3 research outputs found

    A short-term sublethal in situ sediment assay with Chironomus riparius based on postexposure feeding

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    A short-term, sublethal, and cost-effective in situ sediment toxicity assay for routine assessments with the midge Chironomus riparius Meigen, based on postexposure feeding, was developed and evaluated. An inexpensive and easy-to-use assay chamber was designed. A sediment toxicity assay was successfully performed at a lentic system impacted by acid mine drainage, at sites with different types of sediment. It consisted of a 48-h exposure period followed by a 1-h postexposure feeding during which the larvae were fed on Artemia franciscana nauplii. Methodologies for feeding quantification of fourth-instar larvae (10-d old) were first developed and optimized under laboratory conditions. A. franciscana nauplii were shown to be more suited than fish flake food for postexposure feeding quantification, allowing higher precision and cost-effectiveness. It also required a shorter postexposure feeding period, thus minimizing the chances for an eventual organism physiological recovery from toxicant exposure. The influence of several environmental conditions during exposure on postexposure feeding was also evaluated: temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, hardness, substrate, humic acids, light, and food availability. Only temperature was found to significantly influence postexposure feeding rates; exposure at 5 degrees C led to reduced feeding activity compared to 30 degrees C. Recovery rates of 87% were obtained after the 48-h field exposure at all sites (except site R2). A statistically significant postexposure feeding depression was observed at the three sites impacted by acid mine drainage. Therefore, the proposed short-term in situ assay is a potentially useful tool to assess sediment sublethal toxicity on a routine basis.EC/TARGET project - EVK1-1999-00018FCT/PIN project - POCTI/CEC/34891/9

    Environmental effects of anticholinesterasic therapeutic drugs on a crustacean species, Daphnia magna

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    The presence of pharmaceutical drugs in the environment is an important field of toxicology, since such residues can cause deleterious effects on exposed biota. This study assessed the ecotoxicological acute and chronic effects of two anticholinesterasic drugs, neostigmine and pyridostigmine in Daphnia magna. Our study calculated 48 h-EC50 values for the immobilization assay of 167.7 μg L(-1) for neostigmine and 91.3 μg L(-1) for pyridostigmine. In terms of feeding behavior, we calculated a 5 h-EC50 for filtration rates of 7.1 and 0.2 μg L(-1) for neostigmine and pyridostigmine, respectively; for the ingestion rates, the calculated EC50 values were, respectively, 7.5 and 0.2 μg L(-1) for neostigmine and pyridostigmine. In the reproduction assay, the most affected parameter was the somatic growth rate (LOECs of 21.0 and 2.9 μg L(-1) for neostigmine and pyridostigmine, respectively), followed by the fecundity (LOECs of 41.9 and 11.4 μg L(-1) for neostigmine and pyridostigmine, respectively). We also determined a 48 h-IC50 for cholinesterase activity of 1.7 and 4.5 μg L(-1) for neostigmine and pyridostigmine, respectively. These results demonstrated that both compounds are potentially toxic for D. magna at concentrations in the order of the μg L(-1)