264 research outputs found

    Organic Residues Analysis: The Case of a Beaker Found in Theban Necropolis, Egypt

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    Amorphous organic residues collected from a ceramic vessel from a tomb excavated in the Theban Necropolis (Egypt) were chemically investigated by an analytical procedure based on gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Little is known about Egyptian ceramic vessels, thus retrieving valuable information on the use of ceramics from the chemical analyses of organic residues was a key aspect of this work. The results showed that the vessel was used in connection with a number of substances such as beeswax, fat/oil and Pinaceae resin. This enabled us to draw hypotheses on the possible function of artefact in connection with mummification practices

    An integrated approach to the study of Ri de pomme, a painting by Julian Schnabel

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    The painting Ri de Pomme (1988) by American artist Julian Schnabel was recently subjected to an extensive and disputed restoration with polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) paints. To characterize and locate on the painting the materials used in the original and in the repainted areas, we employed several spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques. Fibre Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy (FORS), Micro-Raman, Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (Py- GC/MS) and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) were used. The original and restoration paint layers were differentiated by a preliminary FORS survey. The pigments were studied with Micro-Raman and the oil binder was characterized by GC/MS. Moreover, the support of the painting, a weathered tarpaulin, was characterized by Py-GC/MS

    Development and Optimisation of an HPLC-DAD-ESI-QToF Method for the Determination of Phenolic Acids and Derivatives

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    A method for the HPLC-MS/MS analysis of phenols, including phenolic acids and naphtoquinones, using an amide embedded phase column was developed and compared to the literature methods based on classical C18 stationary phase columns. RP-Amide is a recently developed polar embedded stationary phase, whose wetting properties mean that up to 100% water can be used as an eluent. The increased retention and selectivity for polar compounds and the possibility of working in 100% water conditions make this column particularly interesting for the HPLC analysis of phenolic acids and derivatives. In this study, the chromatographic separation was optimised on an HPLC-DAD, and was used to separate 13 standard phenolic acids and derivatives. The method was validated on an HPLC-ESI-Q-ToF. The acquisition was performed in negative polarity and MS/MS target mode. Ionisation conditions and acquisition parameters for the Q-ToF detector were investigated by working on collision energies and fragmentor potentials. The performance of the method was fully evaluated on standards. Moreover, several raw materials containing phenols were analysed: walnut, gall, wine, malbec grape, French oak, red henna and propolis. Our method allowed us to characterize the phenolic composition in a wide range of matrices and to highlight possible matrix effects

    Timing in Analytical Pyrolysis: Py(HMDS)-GC/MS of Glucose and Cellulose Using Online Micro Reaction Sampler

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    A novel analytical approach based on pyrolysis-gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry of carbohydrates with in situ silylation using hexamethyldisilazane is presented in this work for the first time. A micro reaction sampler was used to simultaneously achieve the pyrolyis reaction and facilitate the derivatization of pyrolysis products, by enabling the materials to react with the derivatizing agent in a sealed capsule at high temperature and pressure for long periods of time. This drastically increased the complete silylation of the pyrolysis products and the chromatographic resolution, resulting in less complex pyrograms and increased sensitivity toward the most stable compounds. Different results were obtained for glucose and cellulose in terms of predominant pyrolytic pathways. The formation of anhydrosugars was the preferential pyrolytic reaction for glucose, while the formation of cyclopentenones and small molecules was predominant for the pyrolysis of cellulose. Steric hindrance effects of polysaccharide chains on the efficiency of the derivatizing agent were hypothesized in order to explain the different results. A good reproducibility was found, with relative standard deviations not greater than 10%. Semiquantitative calculations showed that the partial silylation of anhydrosugars was almost completely overcome after 10 min of reactive pyrolysis. This work discloses a powerful and potentially widely applicable analytical method for the investigations of organic materials under controlled pyrolytic conditions, with the advantage of increasing the effectiveness of in situ derivatization

    New markers of natural and anthropogenic chemical alteration of archaeological lignin revealed by in situ pyrolysis/silylation-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

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    Analytical pyrolysis coupled with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry with in situ silylation using hexamethyldisilazane (Py(HMDS)-GC/MS) was used to investigate the chemical alteration patterns of a set of archaeological waterlogged oak and silver fir woods. The samples were collected from five piles removed from stilt houses found in a Neolithic village (Bracciano lake, Rome, Italy) and from various parts of the roof of a Roman house (Herculaneum, Italy).We discuss on how the molecular information provided by Py(HMDS)-GC/MS revealed the causes and effects of natural and anthropogenic alteration and degradation of lignin, and how the adoption of silylation reactions lead to the detection of very informative pyrolysis products. Very particular pyrolytic patterns were obtained for the archaeological samples investigated, which were mainly characterised by the presence of oxidised compounds such as vanillin, acetovanillone, vanillic acid, syringaldehyde, acetosyringone, and syringic acid.We also report the first ever identification of the methyl esters of vanillic and syringic acids in their silylated form using this method. The results are consistent with heating processes undergone by archaeological wood due to natural or anthropogenic causes: the wooden roof from Herculaneum was naturally exposed to high temperatures during the eruption of Vesuvius, and the wood piles may have been artificially heated by people in the Neolithic Age to enhance the waterproof properties of wood.Due to the importance of identifying lignin pyrolysis products, the identification and mass spectra of sixty lignin pyrolysis products in their silylated form are also presented

    Thermal degradation chemistry of archaeological pine pitch containing beeswax as an additive

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    Thermo analytical techniques and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) were used to evaluate the presence of chemical-physical interactions between pine pitch and beeswax used as additive The mixtures found in several archaeological objects demonstrate that by modifying the physical and chemical properties of pitch and tar, our ancestors were able to add a variety of organic materials, such as waxes or animal fats.Westudied pine pitch replicas from Pinus sylvestris prepared following a test from the field of experimental archaeology. Varying proportions of beeswax were added and then the resulting pitches were studied by a multi-analytical approach comprising the use of thermo analytical techniques (DSC, TG and TG-FTIR) and GC/MS, which provides molecular information. The same approach was also used to study a mixture of pitch from Pinus sylvestris L. and beeswax ("Zopissa"), whose relative proportions were unknown, and two archaeological adhesives collected from glass opus sectile fragments found in the northern necropolis of Antinoopolis (Egypt, 4th-5th century AD). Our thermo-analytical techniques managed to determine the relative proportion of pine pitch and additives, such as beeswax, in unknown archeological mixtures, and to evaluate the presence of interactions between pitch and additive

    Analytical Instrumental Techniques to Study Archaeological Wood Degradation

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    Historically, a very large variety of everyday artifacts were made of wood, which makes them representative of their historical period or social context and valuable for archaeologists and historians. In order to preserve degraded wood and to develop and apply suitable conservation treatments, chemical and physical characterization of archaeological wood is needed. This review provides the reader with a survey on state-of-the-art of instrumental analytical tools available to understand the morphology and the chemical composition of archaeological wood. The focus is on microscopic and spectroscopic techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and analytical techniques based on pyrolysis, such as direct exposure-mass spectrometry (DE-MS), pyrolysis-mass spectrometry (Py-MS), pyrolysis-gas chromtography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS), with emphasis on their respective potentialities and limitations. The advantages of techniques based on synchrotron radiation are also discussed. In addition, the applicability of each examined technique is illustrated and discussed through specific examples from the literature

    Analytical Pyrolysis and Mass Spectrometry to Characterise Lignin in Archaeological Wood

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    This review describes the capability of analytical pyrolysis-based techniques to provide data on lignin composition and on the chemical alteration undergone by lignin in archaeological wooden objects. Applications of Direct Exposure Mass Spectrometry (DE-MS), Evolved Gas Analysis Mass Spectrometry (EGA-MS), and single and double-shot Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) in archaeological lignin characterisation are described. With comparison to cellulose and hemicelluloses, lignin is generally less prone to most degradation processes affecting archaeological artefacts in burial environments, especially waterlogged ones, which are the most favourable for wood preservation. Nevertheless, lignin also undergoes significant chemical changes. As wood from waterlogged environments is mainly composed of lignin, knowledge of its chemical structure and degradation pathways is fundamental for choosing preventive conservation conditions and for optimising consolidation methods and materials, which directly interact with the residual lignin. Analytical pyrolysis coupled with mass spectrometry, used in several complementary operational modes, can gather information regarding the chemical modifications and the state of preservation of lignin, especially concerning oxidation and depolymerisation phenomena. Several applications to the analysis of wood from archaeological artefacts affected by different conservation problems are presented to showcase the potential of analytical pyrolysis in various scenarios that can be encountered when investigating archaeological waterlogged wood

    Model study of modern oil-based paint media by triacylglycerols profiling in positive and negative ionization modes

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    Lipid binders have traditionally been determined in paintings by using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) to identify the characteristic profiles and ratios of fatty acids . However, the presence of mixtures in contemporary and modern oil paints makes the GC/MS determination of fatty acids insufficient to fully characterize the lipid binding media. In this study we prove that triacylglycerol (TAG) profiling by high-performance liquid chromatography with high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry, using ESI in positive and negative ionization modes is highly effective. We exploited this analytical approach to study the curing and degradation processes undergone by six plant oils used in the formulation of media in modern paints, using both natural and artificial ageing experiments. We believe that is the first time that a negative ionization mode has been applied for this purpose and that a survey with HPLC-ESI-Q-ToF has been carried out to study the ageing kinetics of plant oils. TAG profiling enabled us to study the evolution over time of the constituents of modern oils, with respect to curing and ageing. The data analyzed in this study demonstrate that our approach is efficient to study the oxidation of TAGs during ageing. The data also improve current knowledge on the properties of vegetable oils, which could lead to the development of new paint materials and conservation treatments for modern and contemporary works of art
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