48 research outputs found

    <i>Vibrio coralliilyticus</i> sp. nov., a temperature-dependent pathogen of the coral <i>Pocillopora damicornis</i>

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    Vibrio sp. YB1T (=ATCC BAA-450T =LMG 20984T), the aetiological agent of tissue lysis of the coral Pocillopora damicornis, was characterized as a novel Vibrio species on the basis of 16S rDNA sequence, DNA-DNA hybridization data (G+C content is 45·6 mol%), AFLP and GTG5-PCR genomic fingerprinting patterns and phenotypic properties, including the cellular fatty acid profile. The predominant fatty acids were 16 : 0 and 18 : 1?7c. The name Vibrio coralliilyticus sp. nov. is proposed for the novel coral-pathogenic species. In addition to strain YB1T, which was isolated from the Indian Ocean, five additional strains of V. coralliilyticus have been isolated, three from diseased P. damicornis in the Red Sea, one from diseased oyster larvae (Kent, UK) and one from bivalve larvae (Brazil). The six V. coralliilyticus strains showed high genotypic and phenotypic similarities and all were pathogenic to P. damicornis. The closest phylogenetic neighbours to V. coralliilyticus are Vibrio tubiashii, Vibrio nereis and Vibrio shilonii</i

    On gravitational interactions for massive higher spins in AdS3AdS_3

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    In this paper we investigate gravitational interactions of massive higher spin fields in three dimensional AdSAdS space with arbitrary value of cosmological constant including flat Minkowski space. We use frame-like gauge description for such massive fields adopted to three-dimensional case. At first, we carefully analyze the procedure of switching on gravitational interactions in the linear approximation on the example of massive spin-3 field and then proceed with the generalization to the case of arbitrary integer spin field. As a result we construct a cubic interaction vertex linear in spin-2 field and quadratic in higher spin field on AdS3AdS_3 background. As in the massless case the vertex does not contain any higher derivative corrections to the Lagrangian and/or gauge transformations. Thus, even after switching on gravitational interactions, one can freely consider any massless or partially massless limits as well as the flat one.Comment: 21 pages. Some clarifications and 1 new reference added. Version to appear in the J.Phys.A special volume on "Higher Spin Theories and AdS/CFT" edited by Matthias Gaberdiel and Mikhail Vasilie

    Propagating modes of non-Abelian tensor gauge field of second rank

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    In the recently proposed extension of the YM theory, non-Abelian tensor gauge field of the second rank is represented by a general tensor whose symmetric part describes the propagation of charged gauge boson of helicity two and its antisymmetric part - the helicity zero charged gauge boson. On the non-interacting level these polarizations are similar to the polarizations of the graviton and of the Abelian antisymmetric B field, but the interaction of these gauge bosons carrying non-commutative internal charges cannot be directly identified with the interaction of gravitons or B field. Our intention here is to illustrate this result from different perspectives which would include Bianchi identity for the corresponding field strength tensor and the analysis of the second-order partial differential equation which describes in this theory the propagation of non-Abelian tensor gauge field of the second rank.Comment: 22 pages, Latex fil

    A note on spin-s duality

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    Duality is investigated for higher spin (s≥2s \geq 2), free, massless, bosonic gauge fields. We show how the dual formulations can be derived from a common "parent", first-order action. This goes beyond most of the previous treatments where higher-spin duality was investigated at the level of the equations of motion only. In D=4 spacetime dimensions, the dual theories turn out to be described by the same Pauli-Fierz (s=2) or Fronsdal (s≥3s \geq 3) action (as it is the case for spin 1). In the particular s=2 D=5 case, the Pauli-Fierz action and the Curtright action are shown to be related through duality. A crucial ingredient of the analysis is given by the first-order, gauge-like, reformulation of higher spin theories due to Vasiliev.Comment: Minor corrections, reference adde

    On Higher Order Gravities, Their Analogy to GR, and Dimensional Dependent Version of Duff's Trace Anomaly Relation

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    An almost brief, though lengthy, review introduction about the long history of higher order gravities and their applications, as employed in the literature, is provided. We review the analogous procedure between higher order gravities and GR, as described in our previous works, in order to highlight its important achievements. Amongst which are presentation of an easy classification of higher order Lagrangians and its employment as a \emph{criteria} in order to distinguish correct metric theories of gravity. For example, it does not permit the inclusion of only one of the second order Lagrangians in \emph{isolation}. But, it does allow the inclusion of the cosmological term. We also discuss on the compatibility of our procedure and the Mach idea. We derive a dimensional dependent version of Duff's trace anomaly relation, which in \emph{four}-dimension is the same as the usual Duff relation. The Lanczos Lagrangian satisfies this new constraint in \emph{any} dimension. The square of the Weyl tensor identically satisfies it independent of dimension, however, this Lagrangian satisfies the previous relation only in three and four dimensions.Comment: 30 pages, added reference

    Holography, Unfolding and Higher-Spin Theory

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    Holographic duality is argued to relate classes of models that have equivalent unfolded formulation, hence exhibiting different space-time visualizations for the same theory. This general phenomenon is illustrated by the AdS4AdS_4 higher-spin gauge theory shown to be dual to the theory of 3d conformal currents of all spins interacting with 3d conformal higher-spin fields of Chern-Simons type. Generally, the resulting 3d boundary conformal theory is nonlinear, providing an interacting version of the 3d boundary sigma model conjectured by Klebanov and Polyakov to be dual to the AdS4AdS_4 HS theory in the large NN limit. Being a gauge theory it escapes the conditions of the theorem of Maldacena and Zhiboedov, which force a 3d boundary conformal theory to be free. Two reductions of particular higher-spin gauge theories where boundary higher-spin gauge fields decouple from the currents and which have free boundary duals are identified. Higher-spin holographic duality is also discussed for the cases of AdS3/CFT2AdS_3/CFT_2 and duality between higher-spin theories and nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. In the latter case it is shown in particular that (dSdS) AdSAdS geometry in the higher-spin setup is dual to the (inverted) harmonic potential in the quantum-mechanical setup.Comment: 57 pages, V2: Acknowledgements, references, comments, clarifications and new section on reductions of particular HS theories associated with free boundary theories are added. Typos corrected, V3. Minor corrections: clarification in section 9 is added and typos correcte

    Notes on the ambient approach to boundary values of AdS gauge fields

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    The ambient space of dimension d+2 allows to formulate both fields on AdS(d+1) and conformal fields in d dimensions such that the symmetry algebra o(d,2) is realized linearly. We elaborate an ambient approach to the boundary analysis of gauge fields on anti de Sitter spacetime. More technically, we use its parent extension where fields are still defined on AdS or conformal space through arbitrary intrinsic coordinates while the ambient construction works in the target space. In this way, a manifestly local and o(d,2)-covariant formulation of the boundary behaviour of massless symmetric tensor gauge fields on AdS(d+1) spacetime is obtained. As a byproduct, we identify some useful ambient formulation for Fronsdal fields, conformal currents and shadow fields along with a concise generating-function formulation of the Fradkin-Tseytlin conformal fields somewhat similar to the one obtained by Metsaev. We also show how this approach extends to more general gauge theories and discuss its relation to the unfolded derivation of the boundary dynamics recently proposed by Vasiliev.Comment: Slightly expanded version of the invited contribution to the J.Phys.A special volume on "Higher Spin Theories and AdS/CFT" edited by Matthias Gaberdiel and Mikhail Vasiliev; version 2: addition of 2 references, some comparisons with the standard AdS/CFT framework and comments on the scalar singleton cas

    Collective Dipole Model of AdS/CFT and Higher Spin Gravity

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    We formulate a first quantized construction of the AdS_{d+1}/CFT_d correspondence using the bi-local representation of the free d-dimensional large N vector model. The earlier reconstruction of AdS_4 higher-spin gravity provides a scheme where the AdS spacetime (and higher-spin fields) are given by the composite bi-local fields. The underlying first quantized, world-sheet picture is extracted in the present work and generalized to any dimension. A higher-spin AdS particle model is shown to emerge from the collective bi-particle system of Minkowski particles through a canonical transformation. As such this construction provides a simple explicit mechanism of the AdS/CFT correspondence.Comment: 16 pages, no figures; v2: references added; v3: minor change

    De Kinderrugschool

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