7,417 research outputs found

    Refined Simulations of the Reaction Front for Diffusion-Limited Two-Species Annihilation in One Dimension

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    Extensive simulations are performed of the diffusion-limited reaction A++B0\to 0 in one dimension, with initially separated reagents. The reaction rate profile, and the probability distributions of the separation and midpoint of the nearest-neighbour pair of A and B particles, are all shown to exhibit dynamic scaling, independently of the presence of fluctuations in the initial state and of an exclusion principle in the model. The data is consistent with all lengthscales behaving as t1/4t^{1/4} as tt\to\infty. Evidence of multiscaling, found by other authors, is discussed in the light of these findings.Comment: Resubmitted as TeX rather than Postscript file. RevTeX version 3.0, 10 pages with 16 Encapsulated Postscript figures (need epsf). University of Geneva preprint UGVA/DPT 1994/10-85

    Analysis of the BK2(Kπ)l+lB \to K^*_{2} (\to K \pi) l^+ l^- decay

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    In this paper we study the angular distribution of the rare B decay BK2(Kπ)l+lB \to K^*_2 (\to K \pi) l^+ l^-, which is expected to be observed soon. We use the standard effective Hamiltonian approach, and use the form factors that have already been estimated for the corresponding radiative decay BK2γB \to K^*_2 \gamma. The additional form factors that come into play for the dileptonic channel are estimated using the large energy effective theory (LEET), which enables one to relate the additional form factors to the form factors for the radiative mode. Our results provide, just like in the case of the K(892)K^*(892) resonance, an opportunity for a straightforward comparison of the basic theory with experimental results which may be expected in the near future for this channel.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures; as accepted for Phys. Rev.

    Japanese Immigrants Abroad

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    Paper by John B. Cornell and Robert J. Smit

    Nontrivial Exponent for Simple Diffusion

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    The diffusion equation \partial_t\phi = \nabla^2\phi is considered, with initial condition \phi( _x_ ,0) a gaussian random variable with zero mean. Using a simple approximate theory we show that the probability p_n(t_1,t_2) that \phi( _x_ ,t) [for a given space point _x_ ] changes sign n times between t_1 and t_2 has the asymptotic form p_n(t_1,t_2) \sim [\ln(t_2/t_1)]^n(t_1/t_2)^{-\theta}. The exponent \theta has predicted values 0.1203, 0.1862, 0.2358 in dimensions d=1,2,3, in remarkably good agreement with simulation results.Comment: Minor typos corrected, affecting table of exponents. 4 pages, REVTEX, 1 eps figure. Uses epsf.sty and multicol.st

    Persistence in systems with conserved order parameter

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    We consider the low-temperature coarsening dynamics of a one-dimensional Ising ferromagnet with conserved Kawasaki-like dynamics in the domain representation. Domains diffuse with size-dependent diffusion constant, D(l)lγD(l) \propto l^\gamma with γ=1\gamma = -1. We generalize this model to arbitrary γ\gamma, and derive an expression for the domain density, N(t)tϕN(t) \sim t^{-\phi} with ϕ=1/(2γ)\phi=1/(2-\gamma), using a scaling argument. We also investigate numerically the persistence exponent θ\theta characterizing the power-law decay of the number, Np(t)N_p(t), of persistent (unflipped) spins at time tt, and find Np(t)tθN_{p}(t)\sim t^{-\theta} where θ\theta depends on γ\gamma. We show how the results for ϕ\phi and θ\theta are related to similar calculations in diffusion-limited cluster-cluster aggregation (DLCA) where clusters with size-dependent diffusion constant diffuse through an immobile `empty' phase and aggregate irreversibly on impact. Simulations show that, while ϕ\phi is the same in both models, θ\theta is different except for γ=0\gamma=0. We also investigate models that interpolate between symmetric domain diffusion and DLCA.Comment: 9 pages, minor revision

    Domain Growth in a 1-D Driven Diffusive System

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    The low-temperature coarsening dynamics of a one-dimensional Ising model, with conserved magnetisation and subject to a small external driving force, is studied analytically in the limit where the volume fraction \mu of the minority phase is small, and numerically for general \mu. The mean domain size L(t) grows as t^{1/2} in all cases, and the domain-size distribution for domains of one sign is very well described by the form P_l(l) \propto (l/L^3)\exp[-\lambda(\mu)(l^2/L^2)], which is exact for small \mu (and possibly for all \mu). The persistence exponent for the minority phase has the value 3/2 for \mu \to 0.Comment: 8 pages, REVTeX, 7 Postscript figures, uses multicol.sty and epsf.sty. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Position and energy-resolved particle detection using phonon-mediated microwave kinetic inductance detectors

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    We demonstrate position and energy-resolved phonon-mediated detection of particle interactions in a silicon substrate instrumented with an array of microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs). The relative magnitude and delay of the signal received in each sensor allow the location of the interaction to be determined with ≲ 1mm resolution at 30 keV. Using this position information, variations in the detector response with position can be removed, and an energy resolution of σ_E = 0.55 keV at 30 keV was measured. Since MKIDs can be fabricated from a single deposited film and are naturally multiplexed in the frequency domain, this technology can be extended to provide highly pixelized athermal phonon sensors for ∼1 kg scale detector elements. Such high-resolution, massive particle detectors would be applicable to rare-event searches such as the direct detection of dark matter, neutrinoless double-beta decay, or coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering

    Survival-Time Distribution for Inelastic Collapse

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    In a recent publication [PRL {\bf 81}, 1142 (1998)] it was argued that a randomly forced particle which collides inelastically with a boundary can undergo inelastic collapse and come to rest in a finite time. Here we discuss the survival probability for the inelastic collapse transition. It is found that the collapse-time distribution behaves asymptotically as a power-law in time, and that the exponent governing this decay is non-universal. An approximate calculation of the collapse-time exponent confirms this behaviour and shows how inelastic collapse can be viewed as a generalised persistence phenomenon.Comment: 4 pages, RevTe

    Exact Solution of Two-Species Ballistic Annihilation with General Pair-Reaction Probability

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    The reaction process A+B>CA+B->C is modelled for ballistic reactants on an infinite line with particle velocities vA=cv_A=c and vB=cv_B=-c and initially segregated conditions, i.e. all A particles to the left and all B particles to the right of the origin. Previous, models of ballistic annihilation have particles that always react on contact, i.e. pair-reaction probability p=1p=1. The evolution of such systems are wholly determined by the initial distribution of particles and therefore do not have a stochastic dynamics. However, in this paper the generalisation is made to p<1p<1, allowing particles to pass through each other without necessarily reacting. In this way, the A and B particle domains overlap to form a fluctuating, finite-sized reaction zone where the product C is created. Fluctuations are also included in the currents of A and B particles entering the overlap region, thereby inducing a stochastic motion of the reaction zone as a whole. These two types of fluctuations, in the reactions and particle currents, are characterised by the `intrinsic reaction rate', seen in a single system, and the `extrinsic reaction rate', seen in an average over many systems. The intrinsic and extrinsic behaviours are examined and compared to the case of isotropically diffusing reactants.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, typos correcte

    Measurement of the Temperature Dependence of the Casimir-Polder Force

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    We report on the first measurement of a temperature dependence of the Casimir-Polder force. This measurement was obtained by positioning a nearly pure 87-Rb Bose-Einstein condensate a few microns from a dielectric substrate and exciting its dipole oscillation. Changes in the collective oscillation frequency of the magnetically trapped atoms result from spatial variations in the surface-atom force. In our experiment, the dielectric substrate is heated up to 605 K, while the surrounding environment is kept near room temperature (310 K). The effect of the Casimir-Polder force is measured to be nearly 3 times larger for a 605 K substrate than for a room-temperature substrate, showing a clear temperature dependence in agreement with theory.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, published in Physical Review Letter