59 research outputs found

    Caracterização físico-química e de compostos bioativos em amora-preta (Rubus sp.) cultivada no Brasil

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    Five blackberry cultivars (Rubus sp.) were evaluated for antioxidant capacity, bioactive compounds and composition. Ascorbic acid levels, consisting of dehydro-ascorbic acid, ranged from 9.8 to 21.4 mg.100 g-1 fresh weight. Cyanidin (66 to 80% of total flavonoids), epicatechin, quercetin and traces of kaempferol were the main flavonoids found in all cultivars. The five cultivars presented high antioxidant capacity in the β-carotene/linoleic acid system, with inhibition similar to the synthetic antioxidant BHT, at a 50 µM concentration. Caingangue cultivar presented high vitamin C and total phenolics content, while Guarani had the highest cyanidin, total anthocyanin and total flavonoids levels and also the highest antioxidant capacity. These cultivars also presented good TSS/TA ratios. From the data, at a quantitative level, blackberry can be considered a good source of bioactive compounds, as well as potentially beneficial to human health.Cinco cultivares de amora-preta (Rubus sp.) foram avaliadas quanto a sua capacidade antioxidante, perfil de compostos bioativos e composição físico-química. Os níveis de ácido ascórbico total, presentes na forma de ácido desidroascórbico, variaram entre 9,8 a 21,4 mg.100 g-1 (b.u.). Os principais flavonóides presentes nas cinco cultivares foram: a antocianina cianidina (66 a 80% do total de flavonóides); o flavan-3-ol epicatequina; e os flavonóis quercetina e traços de caenferol. As cinco cultivares apresentaram alta capacidade antioxidante quando avaliadas pelo sistema de co-oxidação β-caroteno/ácido linoléico, similar ao antioxidante sintético BHT, na concentração de 50 µM. A cultivar Guarani apresentou os maiores teores de flavonóides totais, antocianina total, cianidina e de capacidade antioxidante, enquanto que a cultivar Caigangue apresentou alto conteúdo de vitamina C e de fenólicos totais. Estas duas cultivares também apresentaram uma boa correlação TSS/TA. Assim, a amora-preta pode ser considerada uma boa fonte de compostos bioativos e assim contribuir com a manutenção do estado de saúde.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Expression analysis of a set of genes related to the ripening of bananas and mangoes

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    During ripening many important physic-chemical changes contribute to fruit quality, and they are precisely determined by gene expression. Specific genes are essential to normal ripening; however, information on gene expression about the majority of tropical fruit, such as bananas and mangoes is limited. In this way, the present study was undertaken with the objective to provide preliminary access to the changes in expression of some genes potentially relevant to banana and mango ripening. To simultaneously evaluate the changes in gene expression, a small collection of genes related to ethylene biosynthesis, starch mobilization, cell wall disassembly, pigment synthesis and ascorbate metabolism was assembled in nylon membranes and probed with cDNA from unripe and ripe fruit. Some interesting differences were observed between gene expression in bananas and mangoes. In relation to starch metabolism, banana a-amylase was induced during ripening while phosphorylase was more induced in mangoes. Similarly, expression of cell wall-related genes for polygalacturonase and expansin were also different in those fruits. Fructanfructosyltransferase, chalcone synthase, and ascorbate oxidase genes were also induced in ripening mangoes, but not in bananas. Although the number of sequences involved was relatively small, this simple and feasible approach provided interesting preliminary data that can be starting points for more in depth studies.FAPES

    Analysis of ripening-related gene expression in papaya using an Arabidopsis-based microarray

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    Background Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a commercially important crop that produces climacteric fruits with a soft and sweet pulp that contain a wide range of health promoting phytochemicals. Despite its importance, little is known about transcriptional modifications during papaya fruit ripening and their control. In this study we report the analysis of ripe papaya transcriptome by using a cross-species (XSpecies) microarray technique based on the phylogenetic proximity between papaya and Arabidopsis thaliana. Results Papaya transcriptome analyses resulted in the identification of 414 ripening-related genes with some having their expression validated by qPCR. The transcription profile was compared with that from ripening tomato and grape. There were many similarities between papaya and tomato especially with respect to the expression of genes encoding proteins involved in primary metabolism, regulation of transcription, biotic and abiotic stress and cell wall metabolism. XSpecies microarray data indicated that transcription factors (TFs) of the MADS-box, NAC and AP2/ERF gene families were involved in the control of papaya ripening and revealed that cell wall-related gene expression in papaya had similarities to the expression profiles seen in Arabidopsis during hypocotyl development. Conclusion The cross-species array experiment identified a ripening-related set of genes in papaya allowing the comparison of transcription control between papaya and other fruit bearing taxa during the ripening process

    The Starch Is (Not) Just Another Brick in the Wall: The Primary Metabolism of Sugars During Banana Ripening

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    The monocot banana fruit is one of the most important crops worldwide. As a typical climacteric fruit, the harvest of commercial bananas usually occurs when the fruit is physiologically mature but unripe. The universal treatment of green bananas with ethylene or ethylene-releasing compounds in order to accelerate and standardize the ripening of a bunch of bananas mimics natural maturation after increasing the exogenous production of ethylene. The trigger of autocatalytic ethylene production regulated by a dual positive feedback loop circuit derived from a NAC gene and three MADS genes results in metabolic processes that induce changes in the primary metabolism of bananas. These changes include pulp softening and sweetening which are sensorial attributes that determine banana postharvest quality. During fruit development, bananas accumulate large amounts of starch (between 15 and 35% w/w of their fresh weight, depending on the cultivar). Pulp softening and sweetening during banana ripening are attributed not only to changes in the activities of cell wall hydrolases but also to starch-to-sugar metabolism. Therefore, starch granule erosion and disassembling are key events that lead bananas to reach their optimal postharvest quality. The knowledge of the mechanisms that regulate sugar primary metabolism during banana ripening is fundamental to reduce postharvest losses and improve final product quality, though. Recent studies have shown that ethylene-mediated regulation of starch-degrading enzymes at transcriptional and translational levels is crucial for sugar metabolism in banana ripening. Furthermore, the crosstalk between ethylene and other hormones including indole-3-acetic acid and abscisic acid also influences primary sugar metabolism. In this review, we will describe the state-of-the-art sugar primary metabolism in bananas and discuss the recent findings that shed light on the understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of this metabolism during fruit ripening

    Composição de carboidratos do abacaxi (cv. pérola) e resposta glicêmica em humanos

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    Brazil is the third largest producer of pineapple (Ananas comosus) and the market for fresh pineapple is sustained by the Hawaii and Perola cultivars. In this work the Perola cultivar was divided into three main parts, shell, core and pulp, for characterization. Moisture in the pulp was higher (between 10 and 15%) than in the shell and core. The amount of protein was higher in the core (35%) than in the pulp and shell. Perola contained relatively low concentrations of total ascorbic acid in the edible parts, although higher levels of ascorbic acid in the shell. Citric acid corresponded to almost 60% of the total organic acids. The total soluble sugars [~7-12% (FW)] were predominantly sucrose, fructose and glucose. The core had almost twice as much total sugar (12%) than the pulp (6.8%). The amount of insoluble dietary fiber was around 1%, and the soluble fiber was less than 0.1%. The pulp showed the highest concentration of polyphenols (0.49%) and antioxidant activity (33 µmol.g-1) out of the parts. The consumption of the pineapple pulp or core produced a high glycemic index (~93%), but considering the glycemic load, this fruit can be considered as low dietary.O Brasil é o terceiro maior produtor de abacaxi(Ananas comosus) e as principais cultivares encontradas no mercado são Havaí e Pérola. Neste trabalho, frutas da cultivar Pérola foram divididas em casca, cerne e polpa e analisadas. A umidade da polpa foi superior (entre 10 e 15%) à encontrada na casca e no cerne. A concentração de proteína foi maior no cerne (35%) que na polpa e na casca. Essa cultivar contém baixas concentrações de ácido ascórbico nas partes comestíveis, no entanto a casca apresentou maiores níveis. O ácido cítrico correspondeu a aproximadamente 60% do total de ácidos orgânicos. Entre os açúcares solúveis [~7-12% (BU)], a sacarose, frutose e glicose foram predominantes. O cerne continha quase o dobro dos açúcares totais (12%) em relação à polpa (6,8%). A concentração de fibra alimentar insolúvel foi em torno de 1%, enquanto a de fibra solúvel foi menor que 0,1%. A polpa apresentou maior concentração de polifenóis (0,49%) e maior atividade antioxidante (33 µmol.g-1) que as demais partes. O consumo da polpa e do cerne produziu alto índice glicêmico (~93%), mas considerando a quantidade usual consumida, o abacaxi apresenta baixa carga glicêmica

    Sucrose synthesis during banana ripening: sucrose synthetase and sucrose phosphate synthetase involviment

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    A sacarose sintetase pode ser extraída de bananas pré-climatéricas cisteína (0,02M), em tampão tris-HCl pH 8,0 (0,05M), contendo EDTA (O,OlM), PVP (1%) e bissulfito de sódio (0,02M) na proporção de 1:4 (massa de banana/volume desolução f extratora). O seu isolamento pode ser efetuado por precipitação com sulfato de amônio, cromatografia por peneira molecular seguida de troca iônica ou, alternativ~ente, por cromatografia apenas em troca iônica. Obtém-se assim preparações com atividade específica entre 0,42 e 6,11 e grau de purificação de 5 a 18 vezes. A enzima purificada tem elevada afinidade por UDPG (Km = 0,67), UDP (Km = O, 17) , frutose (Km = 0,31) e reduzida afinidade para a sacarose (Km = 22,7). A enzima está presente durante a fase de desenvolvimento do fruto até o período préclimatérico, quando sua atividade sintética e hidrolítica tende a desaparecer a medida que aumenta o tempo decorrido após a colheita. Contrariamente, a sacarose fosfato sintetase não é detectada nas fases iniciais de desenvolvimento do fruto, mas tem sua atividade aumentada durante o amadurecimento, concomitantemente ao desaparecimento do amido. A sacarose fosfato sintetase e não a sacarose sintetase pode estar envolvida na transformação amido-sacarose durante o amadurecimento.Banana sucrose synthetase can be purified almost to homogeneity by extraction with tris-HCl pH 8.0 (0.05M) buffer containing cystein (0.02M), EDTA (O.OlM), PVP (1%) and NaHS03 (O.O2M), ammonium sulfate precipitation, followed by cromatography on DEAE-cellulose (or alteratively on Sepharose-6B followed by DEAE-cellulose). The purified enzyme activities has high affinity for UDPG (Km = 0.67), UDP (Km = 0.17), fructose (Km = 0.31) and low affinity for sucrose (Km = 22.7). The sucrose synthetase is present during all stages of fruit development until the climateric when its activity tends to disappear, as the time after harvesting decurs contrarily the activity of sucrose phosphate synthetase is not detected in the initial stages of development but its activity increases during ripening following starch desappearance. Sucrose phosphate synthetase instead of sucrose synthetase may be involved in starch-sucrose conversion in post-harvest bananas

    Sucrose synthesis during banana ripening: sucrose synthetase and sucrose phosphate synthetase involviment

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    A sacarose sintetase pode ser extraída de bananas pré-climatéricas cisteína (0,02M), em tampão tris-HCl pH 8,0 (0,05M), contendo EDTA (O,OlM), PVP (1%) e bissulfito de sódio (0,02M) na proporção de 1:4 (massa de banana/volume desolução f extratora). O seu isolamento pode ser efetuado por precipitação com sulfato de amônio, cromatografia por peneira molecular seguida de troca iônica ou, alternativ~ente, por cromatografia apenas em troca iônica. Obtém-se assim preparações com atividade específica entre 0,42 e 6,11 e grau de purificação de 5 a 18 vezes. A enzima purificada tem elevada afinidade por UDPG (Km = 0,67), UDP (Km = O, 17) , frutose (Km = 0,31) e reduzida afinidade para a sacarose (Km = 22,7). A enzima está presente durante a fase de desenvolvimento do fruto até o período préclimatérico, quando sua atividade sintética e hidrolítica tende a desaparecer a medida que aumenta o tempo decorrido após a colheita. Contrariamente, a sacarose fosfato sintetase não é detectada nas fases iniciais de desenvolvimento do fruto, mas tem sua atividade aumentada durante o amadurecimento, concomitantemente ao desaparecimento do amido. A sacarose fosfato sintetase e não a sacarose sintetase pode estar envolvida na transformação amido-sacarose durante o amadurecimento.Banana sucrose synthetase can be purified almost to homogeneity by extraction with tris-HCl pH 8.0 (0.05M) buffer containing cystein (0.02M), EDTA (O.OlM), PVP (1%) and NaHS03 (O.O2M), ammonium sulfate precipitation, followed by cromatography on DEAE-cellulose (or alteratively on Sepharose-6B followed by DEAE-cellulose). The purified enzyme activities has high affinity for UDPG (Km = 0.67), UDP (Km = 0.17), fructose (Km = 0.31) and low affinity for sucrose (Km = 22.7). The sucrose synthetase is present during all stages of fruit development until the climateric when its activity tends to disappear, as the time after harvesting decurs contrarily the activity of sucrose phosphate synthetase is not detected in the initial stages of development but its activity increases during ripening following starch desappearance. Sucrose phosphate synthetase instead of sucrose synthetase may be involved in starch-sucrose conversion in post-harvest bananas