500 kg de peso vivo. Após 24 horas em câmara fria foi realizada a mensuração do pH pelo frigorífico. A área de olho-de-lombo (AOL, cm²; e, AOL100, cm²/kg) e a espessura de gordura (EG, mm) foram mensuradas por meio do músculo Longissimus dorsi, na seção HH. Amostras desse músculo foram maturadas por sete dias para mensuração da força de cisalhamento (FC) por meio do aparelho de Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF). Foram, então, definidos dois grupos: baixo WBSF (FC≤3,5 kgf) e alto WBSF (FC>3,5 kgf). As médias de pH, AOL, AOL100, EG e WBSF foram comparadas por meio do teste Duncan a 5% de significância. Não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente entre os grupos de baixo e alto WBSF, para AOL, AOL100 e EG. Diferenças estatísticas foram encontradas apenas para pH e WBSF. A seleção para a maciez da carne em bovinos Nelore Mocho não afetou as características de qualidade da carcaça, como área de olho de lombo e espessura de gordura, o que torna possível selecionar os melhores animais tanto para qualidade da carne quando da carcaça. Abstract: The low eating quality of Brazilian beef, especially its low tenderness, has negative impacts on its marketability in the main import markets. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the carcass characteristics of 68 intact male Polled Nellore (OB brand) cattle derived from a population segregating for meat tenderness. The animals were slaughtered with 5 mm of fat thickness and/or 500 kg live weight (LW). After slaughter, half carcasses were weighed and chilled at 0 to 2 °C for 24 hours, then re-weighed and measurements taken of pH, rib eye area (REA) and back fat (BF) at the 12th rib. Samples of the L. dorsi muscle were removed and aged for seven days for measurement of Warner - Bratzler Shear Force (WBSF). Two groups were then defined based on WBSF: low WBSF (≤ 3.5 kg) and high WBSF (> 3.5 kg). As expected, WBSF was higher (p 0.05). Selection for meat tenderness in Polled Nellore cattle should have no effect on carcass quality measures such as REA and BF

    The Dwarf Spheroidal Companions to M31: WFPC2 Observations of Andromeda III

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    The Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 camera has been used to image Andromeda III, a dwarf spheroidal companion (dSph) to M31. The resulting color-magnitude (c-m) diagrams reveal the morphology of the horizontal branch (HB) in this dwarf galaxy. We find that like Andromeda I and Andromeda II, and like most of the Galactic dSph companions, the HB morphology of And III is predominantly red, redder than that of both And I and And II despite And III having a lower mean metallicity. We interpret this red HB morphology as indicating that the bulk of the And III population is ~3 Gyr younger than the age of the majority of Galactic globular clusters. Nevertheless, the And III c-m diagram does reveal a few blue HB stars, and a number of RR Lyrae variables are also evident in the data. This indicates that And III does contain an `old' population of age comparable to that of the Galactic globular clusters. There is no evidence, however, for any young stars in And III despite a claimed association between this dSph and an HI cloud. As was the case for And II, but not And I, no radial gradient was detected in the And III HB morphology. And III is ~75 kpc from the center of M31, comparable to the Galactocentric distances of Sculptor and Draco. Comparison with standard globular cluster red giant branches indicates = -1.88 +/-0.11, consistent with the absolute-magnitude - mean abundance relation followed by dSph galaxies. The same comparison yields an intrinsic abundance dispersion of sigma([Fe/H]) = 0.12, a low value compared to the Galactic dSphs of comparable luminosity to And III. The list of candidate variables reveals one definite and one probable Anomalous Cepheid variables.Comment: 30 pages including 1 table, 10 figures, Fig 1 as jpeg to save space. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, July 2002 issu

    Caracterização do módulo de crescimento do pinhão-manso (Jatropha curcas L.) na microregião geográfica de Teresina-Piauí.

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    O pinhao-manso (Jatropha curcas L.) e uma oleaginosa bastante promissora para producao de oleo. Entretanto, pesquisas com essa Euforbiacea na regiao Meio-Norte do Brasil praticamente nao existem, e atualmente ha uma forte demanda por parte dos empresarios para obter informacoes tecnicas sobre o manejo dessa planta para a producao de oleo (biodiesel). Para a exploracao racional dessa especie de forma economica, ambiental e socialmente sustentada, ainda faltam informacoes basicas, exigindo a experimentacao em diversas areas e dentre essas se destaca a da fisiologia de producao..

    Estimativas de perdas de solo para microbacias hidrográficas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

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    Tendências e ganhos genéticos para pesos calculados aos 120 e 240 dias de idade de bovinos da raça Nelore Mocho.

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    Objetivou-se estimar a tendência genética relativa aos pesos aos 120 (P120) e 240 (P240) dias de idade em animais Nelore Mocho. Foram utilizadas informações de 42.397 animais nascidos de 1995 a 2011, cedidas pela empresa Guaporé Agropecuária. O grupo de contemporâneos foi formado por meio da concatenação de fatores não genéticos que afetaram significativamente, como fazenda-retiro, ano e a estação de nascimento do animal e lote de manejo da respectiva característica. As tendências genéticas foram preditas por meio do software MTDFREML. As tendências e ganhos genéticos nos permite avaliar a mudança ocasionada por um processo de seleção em determinada característica ao longo dos anos. As tendências genéticas mostraram que nos anos de 2005 e 2009, tanto para P120 como para P240, ocorreram quedas bruscas dos valores genéticos. Os ganhos genéticos foram de 0,077 kg e 0,197 kg para P120 e P240, respectivamente. Para peso aos 120 e 240 dias de idade os pesos passaram de 120,55 kg e 183,3 kg para 157,93 kg e 201,43 kg, respectivamente. As tendências genéticas apresentaram progresso genético positivo apesar das quedas, indicando a necessidade de redefinição dos critérios de seleção. E os ganhos genéticos apontaram o quanto o rebanho irá progredir, e que a seleção reflete de maneira eficiente para a promoção do melhoramento genético do rebanho

    Characterization of the three Arabidopsis thaliana RAD21 cohesins reveals differential responses to ionizing radiation

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    The RAD21/REC8 gene family has been implicated in sister chromatid cohesion and DNA repair in several organisms. Unlike most eukaryotes, Arabidopsis thaliana has three RAD21 gene homologues, and their cloning and characterization are reported here. All three genes, AtRAD21.1, AtRAD21.2, and AtRAD21.3, are expressed in tissues rich in cells undergoing cell division, and AtRAD21.3 shows the highest relative level of expression. An increase in steady-state levels of AtRAD21.1 transcript was also observed, specifically after the induction of DNA damage. Phenotypic analysis of the atrad21.1 and atrad21.3 mutants revealed that neither of the single mutants was lethal, probably due to the redundancy in function of the AtRAD21 genes. However, AtRAD21.1 plays a critical role in recovery from DNA damage during seed imbibition, prior to germination, as atrad21.1 mutant seeds are hypersensitive to radiation damag

    Quantum Particles Constrained on Cylindrical Surfaces with Non-constant Diameter

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    We present a theoretical formulation of the one-electron problem constrained on the surface of a cylindrical tubule with varying diameter. Because of the cylindrical symmetry, we may reduce the problem to a one-dimensional equation for each angular momentum quantum number mm along the cylindrical axis. The geometrical properties of the surface determine the electronic structures through the geometry dependent term in the equation. Magnetic fields parallel to the axis can readily be incorporated. Our formulation is applied to simple examples such as the catenoid and the sinusoidal tubules. The existence of bound states as well as the band structures, which are induced geometrically, for these surfaces are shown. To show that the electronic structures can be altered significantly by applying a magnetic field, Aharonov-Bohm effects in these examples are demonstrated.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Correlation between residual feed intake and daily water intake in confined nellore bulls.

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    Identifying efficient animals is an alternative to reduce food costs and natural resources used in farming. The objective of this study was to identify the correlation between Residual Feed intake (RFI) and Daily Water Consumption (DWC) in Nellore cattle. The work was realized at Núcleo Regional of Embrapa Cerrados, in June, 2017. Were used 44 bulls, aged between 18 and 21 months and initial weight of 455 kg. The diet was given twice daily, with corn silage: concentrate of 60:40. Feed intake was obtained in the feeders of Intergado System. Daily water consumption was measured by water drinked in electronic drinking fountains coupled to the automatic scales (Intergado System TM) plus water from feed. The RFI was calculated by means of the difference between the observed dry matter intake (DMIobs) and the expected dry matter intake (DMIexp) based on live weight (LW) and average daily gain (ADG). The descriptive statistics, comparison of means by Tukey test at 5% probability and Pearson correlations for the study traits were performed using software R (version 3.3.2). Groups of high, low and mean RFI were formed with one Standar Desviation of the mean RFI. The water consumption averaged 38.9 L / day, with a standard deviation of 6.1 L / d, and a minimum value of 30.0 and a maximum of 62.2 L / day. The RFI had zero and standard deviation of 1.01 kg / d, with a minimum value of -2.38 and a maximum of 2.7. The correlation between RFI and DWC was .24, being considered of low magnitude. It was not observed differences between RFI groups, with means of 37.0, 38.8 and 42.3 L / d, respectively, to Low, Medium and High RFI Groups. We concluded that water intake was not correlated with RFI in Nellore bulls confined in the early dry season of Brazil