36 research outputs found
Helping young German professionals to join international development organizations: opportunities, shortcomings and reform needs
"German public servants are not appropriately represented in many international organizations. With these organizations increasingly using internal promotion to fill their management posts, the Federal German Government should do more to help young professionals and change from a reactive to a proactive, strategically oriented personnel policy for Germans in international organizations. At the same time, the general conditions for returning professionals should be improved. Germany has enough high-quality undergraduate and post-graduate courses and internships to prepare young professionals for work in the development field, but they are not sufficiently geared to occupational integration. Many young professionals fail to take adequate account in their career planning of the need, given the very limited number of permanent posts in international organizations, so to structure their training that they also have job prospects in other institutions at home and abroad. The training provided by secondary schools and universities should be backed by the early provision of careers guidance. In this, schools and universities should cooperate closely with the BĂŒro FĂŒhrungskrĂ€fte zu Internationalen Organisationen (Office for Managers in International Organizations â BFIO) of the Zentralstelle der Arbeitsvermittlung (Central Employment Agency â ZAV). The instruments of Germany's international personnel policy at middle, higher and top management levels should be complemented by an instrument to promote the advancement of young professionals that follows on directly from the programme of Beigeordnete SachverstĂ€ndige zu Internationalen Organisationen (Experts Assigned to International Organizations, or BS Programme, a Federal Government programme that assists young professionals). The BS Programme should be expanded. At the same time, Germans working in the United Nations (UN) agencies and European Union (EU) institutions should be linked more closely to Germany and familiarized with the German development agenda through the installation of counterpart structures in the relevant German government departments,
through even closer attention from the Permanent Representatives and through the promotion of the development of networks." (excerpt
Förderung deutscher NachwuchskrĂ€fte fĂŒr internationale entwicklungspolitische Organisationen: Chancen, Defizite und Reformbedarf
"Deutsche Bedienstete sind in vielen internationalen Organisationen nicht angemessen reprĂ€sentiert. Da diese Organisationen FĂŒhrungspositionen zunehmend durch internen Aufstieg besetzen, sollte die Bundesregierung die Nachwuchsförderung intensivieren und von einer reaktiven zu einer aktiven, strategisch ausgerichteten Personalpolitik fĂŒr Deutsche in internationalen Organisationen ĂŒbergehen. Ăberdies sollten die Rahmenbedingungen fĂŒr RĂŒckkehrer verbessert werden". (Autorenreferat
Guideline-adherence regarding critical time intervals in the German Chest Pain Unit registry
Background: Since 2008, the German Cardiac Society certified 256 Chest Pain Units (CPUs). Little is known about adherence to recommended performance measures in patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS) presenting to CPUs. We investigated guideline-adherence regarding critical time intervals and selected performance measures in German Chest Pain Units. Methods: From 2008 to 2014, 23,804 consecutive patients with suspected ACS were prospectively enrolled in the Chest Pain Unit registry of the German Cardiac Society. Results: Median time from symptom onset to first medical contact was 2 h in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and 4 h in patients with unstable angina and non-STEMI (NSTEMI). In patients with STEMI, median time from hospital admission to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) was 40 min and median time from first medical contact to PCI was 1 h 35 min. Primary PCI was performed in 94.7% of patients with STEMI, 70.0% of patients with NSTEMI and 37.4% of patients with unstable angina. PCI was performed during the first 24 h in 79.5% of patients with NSTEMI and the first 72 h in 89.0% of patients with unstable angina. Electrocardiograms were performed in 99.5% after a median of 6 min after admission and obtained within 10 min in 71%. Interestingly, 56.1% of patients were found to have non-ACS diagnoses, underlining the importance of access to additional diagnostic modalities including echocardiography, stress testing or computed tomography. Conclusions: Guideline-adherence regarding critical time intervals and primary PCI rates is good in German Chest Pain Units. More than half of patients admitted with suspected ACS had non-ACS diagnoses. Improvements in pre-hospital time delays through public awareness programmes are warranted
Determination of nutrient salts by automatic methods both in seawater and brackish water: the phosphate blank
9 pĂĄginas, 2 tablas, 2 figurasThe main inconvenience in determining nutrients in seawater by automatic methods is simply solved:
the preparation of a suitable blank which corrects the effect of the refractive index change on the recorded
signal. Two procedures are proposed, one physical (a simple equation to estimate the effect) and the other
chemical (removal of the dissolved phosphorus with ferric hydroxide).Support for this work came from CICYT (MAR88-0245 project) and
Conselleria de Pesca de la Xunta de GaliciaPeer reviewe
Frankreichs Entwicklungspolitik
SIGLEAvailable from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, Duesternbrook Weg 120, D-24105 Kiel C 142962 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman
Koordinierung der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit wichtiger OECD-Geberlaender
Available from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, Duesternbrook Weg 120, D-24105 Kiel B 246504 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman
Förderung deutscher NachwuchskrĂ€fte fĂŒr internationale entwicklungspolitische Organisationen: Chancen, Defizite und Reformbedarf
Deutsche Bedienstete sind in vielen internationalen Organisationen nicht angemessen reprĂ€sentiert. Da diese Organisationen FĂŒhrungspositionen zunehmend durch internen Aufstieg besetzen, sollte die Bundesregierung die Nachwuchsförderung intensivieren und von einer reaktiven zu einer aktiven, strategisch ausgerichteten Personalpolitik fĂŒr Deutsche in internationalen Organisationen ĂŒbergehen. Ăberdies sollten die Rahmenbedingungen fĂŒr RĂŒckkehrer verbessert werden. Es gibt in Deutschland zur Vorbereitung auf entwicklungspolitische Aufgaben ein quantitativ und qualitativ ausreichendes Angebot an RegelstudiengĂ€ngen, postuniversitĂ€ren Kursen und Praktika; das Angebot ist aber nicht genĂŒgend auf die berufliche EinfĂ€delung ausgerichtet. Viele NachwuchskrĂ€fte berĂŒcksichtigen in ihrer Karriereplanung nicht ausreichend, dass sie angesichts der sehr beschrĂ€nkten Möglichkeiten fĂŒr eine unbefristete TĂ€tigkeit in internationalen Organisationen ihre Ausbildung so anlegen mĂŒssen, dass sie auch in anderen Institutionen im In- und Ausland Berufschancen haben. Das Ausbildungsangebot der höheren Schulen und Hochschulen sollte durch ein frĂŒhzeitiges Angebot der beruflichen Beratung flankiert werden. Dabei sollten Schulen und Hochschulen eng mit dem auf diesem Gebiet erfahrenen BĂŒro FĂŒhrungskrĂ€fte zu Internationalen Organisationen (BFIO) der Zentralstelle fĂŒr Arbeitsvermittlung (ZAV) zusammenarbeiten. Die Instrumente der internationalen Personalpolitik Deutschlands auf der Ebene des mittleren, höheren und Spitzenmanagements sollten durch ein Instrument der Förderung des Aufstiegs von NachwuchskrĂ€ften ergĂ€nzt werden, das unmittelbar an das Programm Beigeordnete SachverstĂ€ndige zu Internationalen Organisationen (BS-Programm, ein Nachwuchsförderungsprogramm der Bundesregierung) anschlieĂt. Das BS-Programm sollte aufgestockt werden. Gleichzeitig sollten die in den Organisationen der Vereinten Nationen (VN) und der EuropĂ€ischen Union (EU) tĂ€tigen Deutschen durch den Aufbau von Korrespondenzstrukturen in den deutschen Fachressorts, durch eine noch intensivere Betreuung seitens der StĂ€ndigen Vertretungen und durch die Förderung des Aufbaus von Netzwerken stĂ€rker an Deutschland gebunden und mit der deutschen entwicklungspolitischen Agenda vertraut gemacht werden
Helping young German professionals to join international development organizations: opportunities, shortcomings and reform needs
German public servants are not appropriately represented in many international organizations. With these organizations increasingly using internal promotion to fill their management posts, the Federal German Government should do more to help young professionals and change from a reactive to a proactive, strategically oriented personnel policy for Germans in international organizations. At the same time, the general conditions for returning professionals should be improved.Germany has enough high-quality undergraduate and post-graduate courses and internships to prepare young professionals for work in the development field, but they are not sufficiently geared to occupational integration.Many young professionals fail to take adequate account in their career planning of the need, given the very limited number of permanent posts in international organizations, so to structure their training that they also have job prospects in other institutions at home and abroadThe training provided by secondary schools and universities should be backed by the early provision of careers guidance. In this, schools and universities should cooperate closely with the BĂŒro FĂŒhrungskrĂ€fte zu Internationalen Organisationen (Office for Managers in International Organizations â BFIO) of the Zentralstelle der Arbeitsvermittlung (Central Employment Agency â ZAV).The instruments of Germany's international personnel policy at middle, higher and top management levels should be complemented by an instrument to promote the advancement of young professionals that follows on directly from the programme of Beigeordnete SachverstĂ€ndige zu Internationalen Organisationen (Experts Assigned to International Organizations, or BS Programme, a Federal Government programme that assists young professionals).The BS Programme should be expanded. At the same time, Germans working in the United Nations (UN) agencies and European Union (EU) institutions should be linked more closely to Germany and familiarized with the German development agenda through the installation of counterpart structures in the relevant German government departments, through even closer attention from the Permanent Representatives and through the promotion of the development of networks