2,615 research outputs found

    Desempenho da mesofauna do solo sob vegetação secundária enriquecida com leguminosas arbóreas de rápido crescimento.

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    Metazoan parasites of Geophagus proximus, a Cichlidae fish from the Eastern Amazon (Brazil).

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    The present study investigated the fauna of metazoan parasites of a Geophagus proximus population from the lower Tapajós River, in the state of Pará, northern Brazil. A total of 137 monogeneans were collected from the gills of G. proximus , including Sciadicleithrum kritskyi , Sciadicleithrum paranaensis and Sciadicleithrum geophagi , while 119 Raphidascaris (Sprentascaris ) lanfrediae nematodes and 28 metacercariaes of digenea undetermined were collected from the intestine. Hosts harboring four species of parasites were predominant. The parasites had an aggregated dispersion pattern. The present study represents the first record of S. geophagi parasitizing G. proximus , increasing the geographic distribution of these parasite species to the Tapajós River basin

    Gerencial: planilha etetrônica para avaliação de decisôes na bovinocultura de corte.

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    Descrição da Planilha. Principais pressuposotos considerados. Convenções. Dicas e cuidados especiais. Dúvidas, críticas e sugestões.bitstream/item/136641/1/DOC-120.pdfAcompanha um disquete

    Avaliação econômica da engorda de novilhos confinados com subprodutos da microdestilaria de álcool.

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    Desempenho dos animais. Avaliação econômica.bitstream/item/104806/1/Avaliacao-economica-da-engorda.pd

    Use of low-cost class a evapotranspiration pan for reference evapotranspiration estimation in protected and field environments.

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    Currently, there are various methods for determining the Class A pan coefficient (Kp) in estimating reference evapotranspiration (ETo), which is of utmost importance for water management in agriculture. This study aimed to estimate ETo inside and outside agricultural greenhouses using a low-cost constructed Class A pan (TCA-c) method. To estimate ETo, it is necessary to establish the Kp, as ETo is the product of ECA multiplied by Kp. This study employed the calibration method, comparing ETo determined by Penman-Monteith (EToPM) with Class A pan evaporation (ECA) to determine Kp. EToPM served as the standard for correlations with reference evapotranspiration using the TCA-c method inside and outside an agricultural greenhouse, avoiding the installation of a "Class A" pan inside the greenhouse. The experiment was conducted at UFF's Gragoatá campus in Niterói - RJ. Four TCA-c pans were installed (three inside and one outside an agricultural greenhouse) and managed for one year. Principal Component Analyses (PCA) revealed significant differences in ETo throughout the seasons. Adjusted Kps were established for all pans. It was observed that ETo inside the greenhouse was lower than that estimated outside. It is recommended to install the TCA-c pan inside the greenhouse for ETo estimation, utilizing different Kps throughout the seasons

    Nota sobre métodos de colheita do sorgo sacarino para produção de álcool.

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    Sorgo sacarino cv. BR 501 foi colhido com e sem folhas para produção de caldo. Devido ao maior custo envolvido com a mão-de-obra, a retirada das folhas mostrou-se anti-econômica. Pesquisas para reduzir estes custos poderiam ser bastante benéficas.bitstream/item/132260/1/BP01.pd

    Recomendação de genótipos de feijão para o município de Alenquer, Pará.

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    Avaliação de linhagens de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) do grupo roxo/rosinha no Município de Alenquer, Pará.

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