486 research outputs found

    La enseñanza del Francés en Aragón. Una historia de 450 años

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    En 1565 Baltasar de Sotomayor publica su ´Grammatica para aprender a leer y escriuir la lengua Francesa conferida con la Castellana´, y Jacques de Liaño su ´Vocabulario´ francés-español. Son los dos primeros manuales impresos en España para la enseñanza del francés. En 1673, Pedro Pablo Billet da a luz en Zaragoza su ´Gramatica francesa´. Dichas obras marcan hitos fundamentales en la tradición editorial de la enseñanza del francés en España. Una tradición de 450 años, iniciada por los primeros maestros de lenguas y secundada en la actualidad por enseñantes de francés de todos los niveles educativos. El presente libro se propone un rápido recorrido por esta historia y un análisis de la situación actual y de las perspectivas de futuro de la enseñanza del francés en Aragón, realizado por quienes son sus protagonistas, profesionales que hacen de esta enseñanza oficio eficaz y vocación decidida. DICLEF (Discurso, Cultura, Lingüística y Enseñanza del Francés) es un grupo de investigación consolidado de la Universidad de Zaragoza, reconocido por el Gobierno de Aragón (H68), y conformado por J. Fidel Corcuera (IP), Chesús Bernal, Pedro Cuenca, Mónica Djian, Antonio Gaspar, Nieves Ibeas, José Ortiz y Javier Vicente

    Acumulación estacional de una deshidrina de 47-kDa en hojas y cambios en su actividad crioprotectora en Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb.) Blume

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    Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb.) Blume is an evergreen tree, pioneer in habitats subject to unfavorable environmental conditionsas nighttime freezing temperatures and low water content. It inhabits zones characterized by cold Winter with freezingtemperature and Spring frosts reaching to -5ºC. Furthermore, it has the capacity to maintain a functional photosyntheticapparatus at low temperatures. We postulated that N. dombeyi is capable to accumulate dehydrins in leaves in response tocold. Seasonal variation in dehydrins, soluble total proteins, and cryoprotective activity in vitro of protein extracts of N.dombeyi leaves were analyzed during the years 2004 and 2005. A dehydrin-like protein of 47-kDa was immunologicallyidentified; this protein was present only in Winter and Spring. The highest accumulation of this protein and the maximalin vitro cryoprotective activity was found during Spring. The leaf total protein extract of this season preserved the 100%of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) enzyme activity after 5 freeze/thaw cycles in liquid nitrogen adding 10 ?g/ml of totalproteins extract. The soluble protein concentration increased from 1.8 mg/g in Summer to 4.8 mg/g in Fall on base offresh weight, and declined through Winter and Spring. The 47-kDa dehydrin may be related to cold hardiness of leaftissue in overwintering N. dombeyi. We conclude that cell dehydration caused by freezing is the main factor involved inthe triggering of 47-kDa dehydrin accumulation in leaves of N. dombeyi. The accumulation of reactive oxygen species(ROS) by oxidative stress product of high irradiance and frosts during Spring, and their role in the triggering of the 47-kDadehydrin accumulation in leaves of N. dombeyi is discussed.Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb.) Blume es un árbol siempreverde, pionero en sitios con condiciones ambientales desfavorablescomo baja temperatura nocturna y baja disponibilidad hídrica. Habita en zonas caracterizadas por inviernos fríos contemperaturas congelantes y heladas de primavera que pueden llegar a los -5ºC. Además tiene la capacidad de mantenersu aparato fotosintético funcional en condiciones de baja temperatura. Postulamos que N. dombeyi es capaz de acumulardeshidrinas en sus hojas en respuesta a baja temperatura. Se analizó la variación estacional de deshidrinas, proteínas solublestotales y la actividad crioprotectora in vitro de extractos proteicos de hojas de N. dombeyi durante los años 2004 y 2005. Unaproteína con características de deshidrina de 47 kDa de peso molecular fue identificada inmunológicamente en hojas, la queestuvo presente sólo en invierno y primavera. La mayor acumulación de esta proteína en las hoja y la máxima crioprotecciónin vitro fue encontrada durante la estación de primavera. El extracto total de proteínas de esta estación conservó el 100% dela actividad de la enzima lactato deshidrogenasa (LDH) después de 5 ciclos de congelamiento/descongelamiento en nitrógenolíquido agregando 10 ?g/ml de extracto total de proteínas. La concentración de proteínas solubles totales aumentó de 1,8 mgpor gramo de peso fresco en verano a 4,8 mg en otoño, y disminuyó durante el invierno y la primavera. La deshidrina de 47kDa podría estar relacionada al endurecimiento por frío del tejido foliar en individuos de N. dombeyi durante el invierno,aumentando su resistencia al congelamiento. Concluimos que la deshidratación celular producida por congelamiento sería elprincipal factor en estimular la acumulación de esta deshidrina de 47kDa en hojas de N. dombeyi. La acumulación de especiesreactivas de oxígeno (ROS) por estrés oxidativo producto de la alta irradiancia y heladas durante la primavera y su papel en elgatillamiento de la acumulación de esta deshidrina de 47 kDa en las hojas es discutida

    García Bascuñana, Juan F. (coord.). Diccionario de historia de la enseñanza del francés en España (siglos XVI - XX) (DHEFE).

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    Le Laboratoire HIFRES (Groupe de recherche sur l’Histoire de la présence et de l’enseignement du Français en Espagne), dirigé par le Professeur Juan F. García Bascuñana, a mis à la disposition des chercheurs un ouvrage important, accessible en ligne : le Diccionario de historia de la enseñanza del francés en España (siglos XVI-XX). L’historiographie de l’enseignement de la langue française en Espagne compte désormais sur un outil de travail particulièrement riche et rigoureux qui met à la por..

    Impact of Alternative Thermal and Non-Thermal Processing on the Enzymatic Activity of Papaya and Strawberry Nectars and Their Blends

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    Pectin methylesterase (PME) in papaya nectar results in undesirable gel formation and peroxidase (POD) in strawberry nectar leads to nutrient loss, browning, and off-flavor production. Because of this, the effect of alternative processing techniques including ultra high temperature (UHT, 20-135°C, 1-3 s), high pressure processing (HPP, 20 or 60°C, 200-600 MPa) and irradiation (0-10 kGy) on PME and POD activity in papaya and strawberry nectar and their respective blends were compared to traditional thermal processing (80-130°C, 0-10 min). Traditional thermal (110°C, 5 min, 71.5% reduction) and UHT (110°C, 1-3 s, 98.0% reduction) processing were able to sufficiently reduce PME activity and prevent gel formation in papaya nectar. PME reduction was enhanced by synergistic reductions in nectar blends after UHT at 80°C. HPP was unable to prevent gel formation in papaya nectar, with enhanced activity at 400 MPa. Exposure of a blend 50P:50S to 10 kGy irradiation prevented gel formation. UHT enhanced POD activity at 110°C and synergistic reductions resulted for POD activity in nectar blends after irradiation. These findings highlight the benefits of alternative processing in reducing enzyme activity in fruit nectars and nectar blends

    Marc Viémon, L’apprentissage de la prononciation française par les Espagnols aux XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles.

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    Le 26 février 2016, à l’Université de Séville, a eu lieu la soutenance de la Thèse de Doctorat de Marc Viémon sur le thème L’apprentissage de la prononciation française par les Espagnols aux XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, réalisée sous la direction de M. Bruña Cuevas, dont la mention a été Sobresaliente « cum laude ». Les lignes qui suivent veulent rendre compte du grand intérêt de cet important travail de recherche. En 1956, Gonzalo Suárez Gómez fait figure de précurseur lorsqu’il présente s..

    Seasonal induction of cluster roots in Embothrium coccineum J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. in the field: factors that regulate their development

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    Embothrium coccineum J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. (Proteaceae) is a tree that grows successfully in nutrient poor soils of southern Chile at full sunlight. Under these conditions it develops cluster roots (CR). However, the induction of CR on this species has not been studied completely. The aim of this work was to study the effect of seasonality, soil and weeds in the development of CR in E. coccineum . The present study was performed in Los Lagos Region (41º72’ S lat), Chile. Plants of E. coccineum were grown in sandy soils in presence or absence of weeds, using two concentrations of organic matter. The number of CR per plant, CR mass and P concentration in leaves was measured during the four seasons in E. coccineum plants. The CR development in the soil with high organic matter concentration and without weeds was observed in autumn, spring and summer, and in the soil with low organic matter concentration was observed in autumn, winter and spring. Not found related of this result with the foliar P concentration in E. coccineum. The results suggest a strong seasonal and weeds effect on CR development in E. coccineum under field conditions

    Intraspecific Variation in Pinus Pinaster PSII Photochemical Efficiency in Response to Winter Stress and Freezing Temperatures

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    As part of a program to select maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) genotypes for resistance to low winter temperatures, we examined variation in photosystem II activity by chlorophyll fluorescence. Populations and families within populations from contrasting climates were tested during two consecutive winters through two progeny trials, one located at a continental and xeric site and one at a mesic site with Atlantic influence. We also obtained the LT50, or the temperature that causes 50% damage, by controlled freezing and the subsequent analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence in needles and stems that were collected from populations at the continental trial site

    Les pionniers du FLE en Espagne. De Sotomayor (1565) à Jaron (1688)

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    L’Espagne de l’époque impériale est une mosaïque linguistique : plusieurs langues d’origine latine, dont le castillan, le catalan, l’aragonais ou le galicien, coexistent avec le basque et l’arabe. L’incorporation du « Nouveau Monde » à la couronne augmente les préoccupations linguistiques institutionnelles. À partir de 1492, il faut apprendre les langues des peuples amérindiens pour des raisons militaires, religieuses ou économiques. Dans le contexte européen, l’empire espagnol et la France sont deux puissances rivales qui se disputent la suprématie mondiale. Dans cette ambiance si peu propice aux échanges culturels, les manuels de français publiés en Espagne constituent, en général, des aventures individuelles exceptionnelles. Notre contribution rend compte de cette période historique et analyse les œuvres et les auteurs qui ont été pionniers de l’enseignement du français en Espagne.The Spain of the imperial era is a linguistic mosaic. Several Romance languages, such as the Spanish, Catalan, Aragonese or Galician, coexist with the Basque and Arabic. The incorporation of the “New World” into the Crown increases institutional linguistic concerns. From 1492, it’s necessary to learn the languages of Native Americans for military, religious or economic reasons. In the European context, the Spanish empire and France are two rival powers competing for world supremacy. In this scenario so unpropitious for cultural exchange, the French textbooks published in Spain are generally exceptional individual adventures. Our contribution reflects this historical period and analyses the books and authors who have pioneered the teaching of French in Spain

    Critical Theory and the Loneliness of the Tax Prof

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    This essay, prepared for a symposium on critical theory and tax law, has two goals: to suggest why feminist theory and critical race theory are spreading in taxation and to discuss some dangers of that criticism. The author evaluates three examples of the new criticism: an article on critical race theory by Professors Moran and Whitford; an article on feminist statutory interpretation by Professor Handelman; and a book, Taxing Women, by Professor McCaffery