25 research outputs found

    (Paleo)circulation models in the Alboran seas during the Pliocene and Quaternary

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    A multiple Contourite Depositional System has been defined in the Plio-Quaternary sedimentary register in the Alboran Sea. This multiple system formed by the Atlantic and the low density and high density Mediterranean Waters, which shaped the margins and basins since the opening of the Gibraltar Strait. Three different (paleo)circulation scenarios are proposed since then: the Atlantic water Flooding;the Pliocene circulation, characterized by immature low and high density Mediterranean waters and a strong countercurrent in the Western Basin; and the Quaternary circulation, characterized by tabular Mediterranean water masses with multiple current dynamics,an increasing influence of density contrasts, and climate shifts causing major vertical and horizontal displacements of their interfaces.VersiĂłn del edito

    Water mass footprints in uneven turbidite system development in the Alboran Sea

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    Multidisciplinary work between oceanography, geomorphology and sedimentology has uncovered evidence explaining the uneven development of the turbidite systems (TSs) in the Alboran Sea. Nine TSs have been mapped in the Spanish margin, ranging from sandy to mixed sand-mud fans, and which become sandier towards the Strait of Gibraltar; in contrast TSs do not develop in the Moroccan margin, where three canyons incise the continental slope but there is no TS formation. We interpret that the uneven development of TSs in the two margins and their variable architectures are conditioned by the interaction of alongslope with downslope processes. Two different interaction scenarios with varying intensities are proposed.VersiĂłn del edito

    Primeras evidencias de un gran canal contornítico generado por la Masa de Agua Mediterránea tras su salida por el Estrecho de Gibraltar

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    Francisco J. Hernández-Molina ...et al. -- 4 páginas, 3 figuras. -- VIII Congreso Geológico de España, Oviedo.[EN] An extensive terrace comprising sandy sheeted drifts characterises the proximal sector (close to the Straits of Gibraltar) of the Contourite Depositional System (CDS) of the Gulf of Cadiz and the western continental margin of Portugal. A novel morphosedimentary study over this terrace has been executed based on new multibeam echosounder data, seismic profiles, and surficial sediments samples collected during the CONTOURIBER-1 Cruise (2010). Based on that study, an impressive large channel laterally connected with the central part of the Strait of Gibraltar (Camarinal Sill) has been identified. It is associated southwestward with a huge contourite levee (sand bank), which has been generated by overflow processes related to the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW). In the middle to the distal part of the terrace, there are other minor channels, erosional scour alignments and depositional features. The mapping of all these features coupled with CTD data allows to further understand the pathway and deceleration of the MOW, in addition to aid the conceptual identification of contourite terrace.[ES] El sector proximal del Sistema Deposicional Contornítico (SDC) del Golfo de Cádiz y oeste de Portugal se caracteriza por una extensa terraza contornítica en la que se desarrollan drifts laminares arenosos. Sobre esta terraza se ha realizado un novedoso estudio morfosedimentario en base a datos batimétricos de ecosonda multihaz, registros sísmicos y muestras superficiales, adquiridos en la campaña oceanográfica CONTOURIBER-1 (2010). Se ha identificado un extenso canal sobre dicha terraza conectado lateralmente con la parte central del Estrecho de Gibraltar (Umbral de Camarinal) y bordeado por el SO por un dique (levee) contornítico (banco arenoso). La génesis del canal se relaciona con el desbordamiento sucesivo de la Masa de Agua Mediterránea de Salida (MOW) en el Golfo de Cádiz. En la parte media y distal de la terraza contornítica existen canales menores, surcos erosivos y rasgos deposicionales, cuya cartografía, junto al análisis de datos de CTD, permite entender mejor la circulación y deceleración de la MOW, así como la caracterización conceptual de las terrazas contorníticas.This research is supported through the project CTM 2008-06399-C04/MAR (CONTOURIBER) and CTM2009-14157- C02.Peer reviewe

    Primeras evidencias de un gran canal contornítico generado por la Masa de Agua Mediterránea tras su salida por el Estrecho de Gibraltar

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    Hernández-Molina, Francisco J. ... et. al.-- VIII Congreso Geológico de España, 17-19 de julio de 2012, OviedoPeer Reviewe

    (Paleo)circulation models in the Alboran seas during the Pliocene and Quaternary

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    2nd Deep-Water Circulation Congress: The Contourite Log-book, 10-12 September 2014, Ghent, Belgium.-- Juan, Carmen ... et. al.Peer Reviewe

    (Paleo)circulation models in the Alboran seas during the Pliocene and Quaternary

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    2nd Deep-Water Circulation Congress: The Contourite Log-book, 10-12 September 2014, Ghent, Belgium.-- Juan, Carmen ... et. al.-- 2 pages, 2 figuresA multiple Contourite Depositional System has been defined in the Plio-Quaternary sedimentary register in the Alboran Sea. This multiple system formed by the Atlantic and the low density and high density Mediterranean Waters, which shaped the margins and basins since the opening of the Gibraltar Strait. Three different (paleo)circulation scenarios are proposed since then: the Atlantic water Flooding;the Pliocene circulation, characterized by immature low and high density Mediterranean waters and a strong countercurrent in the Western Basin; and the Quaternary circulation, characterized by tabular Mediterranean water masses with multiple current dynamics,an increasing influence of density contrasts, and climate shifts causing major vertical and horizontal displacements of their interfacesCTM 2008-06399-C04; CTM2009-14157-C02-02; CTM 2012-39599-C03-02; IGCP 619; INQUA 1204; Actions Marges; EUROFLEETS FP7/07-13, n228344Peer Reviewe

    Submarine canyons and related features in the Alboran Sea: continental margins and major isolated reliefs

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    Vázquez, J. T. ... et al.-- Submarine Canyon Dynamics in the Mediterranean and Tributary Seas - An integrated geological, oceanographic and biological perspective, 15-18 April 2015, Sorrento, Italy.-- 14 pages, 5 figures.-- This is a contribution of the Continental Margins Research Group (CMRG- 2009SGR1071, Generalitat de Catalunya), Geosciences Marine Research Group (GEMAR - lEO) and Littoral and Marine Geophysical and Geological Research Group (RNM 0328, PAIDI)The analysis of a data set of multibeam bathymetry plus high resolution seismic and parametric profiles allow us to characterize the geomorphologic units on the Alboran Sea-floor as well as the evolution of morpho-sedimentary systems along the Pliocene and Quaternary, later than the main erosive Messinian event. Since the opening of the Gibraltar Straits, the sedimentary evolution of this basin has been controlled by the interchange of water masses between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Basin physiography is also a consequence of the Pliocene-Quaternary compression which has progressively uplifted the sourrounding reliefs and deforms the interior and the margins of the basin. On this scenario, several submarine canyons and gullies have been developed in this basin which traverse especially the northern margin and the flanks of the Northern Alboran Ridge, without affecting the African margins. This fact must be related to the action of bottom contour currents which constitute the main morpho-sedimentary process. The influence of water masses distributed the sedimentary input carried by rivers and coming from the erosion of surrounding ranges. In the southern margin of this basin this influence is stronger and inhibits the development of transversal submarine canyonsFunding for this research was provided by the following projects: CONTOURIBER, MONTERA, TOPOMED, MOWER, and VIA TARPeer Reviewe

    Water mass footprints in uneven turbidite system development in the Alboran Sea

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    2nd Deep-Water Circulation Congress: The Contourite Log-book, 10-12 September 2014, Ghent, Belgium.-- Ercilla, Gemma ... et. al.-- 2 pages, 1 figureMultidisciplinary work between oceanography, geomorphology and sedimentology has uncovered evidence explaining the uneven development of the turbidite systems (TSs) in the Alboran Sea. Nine TSs have been mapped in the Spanish margin, ranging from sandy to mixed sand-mud fans, and which become sandier towards the Strait of Gibraltar; in contrast TSs do not develop in the Moroccan margin, where three canyons incise the continental slope but there is no TS formation. We interpret that the uneven development of TSs in the two margins and their variable architectures are conditioned by the interaction of alongslope with downslope processes. Two different interaction scenarios with varying intensities are proposedThis work is in the framework of the MOWER (CTM2012-39599-C03-02), MONTERA (CTM2009-14157-C02-02), projects and Action Marges ProgramPeer Reviewe

    The Plio-Quaternary stratigraphy in the Eastern Alboran Sea

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    Juan, Carmen ... et. al.-- 86° Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana, 18-20 Settembre 2012, Arcavacata di RendePeer reviewe

    Recent contourites in the Alboran Sea

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    Ercilla, Gemma ... et. al.-- 86° Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana, 18-20 Settembre 2012, Arcavacata di RendePeer reviewe