2,109 research outputs found

    A percep??o de professores do ensino b?sico sobre uma atividade did?tica com o conte?do de pH a ser aplicada em uma sala de aula com aluno surdo.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ensino de Ci?ncias, Instituto de Ci?ncias Exatas e Biol?gicas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.Com o in?cio e crescimento da discuss?o sobre a Educa??o Inclusiva, a Qu?mica, como uma ci?ncia abstrata, se mostrou um desafio ainda maior para professores. Assim, nos debru?amos no presente trabalho na constru??o de uma atividade did?tica experimental de car?ter investigativo sobre o tema pH para ser trabalhada em sala de aula com alunos surdos. Sob a vis?o de professores do Ensino B?sico, discutiu-se a validade da aplica??o dessa atividade em sala de aula e sua contribui??o para uma aprendizagem mais eficaz dos alunos surdos. A pesquisa realizada ? de natureza qualitativa e seguiu o seguinte percurso: escolha do tema; constru??o da atividade; elabora??o de uma cartilha para os professores; coleta de dados por meio de um question?rio on-line com perguntas abertas e fechadas; e uma roda de conversa tamb?m on-line. Os dados foram discutidos com o aporte da an?lise de conte?do. No total, 15 professores de institui??es p?blicas e privadas de Minas Gerais responderam ao question?rio. Como resultado, tem-se que73,3% dos participantes j? tiveram alunos surdos em sala e 60% n?o se sentem preparados para trabalhar com alunos com defici?ncia. Al?m disso, ouviram-se cr?ticas, sugest?es, dificuldades e obst?culos dos professores para, desta forma, validar a proposta feita. Assim, 85% dos respondentes disseram que a cartilha proposta trouxe informa??es relevantes para sua atua??o profissional e 64% informaram que trouxe novas informa??es. Diferentes temas tamb?m foram apontados, como: forma??o continuada; despreparo ao sair da gradua??o; maior presen?a dos alunos com defici?ncia na rede p?blica de ensino; e a dificuldade dos professores de institui??es privadas em trabalhar com estes alunos. Para 93,3% dos professores que participaram da pesquisa a atividade proposta ? v?lida no trabalho com alunos surdos. Diante disso, buscou-se fomentar as pesquisas na ?rea de inclus?o de surdos na Qu?mica, acreditando que trabalhos como este possam incentivar a presen?a dos alunos com defici?ncia no Ensino B?sico regular, bem como colaborar com os professores que buscam apoio e forma??o para atuar de forma efetiva por uma Educa??o Inclusiva.With the beginning and growth of the discussion on Inclusive Education, Chemistry, as an abstract science, proved to be an even greater challenge for teachers. Thus, we focus on the present work in the construction of an experimental didactic activity of an investigative character on the pH theme to be worked on in the classroom with deaf students. According to the view of Basic Education teachers, the accuracy of the application of this activity in the classroom and its contribution to a more effective learning of deaf students was discussed.The research carried out is of a qualitative nature and was used the following path: choice of theme; construction of the activity; elaboration of a booklet for teachers; data collection through an online questionnaire with discursive and multiple choice questions; and an online conversation group. The data were discussed with the contribution of the content analysis. In total, 15 teachers from public and private institutions in Minas Gerais answered the questionnaire. As a result, 73.3% of the participants have already had deaf students in their classroom and 60% do not feel prepared to work with students with disabilities. In addition, criticism, suggestions, difficulties and obstacles from teachers were heard in order to validate the proposal. Thus, 85% of respondents said that the proposed booklet brought relevant information to their professional performance and 64% reported that it brought new information. Different topics were also pointed out, such as: continuing education; unpreparedness when leaving graduation; greater presence of students with disabilities in the public school system; and the difficulty of teachers from private institutions in working with these students. For 93.3% of the teachers who participated of the research, the proposed activity is valid when working with deaf students. Therefore, we sought to encourage research in the area of inclusion of deaf people in Chemistry, believing that works like this can encourage the presence of students with disabilities in regular Basic Education, as well as collaborate with teachers who seek for support and training to act effectively for Inclusive Education

    Quantification of methylmercury and geochemistry of mercury in sediments from a contaminated area of Descoberto (MG), Brazil.

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    In 2002, metallic Hg was found buried in a rural area of Descoberto city, Brazil. The origin of the Hg was a gold mining explotation plant established nearly one century ago. Although a number of studies have been conducted in order to assess the contamination of the area, none of them investigated the presence of methylated Hg in the hydric system. In this work methylmercury (CH3Hg?) was determined using gas chromatography-pyrolysis-atomic fluorescence detection (CG-pyro-AFS) in material from rain sedimentation boxes and stream sediments near the contaminated area. Total Hg concentration (HgT) along with the chemical speciation by thermo-desorption were performed. HgT in material from the sedimentation boxes was found to be very high, up to 41,580 mg kg 1, even in the rainy season, when in general HgT were much lower than in dry season. The samples from the Grama and Rico streams show a range of HgT from 5.8 to 266 mg kg 1. The thermo-desorption analysis showed predominance of Hg2?, possibly linked to organic sulfur, suggested by a good positive correlation between Hg2?, HgT, organic mater (OM) and total S. The CH3Hg? concentration in stream sediment samples ranged from <0.07 to 1.87 mg kg 1 and in the samples of sedimentation boxes the concentrations were 1.33 and 8.0 mg kg 1 during dry season. The sample with the highest percentage of HgT as Hg2? (98%) presented also the highest percentage of CH3Hg? (0.7%). These are high values, showing that care should be taken to avoid the transport of this material to the hydrological system. Further studies on the transfer through the food chain would be very important

    Measuring access to medicines: a review of quantitative methods used in household surveys

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Medicine access is an important goal of medicine policy; however the evaluation of medicine access is a subject under conceptual and methodological development. The aim of this study was to describe quantitative methodologies to measure medicine access on household level, access expressed as paid or unpaid medicine acquisition.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Searches were carried out in electronic databases and health institutional sites; within references from retrieved papers and by contacting authors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Nine papers were located. The methodologies of the studies presented differences in the recall period, recruitment of subjects and medicine access characterization.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The standardization of medicine access indicators and the definition of appropriate recall periods are required to evaluate different medicines and access dimensions, improving studies comparison. Besides, specific keywords must be established to allow future literature reviews about this topic.</p