4 research outputs found

    Propriedades de ZrO2 (Y2 O3) reciclado proveniente da confecção de próteses dentárias

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    RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho foi a recuperação de descartes de ZrO2(Y2O3) oriundos de laboratórios de próteses dentárias, a partir do seu reprocessamento. Os descartes de ZrO2(Y2O3) foram fragmentados, peneirados e calcinados a 900ºC. Pós com tamanho menor que 32μm foram prensados uniaxialmente a 100MPa e sinterizados em temperaturas entre 1400 e 1600ºC-120min. Análise de difração de raios X realizadas nos materiais calcinados indicaram a presença majoritária da fase ZrO2 tetragonal. Os compactos apresentaram densidade a verde próximo a 47% e as amostras sinterizadas tiveram sua densidade relativa variando entre 83,5% e 95%, para temperaturas de sinterização de 1400 e 1600ºC, respectivamente. Os resultados da análise de difração de raios X indicaram a presença da fase ZrO2 tetragonal, com dureza Vickers e tenacidade máxima obtidos para as amostras sinterizadas a 1600ºC, da ordem de 1100 HV e 5,7 MPa.m1/2 respectivamente

    Efeitos alelopáticos de extratos vegetais na germinação, colonização micorrízica e crescimento inicial de milho, soja e feijão Allelopathic effects of plant aqueous extracts on germination, mycorrhization and Initial growth of corn, soybean and bean

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    Restos vegetais e liteira podem interferir no desenvolvimento de plantas. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos alelopáticos de extratos aquosos de Pinus sp., milheto (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke) e mucuna (Stizolobium aterrimum Piper & Tracy) sobre a germinação, colonização micorrízica e crescimento inicial de milho (Zea mays L.), soja (Glycine max L.) e feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Os extratos foram elaborados utilizando folhas trituradas. O experimento in vitro empregou papel Germitest umedecido com extratos ou água destilada por sete dias. O experimento em casa de vegetação teve esquema fatorial 3 x 3 x 4, com quatro repetições: três espécies vegetais (soja, milho e feijão), três extratos aquosos (Pinus, milheto e mucuna) e quatro doses de extrato (0,0; 0,5; 1,0; e 2,0 kg L-1). O substrato foi Latossolo Vermelho coletado no município de Selvíria-MS, no bioma Cerrado. Após a semeadura, os vasos receberam, a cada cinco dias, por 45 dias, 50 mL dos extratos. Para a soja, extratos de mucuna e milheto diminuíram o comprimento do hipocótilo e da radícula e os de Pinus aumentaram esses comprimentos. Em feijão, o extrato de Pinus diminuiu o comprimento do hipocótilo e da radícula, mas os extratos de mucuna e milheto aumentaram-no. O extrato do milheto reduziu a percentagem e a velocidade de germinação em feijão. Todos os extratos reduziram a colonização micorrízica e o número de esporos de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares em soja, milho e feijão.<br>Plant residues and litter may affect the plant growth. The objective of this study was to evaluate the allelopathic effects of aqueous extracts of pine (Pinus sp.), millet [Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke] and velvet bean (Stizolobium aterrimum Piper & Tracy) on germination, mycorrhizal colonization and initial growth of corn (Zea mays L.), soybean (Glycine max L.) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Extracts of ground leaves were prepared. For the in vitro seven day- germination test, pH - neutral paper was previously wetted with the aqueous extracts or distilled water. The greenhouse experiment was arranged in a 3 x 3 x 4 factorial design, with four replications: three plant species (soybean, corn and bean), three aqueous extracts (Pinus, millet and velvet bean) and four extract doses (0.0; 0.5; 1.0 and 2.0 kg L-1). A Red Latossol (Oxisol) collected in Selvíria, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, in the Cerrado biome was used as substrate. After sowing in pots, 50 mL of the aqueous extracts was applied every 5 days, during 45 days. Opposite to pine, extracts of velvet bean and millet reduced the hypocotyl and root length in soybean. In common bean, pine extract reduced hypocotyl and root length, contrasting to velvet bean and millet. Millet extract decreased the germination percentage and germination rate of beans. All plant extracts reduced mycorrhization and the number of spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on soybean, maize and common bean

    Global perspective of familial hypercholesterolaemia: a cross-sectional study from the EAS Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Studies Collaboration (FHSC)

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    Background The European Atherosclerosis Society Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Studies Collaboration (FHSC) global registry provides a platform for the global surveillance of familial hypercholesterolaemia through harmonisation and pooling of multinational data. In this study, we aimed to characterise the adult population with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia and described how it is detected and managed globally. Methods Using FHSC global registry data, we did a cross-sectional assessment of adults (aged 18 years or older) with a clinical or genetic diagnosis of probable or definite heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia at the time they were entered into the registries. Data were assessed overall and by WHO regions, sex, and index versus non-index cases. Findings Of the 61 612 individuals in the registry, 42 167 adults (21 999 [53·6%] women) from 56 countries were included in the study. Of these, 31 798 (75·4%) were diagnosed with the Dutch Lipid Clinic Network criteria, and 35 490 (84·2%) were from the WHO region of Europe. Median age of participants at entry in the registry was 46·2 years (IQR 34·3–58·0); median age at diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolaemia was 44·4 years (32·5–56·5), with 40·2% of participants younger than 40 years when diagnosed. Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors increased progressively with age and varied by WHO region. Prevalence of coronary disease was 17·4% (2·1% for stroke and 5·2% for peripheral artery disease), increasing with concentrations of untreated LDL cholesterol, and was about two times lower in women than in men. Among patients receiving lipid-lowering medications, 16 803 (81·1%) were receiving statins and 3691 (21·2%) were on combination therapy, with greater use of more potent lipid-lowering medication in men than in women. Median LDL cholesterol was 5·43 mmol/L (IQR 4·32–6·72) among patients not taking lipid-lowering medications and 4·23 mmol/L (3·20–5·66) among those taking them. Among patients taking lipid-lowering medications, 2·7% had LDL cholesterol lower than 1·8 mmol/L; the use of combination therapy, particularly with three drugs and with proprotein convertase subtilisin–kexin type 9 inhibitors, was associated with a higher proportion and greater odds of having LDL cholesterol lower than 1·8 mmol/L. Compared with index cases, patients who were non-index cases were younger, with lower LDL cholesterol and lower prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular diseases (all p<0·001). Interpretation Familial hypercholesterolaemia is diagnosed late. Guideline-recommended LDL cholesterol concentrations are infrequently achieved with single-drug therapy. Cardiovascular risk factors and presence of coronary disease were lower among non-index cases, who were diagnosed earlier. Earlier detection and greater use of combination therapies are required to reduce the global burden of familial hypercholesterolaemia. Funding Pfizer, Amgen, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Sanofi–Aventis, Daiichi Sankyo, and Regeneron